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Hi Everyone, Does anyone here have any experience/knowledge of spinal arthritis in the lower back? I feel pain and crunching noise/feeling. Doctor says it coming from my hip, which has moderate arthritis but I'm not convinced. Thank you

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5 Replies

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    I had exactly the same thing.  Thought it was my lower back/spine grinding when I turned over in bed.  I went to a physio with what I thought was groin strain and when I turned over on the couch, my back made the grinding noise and I joked about my spine being the next thing to fall apart.  He had his hand on my hip at the time and said he felt it was coming from my hip, not my spine at all, and that my 'groin strain' was probably related to the grinding.  I went for an x-ray the next week and was found to have arthritis in my hip.  I was shocked as it really felt like my spine and still does when I turn over in bed.  

    • Posted

      Hi themoon66, Thank you for your reply, did you have the pain as well with the crunching? Do you have arthritis in your hips?


  • Posted

    Hi Wainright22,

    I think my whole body is riddled with arthritis. Went to a neurosurgeon a few years back with bad headaches and was diagnosed with arthritis of the neck and spine. Was told there wasn't much that could be done and to just live with it.  Acupuncture and physio plus drugs would be the way to go. Trouble is with some of the drugs you end up with major stomach upsets. Anyway the acupuncturist recommended a stretching method called makko-ho which is a 10 mins series of stretches I do 3 times a week and doing this  I find I've given up all medication. At the same time I was having difficulty with my hip and was doing the recommended stretches for that as well. Someone recommended spending time on a recumberant bike and since then all pain has diminished. I also spend 3 days doing 20 mins interval training on one of these at the gym. I don't know how this has improved my pelvic area/hip area but I guess that the exercising has strengthened both sets of muscles in the pelvis and consequently eased the pressure on the joints. I am 70 and the thought of having to put up with this chronic pain was pretty terrible. I am now virtually painfree and medication free. I am a great believer in sourcing as much information as you can about your condition and trying to fix it as really don't believe the medical profession has all the answers.

    • Posted

      Many thanks Kate.. Could you point me in direction of these exercises? I cannot tolerate drugs and at wits end with all of this
  • Posted

    Hi Wainright,

    Go to You Tube and check out Makko-Ho. It is a form of Shiatso massage. There are a variety of stretches shown. I do the ones with legs folded and heals touching and always against a wall. 2nd one with legs stretched out in front and the third one with legs apart. These are to be done quickly and with each stretch I count and I bend as that forces me to breathe out.

    I do 20 of each of the three then repeat 3 times. When I first start I can bend slightly but at the end of the series I have my head right down near my feet. I can feel muscles in my legs, back and neck stretching during this process. If you can't bend your legs then just do the ones with legs stretched out and apart. Prior to these excercises I was travelling with a hard rubber ball and constantly using on my back at a wall somewhere in the world. Now I have no need for anything else and I have to admit it constantly amazes me what a simple system this is and the excellent results I get.

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