Please help!!!
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I am 50 yrs old, I still get my period every month. Lately I have been experiencing diarrhea in the mornings only, lots of painful gas through out my belly, lower back pain, and very sore nipples. Anybody else experiencing any of these symptoms? Please tell me I am not alone😥.
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Nancy2121 maria81238
Hi're NOT alone at all! Although I am currently 11 months with no period, a couple of years ago, those were some of the earliest symptoms. Once I FINALLY figured out what was happening to my mind and body, things got much better.
Went through years of suffering, gall bladder scan, thyroid byopsy, colonoscopy and physical therapy. All negative, and now I know it was ALL peri menopause which started when I was about 40. I'll be 50 in December.
Still bloated and gassy most every day. My thought is that it will get better when your cycles stop. I've joined a couple other forums. There are women who say there are better days to come. Just knowing you're not alone is huge! Hope this helps. Hugs
Bassilli Nancy2121
maria81238 Nancy2121
Thank you Nancy2121 for respondind. It really gives me peace of mind knowing I am not alone💜.
Nancy2121 Bassilli
Nancy2121 maria81238
You're so welcome! This forum has been a life safer. I have more hope than ever. Hugs!
Bassilli Nancy2121
Nancy2121 Bassilli
Any time, sister! 😉
may69987 maria81238
Hi Maria I m 42 and i have regular period but long and light ,I think I’ve been in Peri atlease 2 years the past two months I do Experiance new symptoms beside my other symptoms which is diarrhea too and close to my period my nippls get sore so I guess it is normal due to hormones 😊your not alone