Please help, at my wits end
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Hello, I just want some help with something that's been bugging me the last 6 months... I feel like I'm being pulled down to one side when I walk And I get light headed quite a lot.. this sparked off some serious anxiety problems (which I thought was causing the dizziness) but I've beaten the anxiety for the most part but the dizziness has remained .. I got a migraine yesterday and have been even dizzier and jolt awake quite a lot in the night .. I have no idea what could be causing this.. I can't stand for longer than 5 mins without feeling like I'm about to fall to the side .. can anyone help?
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gillian76726 rachelmarie24
rachelmarie24 gillian76726
gillian76726 rachelmarie24
SJWHEA rachelmarie24
I hope you are feeling better. May I suggest that you don't take the stemitil unless you are really having uncontrolable anxiety, nausea that you cannot get under control or vomiting issues. If this dizziness (feeling you are leaning to one side or the feeling you my fall) is all you have, I would have to agree with gillian76726, you probably have some lose crystals is you inner ear that need to be put back by seeing a PT that specializes in dizziness and balance issues. A great over the counter pill for dizziness issues is Meclizine.
These types of health issues are not easy to diagnose, so be patient but not afraid to speak up to your doctor in getting what you think may help you. Whatever you are doing to get your anxiety under control, keep doing it, as it is healthier for you to try natural ways (meditation, yoga, etc...).
I have been working with my GP in trying to find the under laying cause and have had CT's, PT, and getting ready to get an MRI. Most of their testing is to rule out other serious causes (blockage of blood flow to the brain, clogged arteries, etc...) that do not involve the inner ear. The PT I seen the other day did a treatment called Epley; and it helped to relieve some of the dizziness I was experience, but it also took away the pressure I had in my left ear. She has said that it does sound like I have some lose crystals and this treatment is the best way to get them back where the belong.
Hope you get some answers soon and start feeling better. Keep strong and hopeful, but most importantly be safe in all you do.
linda95289 rachelmarie24
You may have read a couple of my contributions and learned that I have had this for around 24 years....I really hope you don't have to endure what I have. There isn't a magic cure although some people find relief from the epley manoeuvre applied to them a few times.
I am attending a hospital appointment next week as I have had some new symptoms and it freaked me out I have to say. Will post if anything comes from it.
Good luck my friend
alicia1201 linda95289
sorry to hear you have had this for that long. horrible. I thought 3 and a half years was bad. how have you coped?
I just researched something called Upper Cervical Care which is a gentle chiropractic on vertigo, etc... I have tried everything out there and my next step is this. hopefully I will get good results. at the end of my rope.
hoping you will find the solution,
gillian76726 rachelmarie24
alicia1201 rachelmarie24
I have seen an Optometrist about my dizziness too and she said that the Vestibular thing definately causes your eyes to go off balance making your whole body go off. eyes along with inner ears and brain all work together to keep us balanced.
When I'm watching the screen and something moves on the screen, it throws my balance off. eg.
scarey stuff
emma93780 rachelmarie24
laurence76206 rachelmarie24
I have exactly what you describe, with veering/pulling over to the left, lightheaded, migraine, jolting awake when sleeping. Like you I have overcome the anxiety but did suffer for the first 6 months with this whilst various tests were carried out to rule out more sinister stuff. I am now 13 months into the illness which was diagnosed as Vestibular Neuritis (VN). I feel there has been some small imrpovement and am carrying out the VRT prescribed by my Physio, recently though I have suffered with a head cold which has set me back. I too also struggle to stand for long preiods of time and get severe neck ache which I hope can be sorted bny an Osteopath.
I do think the VRT exercises are very slowly helping me to regain my balance but it is a long slow process. Have you seen a Consultant and physio eyt?
I am not sure if you are in the UK but I have been seeing one of the top UK consultants for this type of condition (MR Rea) who is based in Leicester.
Anyway, I wish you all the best in your recovery.
dee50000 rachelmarie24
alicia1201 rachelmarie24
I have had problems with that feeling of gravity pulling me to one side for quite some time now. Are you getting so dizzy that you can't stand up or if you move your head the room will start to turn?
I have had many tests and they are not sure about Menieres, but I do have damage in my right ear. but no diagnosis. this drives me nuts.
my doc. thought it was positional vertigo but said it would go away after 2 weeks. it's been 3 and half years now. I make sure I am very hydrated. and hardly eat salt. it matters. everything I have read from the Cleveland Clinic or prestigious Hosp. says to take salt out and caffeine out of your diet. because it affects the fluid inside your inner ear.
I am a migraine sufferer too. over the last two years, noticed that I get very dizzy before and after my migraines now. weird. they say its vertigo migraine?? and I do jolt too. supposedly that's muscle contraction.
hope this helps. if you find out anything, please let me know
I'm going nuts too.