Please help

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I need help, I don't drink every day but I do drink most nights, I can consume a bottle of wine on my own no problem, when I'm out I swam to not be able to say right enough is enough I'm going home. My husband doesn't like me drinking because I turn into a totally different person! I even smoke I gave up 3 years ago, I've even occasionally done wreckrilational drugs ( it's not spelt like that I know) I've also kissed other people and not come home until 6 in the morning! I've never done more than kissing but I genuinely think I have an underpaying issue! Please help

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I tend to be my own worse enemy
  • Posted

    Hello.  Have you discussed your problem with alcohol, with a Doctor ?

    You have realised that there is a problem, now you have to decide what to do about it.  There are different medications to help.

    I wish you Good Luck on your journey to recovery.

    Alonangel 🎇

  • Posted

    Well done for realising that you need help and that you can't carry on like this.

    The best thing is to see your GP, be honest about your drinking and say that you need help.

    One think you might do in the meantime is keep a written record of how much you drink each day and see if you can slowly cut that down. It is generally very dangerous to stop drinking completely all of a sudden. However, if you don't drink everyday it may be that you are not yet addicted. In which case you are lucky.

    You might also want to identify the triggers to your drinking.

    There are a number of treatment options and this site has lots of helpful information.

    But you do need medical help, because alcohol use disorder as it is called is a medical condition. Either your GP or local alcohol services if you can self refer. And best to go armed with information from this site.

    I wish you well

  • Posted

    "wreckreational" drugs is a PERFECT spelling for what drugs and alcohol do to us...they "wreck us".

    I know what a bummer it is to be dissapointing people and letting them down....and yourself down.

    I know what it is like to have quit smoking and then start again sad.

    All bad stuff....set yourself a goal...ultimately it is NOT your husband or anyone else you have to MAKE fact you can't make anyone else happy.  

    Focus on a goal....and if you have trouble stopping on your own...there are 2 drugs I am aware of that you can be able to drink (but makes you drink less) and I take Campral to stop alcohol cravings...and Campral works wonders for me.

    I was the type of alcoholic that everytime I drink lately, I end up drinking for days on end from morning to night....and always end up in hospital before I am willing to stop.

    Glad you found us...

    • Posted

      I Defo need to speak to someone, my parents are a very good support system and my husband would leave me if he knew to the full extent. I don't drink everyday because my husbands here if he wasn't I would. I had a huge problem with drugs years ago but stopped and now when I do go out around once a month I tend to want to stay later, drink more and smoke, and also if there is drugs about I won't say no! Isit a case that I'm not strong willed enough or do I actually have a issue! I have started to sips out of bottles when people don't look and i do stuff like not come home when drunk! Go to a house party whatever! I feel like such a blinking let down!
  • Posted

    I Defo need to speak to someone, my parents are a very good support system and my husband would leave me if he knew to the full extent. I don't drink everyday because my husbands here if he wasn't I would. I had a huge problem with drugs years ago but stopped and now when I do go out around once a month I tend to want to stay later, drink more and smoke, and also if there is drugs about I won't say no! Isit a case that I'm not strong willed enough or do I actually have a issue! I have started to sips out of bottles when people don't look and i do stuff like not come home when drunk! Go to a house party whatever! I feel like such a blinking let down!
    • Posted

      Generally speaking, stopping or getting in control of drinking has nothing to do with will power. You are not weak willed or a let down. But you do have a problem. There are medical answers, see info on this site about detox, the Sinclair method and campral.

  • Posted

    Thanks to everyone's reply! My husband left earlier today, so I don't know how I feel about that I'm more disappointed in myself than anything but I have spoken to a doctor and I will be seeing her tomorrow! X
    • Posted

      Hope the doc can help you out, let us know how it goes, Georgewright!
    • Posted

      Doctor has referred me to mental health nurse! Hopefully he can get to the bottom of what's really bothering me! I have no idea!

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