Please help!!
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Im 41 and found out last March that I have several fibroids. One is the size of a softball! I have heavy bleeding with huge blood clots that sometimes lasts 2 weeks. I also have breakthrough bleeding some months. I am on a low hormone birth control pill. They are taking over my life! I am a teacher and have to constantly leave my classroom to change my tampon and pad. Sometimes I'm changing them every hour. I also feel some pressure/heaviness in my lower abdomen. Sometimes I don't even want to leave my house. I'm starting to get depressed. I've done several things to try and help. I've lost almost 40 lbs, I drink ACV daily, I take milk thistle, DIM plus, fibroid supplement, ginger root capsules, iron pills, and have eliminated meat, sugar, dairy, carbs. I haven't noticed any changes yet and it's been 5 months. What else can I do?? Please help!
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bernie22699 Mzmays1