Please don’t give up !

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I have been on sertraline for many years .In May i had a major blip and my anxiety went through the roof. After going to see my doctor she doubled my dose, OMG i didnt know what had hit me, the first four weeks were horrendous to the point i couldnt eat or sleep, i lost a stone and half in weight. Summer of 2018 was basically a blur, but to cut a long story short i am finally back to my normal self . One word of advise please dont try and up your dose too quickly because it just doesnt work, patience does ......

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    sounds similar to me, have lost the same amount of weight. How long before you started to put some back on???

    i have major health anxiety and have convinced myself i have some form of cancer no matter what doctors tell me

    • Posted

      i lost weight initially...felt terrible for first few weeks, but then came weight gain...over a stone in a year! doc swapped me to low dose prozac...probs not quite enough as ive noticed anxiety coming out in more stressful situations. lost a couple of pounds but not enough. still, being a bit overweight is preferable to chronic anxiety.

    • Posted

      I am the same with health anxiety. I have only just started to put weight back on in the last 2 weeks.

  • Posted

    i agree...very gradual is best. i upped by 25mg each time and waited 2-3 weeks before upping again. that way, i knew when i'd reached the right dose for me (when i felt normal ALL the time)

  • Posted

    hello, what dose are you on now? When did you start your new dose? Do you feel 100% back to normal?

    • Posted

      I was originally on 50 then went to 100 then 125 then 150 but felt worse, so went back down to 125. In total it took 17 weeks for me to feel 100% myself again.

    • Posted

      how long were you on 50 mg for? if you dont mind me asking, why are you on Zoloft? thank you

  • Posted

    I was on 50mg for at least 5 years probably longer, I am on sertraline for severe hypochondriasis/ health anxiety. This drug takes time to stabilise in your system but when it does you will gradually see the benefits.

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