Please help been suffering for so long

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Hi guys I am James 26 year old male. I have posted on here before but I am struggling so much and my doctor is not willing to help me no more as he believes it is all mental however I know my own body and nothing seems to be working as it used to or as it should. I have many symptoms and feel like I am struggling to stay alive and that I am dying of a late stage disease. This may sound dramatic but I will explain why. I have been like this every single day for the last 8 months now. I am always extremely fatigued along with my body feeling really really hot. I feel confused and disconnected to point it feels like my brain is shutting down. I have been bedridden for months and cannot even drive anymore as always when driving feel like my body is drifting away. I am very intolerant to noise and my ears and nose is blocked even though there is nothing in there. I am constipated and my penis is dead to the point i do not get an erection anymore. My body is so weak that i literally cannot handle anything apart from sitting in bed. I always feel dizzy on my 2 foot and very disorientated. I do not know what to do anymore and live is starting to become a struggle instead of an enjoyment. My doctor does not want to help but could you guys please let me know what other tests I can do as I strongly believe I have cancer and i do not say this to offend anyone. Not even medicine works on my body and thats when i started to think something is serious. I love the sun and now i am intolerable to sun. I do not feel my body do not feel breeze hitting my skin. I do not feel adreline like my body literally has given up on me. At night i have very poor vision and i am mental confusion with no relief. I have lost all appetite and only eat because i have too. Below are the tests i have done.

Blood tests: thyroid function test, vitamin D level, serum ferritin, liver function test, urea & electrolytes, bone profile, ESR, Differential white cell count, full blood count, CRP, testosterone, cortisol, complement with C3 & C4, antinuclear antibodies - all normal.

Head MRI with contrast - all normal.

Chest CT scan with constrast - all normal.

Stomach CT scan with constrast - all normal.

Pelvis CT scan with constrast - all normal.

Nasoendoscopy - all normal.

Colonoscopy - all normal.

Endoscopy - all normal.

ultrasound of testicles - all normal.

ultrasound of urinary tract - all normal.

Chest xray - all normal.

Urine sample - all normal.

3x ECG - all normal.

8x blood pressure - all normal.

2x testicle examination.

2x anal examination.

Dentist check up - all normal.

Eye test - all normal.

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253 Replies

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    James I’m not sure there’s any test left. You have had them all. Even if there were more tests, i’m pretty sure you would still want more . if you’ve been suffering with the symptoms for the past eight months, then you don’t have anything that is terminal. it would have shown up in your testing and you would be extremely ill by now. Just because you have symptoms does not mean that you are sick!

    I truly feel that you have a severe depression going on combined with anxiety about your health. of course I cannot make a diagnosis but everything you say sounds exactly like that.

    being intolerant to noise, poor vision, constipation, feeling detached from your body, loss of appetite, confusion, fatigue, dizziness and any other symptoms I missed are extremely common with severe depression.

    All your testing was normal. That is a fact.

    what is happening is that you are believing false statements that your mind is sending out. What your mind is telling you is not based on fact or reality. It’s only based on emotion which is fear. You cannot count on that.

    Don’t believe everything that you think!

    you see you believe you have cancer. What would be the evidence? If you say it’s your symptoms, those are not proof of cancer. The proof would be in the tests that you had already had which were normal. Your mind is telling you cancer. But our thoughts are not based on reality. Remember that.

    by ruminating on all of this you are making the symptoms continue and get worse. You need some support with this .

    have You ever had counseling? you need that support right now. It really helps to vent to somebody who understands and who can help you. It’s very difficult to do on your own. That would be my suggestion. get the support otherwise you’re going to drive yourself crazy for no reason. feel better soon

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      take a look at therapy in a nutshell on YouTube. She gives some great short talks on what you are going through.

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      No i completely understand what you are saying but i do feel so ill. I literally cannot do anything. Yesterday I was taken to hospital in an ambulance as I collapsed. I drove 2 mins down the road and had to come back home as had a really weird sensation and as soon as i got home was having a bad out of body experience. I literally do not feel normal. The reason why I am scared it is cancer is because my ears are clogged and find it hard to breath through nose. Also my body so weak I am intolerant to alcohol and cigarette. To top all this off no medication works for me or gives me relief. I have had 3 sessions of counselling and take citalpram but nothing is helping me.

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      james i wish I had an extensive workup such as yourself. your probably having anxiety. I have the some of the same symptoms. I wake up with a sense of dread from my stomach to my extremities. Its been pretty much constant since May and 24/ this past month. I feel like I am dying. I too also pretty much bed ridden. Im going to try to make my self do things like go on a small walk. i fear passing out because i feel so light headed the thing is I havent passed out thats what im going to tell my self as I go for a walk. just 10 mins. i have body pains everywhwre in my body.

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      Hey Tiffany thank you for the reply. It is such a crazy feeling if you do not mind me asking what symptoms are you suffering from and what tests have you done?

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      the number one mental symptom i have is I dont feel like myself. Im either dying or going main phyical symptoms .are shortness of breath, lightheaded, body aches and tingling. extreme fatigue. other symptoms come and go but these kind of stay the same. i wake up with a gut wrneching doom that something dreadful is happening. i have no appetite or thirst only eat and drink because i have too. i have only have a chest xray and basic blood work. and ekgs. ALL NORMAL. my dr will not do anything else and referred me to therapy. said its anxiety. Im a shell of what I was and I cant shake this feeling that im.dying. I have no sex drive as well. I just went on a 10 min walk and felt lightheaded the whole time but didnt pass out. I litterally stay in my bed 22 hours a day. I too doubt its anxiety but if its anxiety why doesnt it stop. my biggest fears is collapsing over dead currently worried about a blood clot. because of the aches in my leg. also have pain in my left shouldder and chest and worry it could be a pulmonary embolism. ive lost 10 lbs in a month and the back my head i fear cancer as well. I wish I could just feel normal again. i wish you could too. I started therapy this week the first appt. was just intake so nothing of value. I hope you feel better soon. im.going to try and make my self do things each day and force myself out of bed you should too.

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      This is the thing why are we suffering 24/7 it is just crazy and makes me thing if there is no break is it something else. I literally cannot remember anymore. Sometimes i do sit and think i have had alot of high end testing so surely that makes count for something but i do not do anything that i used too and i used to be very active. I just do not like how it is pinned of anxiety when they do not find anyhting. end of day we know our bodies and cancer can happen anywhere in the body.

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      yes mine is 24/7. i wake up drenched in sweat throughojt the night. however I have been around someone that was terminal and they didnt even have enough energy to be fearful or type. and its quick and progressive. so i hope that brings you some hope... it doesnt last 8 months but weeks. I wish I could just get one good day though and not feel this way your extensive workup should bring you a little peace that you do not have a terminal illness. Im going to get up and make my self get out of bed everyday for the next week. ill update you daily if it helps any as well as do positive Affirmations. if its anxiety im living to die and i dont want to live like this any more. all i think about is dying and death being around the corner.

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      yeah same and i also do wake up sweating and feel clammy throughout the day. That is what worries me like i am so fatigued that i have no energy, adrenline or fear because body just no working. And yeah a part of me is happy as doc says that would of defo picked up something if i was late stage but the worrying thing is you could have cancer anywhere in the body. At night is the worst as the vision just does not seem right and i never remember falling asleep real strange. Yeah we can both update each other daily i will also try going on walks starting tomorrow. If you do not mind me asking how old are you?

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      if the dr has assured you they would pick up anything late stage then please be rest assured. until you have late stage cancer you dont usually feel sick. its usually contained to abnormal lump, a tumor that hasnt spread.

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      thank you jjust worrying cant go out or on holiday. such a weird feeling is your ears or nose clogged?

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      Yes they are. do you feel unually cold. I live in Texas and cant stand the heat and normally keep my ac on 69 at 72 im freezing my feet and hands are ice cold. yet ill wake up sweating even though im cold..

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      So I went for the 10 min walk. I got up and i actually cooked something for dinner forced myself to eat it and drink. im now forcing myself to lay on the couch instead of the bed to be a part of the household. I feel worse and super empty inside and more disconnected from my self. my mind is trying to go to my fears of dying. im going go continue to push through it though.

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      well done that is really good. i am just scared to do anything. last night woke up at 4am left arm hurting and bad vision in one eye. i honestly do not know what to do. i can not even call doctor as he will refer me to a mental health doctor

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      also i am completely disconnected from my body as feel like i am in survival mode instead of alive. have you tried contacting your doctor again?

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      my dr referred me to mental health. i too have had a bad night. i feel horrible

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      I ve been having shortness of breath amd the dreaded feeling. I just dont understand what this could be.. I dont understand how this is anxiety. I have a pulse oximeter that I wear often and last night and this morning it kept droping to 93 when my normal is 97. Im freaking out!! I seriously feel like im going to die and the drs are missing something.

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      I am really sorry to hear and this is bull crap like honestly what if we just drop dead then what will doctors do? it is not normal to be ill this long? Nothing feels comfortable anymore i literally have not moved today and had one small meal. My head feels empty and confused like i have dementia. I have clogged nose and ears with no relief. My body feels numb and have erectile dysfunction. I get really bad pains around my body. I have lost muscle. I am so weak cannot even tense my bicep. I have constipation. I cannot feel urge when to go toilet. I do not even feel that sense of adrenaline or anxiety that is how i know it is something serious. i am always clammy and hot and i do not even remember how to fall asleep anymore. family thinks i am fine only because of test results but they see how i spend my day. medicine does not even work on body. my body twitches when i am trying to fall asleep it is ridiculous. Monday i am going to call doctor but i know he is going to talk about mental qhich is not cool. I know people with mental health and yh they are in bad conditions but not bed ridden.

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      Also have 2 bruised toe nails out of no where that i did not do as never go out or wear shoes anymore

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      i just wish dying would get out of my head...I cant shake it at all. I do not feel like myself and I wish I could be my normal active self. Its getting me depressed. Its like Im obsessed with death. Do you have a feeling of dread, like you just been hit with the worse news ever that is gut wrenching? Im so scared my family thinks its all in my head. I have 3 small children to take care of and Im barely do that. Im not ready to die. Ive been like this since the end of may. 2 months I cant imagine being like this for 8. the 24/7 symptoms started after taking zoloft and I was stuck like this for 18 days. I stopped taking the zoloft and got a little bit back of me for 5 days and now im back like this for the last 12 days. before the 24/7 symptoms i was still very unwell but didnt have this sense of dread constantly living with me. I could still do stuff just very little. Are you on any meds? Im on none now. but how did your symptoms start? mine started with what i was told a panic attack on may 25. ive always had panic attacks from time to time bit as soon as the panic attack would end id feel better. After that one on may 25 th i never felt better and went to the ER where everything was normal, but i still couldnt shake the feeling that something was going on in my body. Have you had recent stress? Ive been dealing with stressful situation for about 2 years. in a custody battle for my oldest child. also my dad passed away in feb. I was some what depressed about it and of course anxious because of court but nothing like this. Nothing.

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      The thing is we would not have these thoughts if we felt normal. That is same as me I have been through worser stages in my life and have never felt like this. And the thing is even now i do not feel anxious and this is why i believe my body is shutting down. Medicine does not work i have tried headaches tablets, nasal spray, laxo nothing works. I am sorry to hear about your father. I went through a breakup about 10 months ago but i do not think it is related. My head constantly feels like it is going to black out. I just cannot believe all my tests come out with flying colours but reason i want more tests is because blood tests does not show everything. i do not live my house becasue the 4 times that i have i have to be rushed home.

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      The thing is we would not have these thoughts if we felt normal. That is same as me I have been through worser stages in my life and have never felt like this. And the thing is even now i do not feel anxious and this is why i believe my body is shutting down. Medicine does not work i have tried headaches tablets, nasal spray, laxo nothing works. I am sorry to hear about your father. I went through a breakup about 10 months ago but i do not think it is related. My head constantly feels like it is going to black out. I just cannot believe all my tests come out with flying colours but reason i want more tests is because blood tests does not show everything. i do not live my house becasue the 4 times that i have i have to be rushed home.

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      i got up and walked again for 10 min. felt ok while doing it. still have this dreadful feeling and it consumes me. forced my self to eat something. I want to feel better so bad. I feel so lost and afraid.

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      What is your next plan of action? I try to force myself to walk but i struggle just walking around the house. Do you ever feel like you are drifting in and out of conscious?

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      james please get out and try a 5 to 10 min walk... i too get up and around the house its not the same. let the sun give you some vitamin D walk around your house thats what I did. just try. I cant say its helping much cause i still feel like s**t. I have therapy that im going to do this week. Im going to try to treat it as if its anxiety and if its not then I guess i wont get better. im worried its not. my heart rate drops into the 40s. Does yours.?

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      yeah i will start from tomorrow thank you for the motivation. I just get scared that i pass out. I have also done 3 sessions of therapy but it has not helped. Yes i also have a slow heart rate and the thing is with anxiety our heart rate should be high. I know this sounds weird but when you have a hot drink like coffee or tea does it make you feel weird like you going to pass out?

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      yes i feel like im going to pass out even after eating. I dont drink coffee or tea because ive im caffeine sensitive. how low does your heart rate go.? i feel like im going to pass out all the time but i never do. I urge you to walk today outside infront or back of your house. im currently dealing with a massive pain in left shoulder area and left arm. im unsure if its a pinched nerve but its pretty painful.

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      take the walk today when you dont pass out tell your self i didnt pass out. nothing to be scared of. the first day i did it i felt horrible. yesterday the whole time i told myself you did jt the day before and didnt pass out and u actually felt ok doing it. if anything it helped stretch and use the muscles i havent been using due to being bed ridden. gave me a little energy.

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      yeah it is really scary and literally i only eat because i have to. My heart rate goes as low as 40 too. yeah we probably have a lot of pinched nerves due to being bed ridden. okay cool that helped with your energy levels i will do the same thank you. Do you have problems with night vision? also do you feel like you have no adraline or emotion in your body? Like even when i cry just feels like i will pass out too.

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      i feel pretty much numb to most emotions. crying makes my lightheaded and head symptoms so much worse. the thing is ive always had anxiety and if i was ever in this state as i am now i would have a panic attack that would send me into a frenzy, however im not having panic. and this anxiety or whatecer it is is 24/7. it didnt really give my body a lot of energy. more of my mind. but i honestly felt better the 2nd time doing it. maybe its the natural vitamin D. i didnt walk fast and the first time i did feel like i was going to pass out the whole time. the next time not so much because i told myself u didnt pass out last time. please do it today and let me know how you feel. i had my first appointment with therapist last week but you know first appointments are just intake. etc. has therapy helped any? maybe? i want to be better so bad!!

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      yes completely numb. Like even if a bear ran at me my body would not react. Okay cool i will let you know when back i am going to go now. No has not helped at all. I would love to blame anxiety but it is not anxiety. in the past when i have had anxiety i can feel it in my bones and body. I believe we have an underlying health issue. Why would anxiety make us dizzy after we eat? why would it make us feel like we are struggling to stay alive? why it would makes us feel sooooo tired even after sleeping for hours? I know i keep going back to it but i believe it is some sort of cancer that is eaten away at my body. I am one who has always been scared of docs and hospitals but now spend alot of time there without choice.

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      just checking on having extreme shortness of breath. I went on walk...only could do 5 min. the shortness of breath is really bothering me it hurts to breath. felt really lightheaded the whole time but was feeling really bad before walk anyways. Did you decide to go for walk?

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      What do you mean by shortness of breath? as in your nose in blocked? I started and came straight back home as was too dizzy and my vision perception is so weird nothing feels real. I will try again tomorrow. Is your vision different to what you are used to and is your ears constantly ringing/blocked?

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      my shortness of breath feels like im not getting in a good breath like im going to pass out and my heart isnt keeping up with my oxygen needs. my nose is clogged and my ears especially on one side. i just feel so hopeless at this point. im tired of it all. my vision is wonky especially in the same side my nose and ear is clogged. its terrible makes me feel dizzy.

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      yeah i am exactly the same this is so strange. Basically our bodies are out of sync. The thing I do not understand is nose blocked is a sign body is fighting some sort of infection. Worst thing is I do not have any boogies in my nose and its all like white sticky bits. sorry for the info. Yes very dizzy i hate getting up after laying down as feel like going to pass out. I am going to call my doc tomorrow.

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      hust checkinf on you. i had therapy this morning. I asked the therapist if shes ever had a client whos had 24/7 anxiety and she said no. i called my dr this week and she refused to do anymore tests although ive barely had any and said it just anxiety. im loosing weight and im withering away. I cant take this feeling that im dying everyday i live with it every second! what about you? i just feel so lost and afraid.

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      Hey Tiffany sorry to get involved but I saw you say that your therapist said it is not normal to suffer 24/7 and mine said the same thing to me. Something is defo wrong with me I have just made a post on here to see if I can get some advice. I similarly have my doctor who is saying nothing more he can do which hurts as I am listening dancing on deaths door.

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      im so tired of feeling like im on the verge of death. I want to live! I want to feel normal again im so tired of feeling this way. If therapist says no one shes heard of suffers 24/7 how can it be anxiety? I see a psychologist on thursday i will let you know what they say.

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      I just do not understand how doctors turn around young people who are literally bedridden. That is so heartless and just does not give me hope, goes to show how evil the world is

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      hi Tiffany I'm the exact same. Been this way for 4 years now. its a terrible illness and possible in my book one of the worst a human can experience. heart races most of the time, agitated, depressed, can barely go on a walk or do the most basic of tasks. i am over life at this point. have been on numerous medications and therapy and nothing is helping.

      i am going to try CBD oil and see if that provides any relief. i hope you find some answers cause its no life being like this.

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      hey mike just wanted to ask what are your symptoms head to toe? & do you suffer 24/7?

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      hi Adam yes every single day for the past 4 years. i get racing heart, cold/hot flashes, insomnia, shaking, headaches, agitated on edge, sweating, negative thoughts there is heaps. all down to something wrong with the brain. i dont want to be here anymore i am beyond tired and nothing fixes it.

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      have you tried any meds? I cant imagine living like this for much longer and its only been 2 months for me. Do you feel like your dying? I feel like i have a dreaded pit in my stomach constantly that something is terribly wrong.

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      hi Tiffany, about 5 different SSRIs. use Ativan as needed to give me some relief. Can barely sleep and feel awful all day. i like to think it gets better but i have doubts as it feels far to significant to just heal. just got to manage as best you can.

      ive come to accept now if something happens it happens. i dont want to live another 10-20 yesrs like this. its just awful. hope you find relief somewhere. its an awful illness.

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      it is an aweful illness. is this really anxiety? Or something more sinister. ive always had health anxiety and panic. never did i have anything last 24/7. my an hour or 2 tops during a panic attack. my dr refuses to do anything but basic blood work to even ease my mind. I love with fear every single second of every single day. I cant live my life like this? how long did you try the medication for? zoloft made me worse! im still open to try as I want it gone!

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      absolutely dreadful. its definitely anxiety. i have had so many tests and scans done over the years they are always all clear. been on medication for 4 years since getting and on various ones prozac, zoloft, fluoxetine, citalopram. they help if you are a littlr depressed but for anxiety i have found them useless. im on Mirtazapine at the moment and really depressed so not working at al.

      They take 6-8 weeks to work and side effects will be there due to your body experiencing something new to its system. I have been through absolute hell you are stronger than you know. the medication is at least worth trying if its going to give you some functionality back.

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      anything is better than this at this point im damn there bed ridden!! ive a prisoner to my own body and mind. i truely feel sorry that you have dealt with it this long. I am 34 year old mother to 3 and im letting my kids down. i cant even take care of myself let alone them! I live with this fear that im dying. that i going to leave them and my body is just damn useless at this point. I want to play with them. i want to watch tv with them but im so lightheaded and woozy when im standing.

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      So sorry to hear Tiffany. especially that having kids requires all your energy i can only imagine. Im 30 and still with my supportive folks as i can barely look after myself as well, but them helping is amazing. you need any bit of support you can get with this its just pure hell. i get up to do exercise but feel like passing out and woozy due to my heart going a million mile an hour. do you have any issues sleeping?

      i feel like i died when i was 27. This anxiety just shows the world and how it functions is so wrong. Stay strong and keeping pushing for yourself and your kids. you will find something that helps.

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      have you got any lorazepam to help give you some relief here and there? just cant take it every day.

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      yes. it helps some with the dread feeling but honestly but much maybe need a higher dose.

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      sleeping. i feel tired but my mond doesnt let me sleep. and i wake up constsntly feeling like i cant breath!

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      suffer the exact same thing. i wake up after 1-2 hours with heart racing and its like this ever night. i just dont know what to do anymore.

      Just feels unreal that this is now my life. Pine for the days where there wasnt a care in the world about this anxiety and now it dominates every waking moment. just watch the weeks, months and years disappear.

      have you tried magnesium glycinate or L-Theanine?

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      no have you? do you believe in prayer ill pray for you and me both and if you believe please keep me in yours. have you had any good days? I want my life back!! How did yours start?

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      wow guys we all in the same boat. i never have any relief from any of my symptoms. yesterday i got up and almost dropped. i was watching a horror movie and a scene had so much suspense that my weak body couldnt handle it. i suffer from very similar symptoms to James the guy who started this post. all 24/7. i am seeing a private doctor on monday and we be asking for a list of all tests that check for all cancers. i am sure it is something sinister i feel like my body is dead but just about breathing. i used to be super sctive now im not i am adament this isnt anxiety as it is impossible for a psychological thing is affect you 24/7. i have blckages in my body for example my ears and i have change in bowel habits plus all the above. doctors say anxiety when they cant be bothered to help.

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      i dont feel its anxiety either! this cant be i am way to ill!! I just dont feel well at all mentally or physically. Its a nightmare. I hate it so much!

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      hey there, yeap not every night but yeap i do wake up heart racing and sweating. my hands and face are the worst. its awful. sometimes i leave a towel on the bed to save having to get up as its already hard enough moving with this s**t.

      how many hours a night sleep are you getting?

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      i lay in bed all day but dont sleep but 6 hours awoken every 2 hours. how the new drug working is it better. how long have u been on it

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      urghhh sorry its rough i too am in bed all day.. Mirtazapine after 5-6 weeks has stopped working doesnt help me sleep and is making me severely depressed. lorazepam is my only real help atm. how about you are you just on lorazepam?

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      inwas prescribed zoloft generic sertaline and lorazalam .50 prn. I took sertaline for 3 weeks was in a horrible state. worse than i am now. I believe it made me worse overall. i see psychologist for new meds on thurs. seeing therapist too. therapist said never heard of anyone with anxiety 24/7. at this point I dont even feel anxious anymore just doomed and death. How long did you take each med and which was the worse. what is your mirtazapine dosage have you upped jt and has it down anythung for sleep. ask your dr for klonopin for sleeping. my friend gave me one and I passed out! only took 1 half of a mg during the day. but woke up 3 hours later. lorazapam seems to take the butterfly/feeling of dread and my stomach less intense also lowers my hr a bit. but other than that im still in this state of i dont even know how to describe either going mad or dying thats all i know.

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      also has the mirtazapine done anything for your anxiety? i want to try natural remedies, have you tried any? wish there was a way to discuss outside this forum.

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      i am loosing hope in the SSRIs. So i went on Mirtazapine roughly 5-6 weeks ago. first 2 weeks felt like it took the edge off the anxiety. could sleep relatively well. knocked back the shortness of breath. but after 2-3 weeks the effects stopped working. now back to not being able to brethe and feel really down so need to get off them, plus now they dont help sleep either.

      im definitely the same. literally feels like any day is my last now. ive had enough to be honest. Got some Klonopin here i might try it again. i just wish we had answers. nobody has any. what year are we living in More and more people are suffering from this. its just crazy to me.

      ive heard Passionflower is helpful if you want to try the natural route.

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      been on a number of SSRIs prior to Mirtazapine. such as zoloft, prozac, fluoxetine they help the depression a little but not the anxiety

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      what about another class of antis. do you ever feel like your leggs or arms refuse to move like they are almost paralyzed and not getting signals? litterally my body is so useless!! Im really scared to try another drug but am going to..which was the worst for you so far?

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      there is some others i could try but i am already really weak and tired, so want to try and get some energy back first. yeap ive had so many symptoms over the years ive lost count of how many. the worst was Zoloft for me. Nausea, irritability and insomnia. never going back on it.

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      you exercise daily and still dont see a difference in your symptoms? im really worried this isnt anxiety. how.can anxiety make you feel so weak and ill. how can anxiety make you feel like death is lurking? what started your anxiety?.

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      yeap i exercise, not as much as i should but its just so hard due to the symptoms? its just horrid, i get out of bed and heart starts racing. doing the most simplest of tasks is an absolute struggle.

      Stress and hormones play hell with your body. basically your brain is on high alert and doesnt know whats safe anymore. its malfunctioned basically so it keeps releasing adrenaline all the time. on top of that your worries then add more adrenaline so it just goes round and round. i hate it, its not who i am. i feel like a slave to my brain. it truly does feel like your dying a slow death, but i think of it now if its meant to be so be it. i have no control over what my brain does anymore. Are you managing to do basic tasks during the day? Panic attack started mine off 4 years ago. how bout you?

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      i had been having more frequent panic attacks since giving birth. had a really bad one never fully recovered but still felt sane and normal. a month later i tried zoloft took one a night and never felt the same since. stopped taking it after 18 days 1 month later still dont feel good. I litterally feel like i have the flu times a million except no fever. Feel like im going to constantly pass out. chest feels tight. feel tired but brain goes into over drive thinking im going to die and every symptom imaginable scares me. Today has been rough. I barely get by to be honest. I am damn there bed ridden and only get up to feed and change kids and check on them. i have no appetite or thirst. but i force my self to eat. my body aches. i try going on walks about 10 to 15 min a day and I do the dishes. husband takes over when he gets home. I litterally feel like death i tell my husband and family im dying at this point they think i just complain to much. Inwouldnt wish this on my worst enemy. i imagine my next breath gasping for air. this is truely the devil. i just dont understand how i can feel so sick!! i literally feel ill. how can anxiety do this? I feel so sorry for my 5 year old, baby is pretty much immobile and lays in bed with me. but him hes being supervised by a phone and tv. he deserves a better mother! Did you have panic attacks prior to the one that left you this way? thats why i dont think its anxiety for me. ive always had health anxidty and panic. but it never lasts this long!

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      Im really sorry to hear, i know all too well its incredibly tough especially only being able to get up for the most urgent of matters. Prior to my first panic i had anxiety but i didnt understand what it was. I felt nervous all the time throughout my school years. Used to get pains over my body, sweating and heaps of others symptoms but never put it down to anxiety. i thought it was just normal, i had the worst stomach pains and thought i was allergic to milk turns out it was anxiety.

      it never interfered so much in my life until the panic. Since then ive been a mess, cant function as you know. i get hundreds of symptoms per week. Anxiety can definitely make you very sick, i know this due to when i take a high dose of a benzodiazepine it all goes away, i feel calm and my body is relaxed. the moment the drugs wear off its back to hell.

      the only way to calm the symptoms down is to calm your brain.

      I promise you Adrenline and Stress is causing all your symptoms. Ive had countless bloods and Scans over the years and its always all clear. its a hell of a condition like you i wouldnt wish it on anyone has turned my life upside down for sure. Hope ywecan find a way through this.

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      went to see psychaitrist today. was told my case was too complex and he couldnt help me. wtf!! if this is anxiety why cant i be helped!!

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      Hey Tiffany hope you are well. Go back to GP and demand further testing. Also which blood tests have you had done?

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      i have had basic chem and blood panel. ekg×3 and thyroid vitamin d and b12 and chest xray. that is all. at this point i give up dr wont do any more tests says psychologist will help me. well now both wont and im just devastated!!.

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      I am sorry to hear that. What is your breathing like? & what are all your symptoms?

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      hi james. i agree with the other responses i heard so far. we are in the same boat here. for the past 3 years i have lived thinking i have cancer it has taken over my life. for so long i avoided going to the doctor cause i feared i would be told i did and i didnt have the mental or physical strength to hear or fight it. now i cant stay away Away from the hospital it seems. I go for almost anything but this past month I really stopped myself and have tried my best to trust the doctors that this is truly just anxiety.

      I noticed one of your symptoms is that your nose and ears feel full. I feel this non stop my dentist told me it was from an impacted wisdom tooth but the doctor said it could be from the anxiety. Either way they constantly feel full and I squeeze my nose to pop my ears about 50 times a day.

      My other symptoms are

      Extreme shortness of breathe constant (dyspnea)

      Leg pain

      Back pain

      Shoulder and arm pain



      Extreme fatigue


      Blurred vision


      Loss of appetite

      I also spend 80% of my day in bed. The other time I spend outdoors. Which has helped a lot. When I fixate on it all so much I take an Ativan to relax me. I have been prescribed Prozac but I haven’t started yet because of my anxiety over medication I hate starting new stuff. I hope you feel better soon.

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      it is absolutely ridiculous and really scary. i suffer from all the symptoms that you have. i struggle to get enough air but when docs just they say i am getting enough oxygen. i have poor night vision the world just looks really different. i only eat because i force myself otherwise body does not notify me that it is hungry and whatever i eat gives me zero energy. i do not get the normal anxiety sensations i do not know how to explain it but body so weak it does realise any brain chemicals. i have just received an email from A&E as got taken for confusion and they said they think i have depression, how can that be the case when i have been ill for 2 years and last 8 months bedridden as body has given up. are you able to drive? are you get hot and bothered really easily? what tests have you had done?

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      same here, my oxygen levels are perfectly fine but i feel Like I have a lock on my chest or someone is stepping on it. My vision gets blurry at random times but mostly when I’m in the car. To be honest my vision going blurred in the car has made the world seem fake.. like a simulation. It makes me panic I hate it now I usually have to take an Ativan about 30 minutes prior to getting in the car so I avoid going places and spend a lot of time at home. I haven’t been able to work and I do not drive. My anxiety has never allowed that. At night my dizziness it what gets the worse. When I finally try to sleep it feels like the room is spinning or floating.

      I have gotten multiple chest x rays multiple ct scans


      Blood test and all have come back normal.

      Some days I am very hot and some days I get very very cold and my toenails will turn purple ish blue. This happened while at the doctors once and the nurse said it was cause I was cold but that I was fine! I feel like I have a problem with my circulation. My body is so weak some days I struggle to even open a water bottle.

      I live with the fear that they missed something and it’s cancer. But they always say I’m too young which is the worse because cancer can happen to anyone! But since I’m only 26 they won’t give me certain test. It’s unreal. I do what I can on my own to prevent cancer by eating clean as often as I can. I usually don’t have the energy to cook so sometimes I have to just eat what my family makes but if it’s super bad I will just not eat considering I don’t have much of an appetite anyway. I lost 20 pounds in 3 months. But with trying to eat as clean as I can I also drink soursop tea. This tea is used in many other parts of the world to treat cancer so I figured why not give it a try. I also take sea moss capsules. And drink decaf green tea. I cut out caffeine completely.

      Life doesn’t feel real anymore. Which has made my depression so much worse. I plan on going on Prozac within the next few weeks. I already have it prescribed but I haven’t taken it yet because prescription medicine always make me nervous.

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      i know exactly what you mean with lock on chest. i am too scared to drive now. also like my fatigue is not one where you can have a coffee or force yourself to get through the day it is a fatigue where im so battered my head would start swaying. i cant handle car movement as makes me severely confused and feel like my soul is leaving my body. i used to be one that loves heat but my body out of balance that even when its raining or freezing im in a t shirt. the age thing is bs cancer can happen to anyone. i just fear that the severity of our symptoms it feels like a late stage cancer but then i think something wouldve come up by now especially in bloods because i have been told that with dying patients their bloods are all over the place. i just never feel relief like even down to urinating i dont feel that relief if you know what i mean. really strange. i agree life doesnt feel real at all and feels like in a haze. makes me think do i have a rare illness. like i sleep so much i cant do anything i used to do. notmally i could sleep few hours at night wake up and stsrt my day. medicine does not give me any relief. what is your doc saying?

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      i understand. every single doctor has said the same thing. i even tried a doctor out of state when it was so extreme that i was gasping for air before i would sleep and they also said the same thing. im now just avoiding doctors and getting a different insurance so i can see different doctors eventually cause the whole age thing is driving me insane. im tired all of the time all i want to do is lay down but even through the sleepiness and the pain and shortness of breath i fight it as often as i can because i think being active will be a huge factor in getting better. im telling you you need to get out in the sun i know its hard but even if you cant walk around get a chair and go sit in your yard with some ice water.

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      same frustration here. i feel thats there excuse for people our age. i just dont get how our whole bodies are affected yet all our tests are normal. In the uk through a private clinic in Central London they have something called Pantum blood test that you pay for. It is used in Germany, Holland, Switerland, dubai and few more places. the blood test 97% accurate and what it does is it looks at 2 biomarkers called Apo10 & TKTL1 which all tumours release. this test basically tells you if their is the presence of cancer in the body and if it is early or late stage. if comes back positive you are then referred to help locate the tumour.

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      Chris wark is someone who beat cancer, he has a book chris beat cancer and he said the best way to find out if you have it without doing scans is by getting a american metabolic laboratories cancer profile test. he said anyone can do it so maybe do some research online but dont overthink it. i havent done it because i am truly just hoping this is anxiety and if i feel better after trying the antidepressants i will keep up with them if not i will consider doing this.

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      thank you for the recommendation im going to check it out now. if you do not mind me asking do you feel like youre struggling to stay alive? & do you have constant mental fog & confusion?

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      this was exactly how i felt for 3 months but its gotten better as of one month ago (when i literally started forcing myself to go outside) when i tried explaning to my family this feeling it cane off like i didnt want to be alive anymore but i do. i want to live but i have this fear that im literally dying i had 0 energy. breathing alone felt like a full time job. i felt like at any moment my heart was just going to stop. i had extreme brain fog where anyone speaking to me had to repeat themselves multiple times sometimes and things i could easily understand before became practically foreign to me. i lost myself completely and i was convinced i would be gone anyday.

      i think when you do eat you need to he careful of what you consume and try to mainly eat fruits and vegetables for a while. like salads, juices and smoothies but keep it natural with no added sugar. basically what im saying is plant based no processed foods. this is just a suggestion because i think this is what helped me along with being outside and cutting caffeine. trust me i love the typical american diet burgers pasta all that but we truly are what we eat and i think your body could use some nutrients and sunshine.

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      wow that is great. also just been looking at chris beat cancer and what an inspiration he is. i am going to change my diet completely and start seeing if i can naturally improve my health. the amount of people on his site that beat cancer naturally is insane! also some beating without even having surgery! just goes to show chemo is a business. the thing is worrying me is some of them had minor symptoms whilst i have bed ridden with so many symptoms. is your brain fog alot better?

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      yes very inspirational! i recommend it to people who dont have cancer as well because its so important to be aware and take the right steps to prevent cancer since america has such heavily processed and genetically modified foods. im proud of you for taking the right steps to get you and your body in the right direction! i dont say this often because everyone has different believes but if you believe in God or any higher power praying will help you trust me. i always have always believed in god but didnt pray often. since this has happened i have prayed everyday and i believe in the power in it. please dont let your mental destroy your body! you got this!

      its so sad but true, chemo is a buisness. it breaks my heart to know the things i know now if only i knew them sooner maybe i wouldnt have lost family to cancer!

      and yes i still deal with brain fog almost daily at some point but it doesnt last no where near as long as it did when i was at my worst.

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      yeah i agree with you & im so sorry for your loses and i do not know how institutions live with themselves by giving people chemo when they truly know there are other ways to help people. may god protect you. i am also into religion and need to start praying more. i am going to cut meats and diary out of my diet and going to start eating organic food. i will also start eating fish. even though i still believe i have some sort of cancer as i have bedridden and literally feel like im in a dream with this poor night vision & ringing in ear, i will at least give myself more chance of being energized with right diet. i have not had any refreshed sleep for 9 months now.

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      my symotoms are i litterally feel ill. like the flu weak. i feel lightheaded 24/7. my chest feels tight almost as if im not breathing. body aches. worst symptom of all i do not feel like my self all!! feel like im possessed or someone else has taken over the drivers seat almost as in a fog or overdrive i cant even explain it. maybe im going crazy who knows. im just so tired of it all. i want my life back. even if i pretended to be ok i cant because i do not feel right at all. i feel like im dying and withering away. that i have serious terminal illness that is not being treated.

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      i got the same plus super weak. also im struggling to swallow and feel like got something in throat thats restricting my breathing. im so disappointed in doctors. i know you might think but theyve done alot of tests, they actually havent ive paid for 90% off them. i feel like im on my final days but im fighting. they just always saying on top off scans your bloods are fine but blood tests dont tell everything. apparently if you was dying bloods would be all over the place but i dont know how true that is as never witnessed someone in late stage otherwise i wouldve know that but i just dont believe what comes out of their mouth. anxiety cant last 24/7. i cannot stay awake more than 12 hours a day. its insane.

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      thank you! and thats good to hear. please focus on praying, eating whole foods and getting outdoors! i know its so hard trust me ive been there. i was crying 10x a day i was in so much pain and so weak i couldnt even shower on my own or cook for myself. once i started the ativan i was able to get moving. now im not taking the ativan like i said but i will be getting onto prozac soon because i cant shake so many sumptoms still. i noticed you said you have trouble swallowing and this happened to me also its another symptom but the more you fixate on it the worse it gets!

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      thank you! yeah not being able to cook or shower is not nice. waking up hot in morning. im going to look into those medicines. thats really good so would you say your health is improving? the main thing that scares me is being so weak that my body does not generate emotions is that makes sense, the smallest stress or anxious feeling makes me feel like i am going to pass out. do you know what im on about?

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      deep down i still think there is something wrong with my health to be completely honest but thats how it had always been for me living with health anxiety, but pushing through that and not have such intense symptoms as i was having before gives me hope that there is possibly nothing wrong at all and its all in my head. anxiety can cause many diagnoses like dyspnea and vertigo which i have both. you possibly could as well.

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      yes i agree i have vertigo its so bad cant go out. i understand youre not medically trained but do ct scans show everything? its just my symptoms getting worse. developing bone pain and aches now

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      how were you able to get all these tests?? where are you from? i wish my dr would do some tests as this has to be a medical problem Im so weak and exhausted. Dont get me wrong I do have anxiety and im sure it makes whatever is going on with me worse! but i just dont feel right at all! i want to be me. i have a different appt with another psychologist on tues. the first one said he couldnt help me, which scares me even more that this is not mental

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      from my knowledge ct scans do not show every little thing (like muscle and tissue cant be seen) however they can show tumors. I was told this by my chiropractor because i was so convinced i had to have had one in my back because of how bad the burning aching dull pain was.

      but yes same here, my arms and legs hurt so bad some days. and the pain always reoccurs in the same places like my right arm and my left leg and my upper back. i think we both probably suffer from some serious nerve damage. Serious stress and anxiety will let the brain seriously deteriorate your physical health.

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      the main issue for us is not having a tumor so im happy those were clear. yes i was thinking about nerve damage or autonomic dysfunction. but what worries is i struggle to stay awake, im always dazed and if i dont force feed myself i wont eat. i agree anxiety is the worst thing for body. is your body operating smoothly?

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      when i was at my worst it wasnt. every part of my body felt like it was shutting down. i even struggled to use the bathroom some day so i thought my kidneys and colon were shutting down and that i was near death. my heart rate was never the same some times it was so lower and sometimes it would be racing. i got obsessed with checking my heart rate and oxygen. have you gotten outside recently? or do you leave tour house at all? if you dont mind me asking

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      Hi, I am new to this forum and have read all your posts about this anxiety feeling. I have also been experiencing all these symptoms for the past 3 weeks and have been getting worse or not going away. It all started when I had a major panic attack 3 weeks ago because my right arm hurted and I searched up on google what it might be which led me to arthritis. I got so scared and didnt know what to do. I went to the hospital regarding this pain but the doctor said it didnt look like anything major and gave me meds to relieve pain. The next day I got home and was checking out my hands when i realized they were stiff and felt like i couldnt really move them. I got a sudden feeling i couldnt breathe and felt like everything was going dark and was rushed to the hospital. They did blood test and chest xray with an ekg which in the end everything was normal and there was nothing wrong. Ever since then i was having more panic attacks thinking i had more diseases such as arthritis or MS or other things which gave me more panic. I have been in bed for weeks and haven really been able to do anything. Im having all the symptoms you are experiencing and have done CT scan of head and neck with nothing. I was getting better when all of a sudden 4 days ago i felt like my nose and ears were clogged and like i couldnt breathe. Right now at this moment im having extreme muscle twitches all over my body and they seem to not go away since im focused on them. I also feel very weak and like if im about to die. I am also extremely scared of death and this haunts me most of the time. I am only 19 years old and all my doctors and hospitals I have been to have stated that I have depression and anxiety disorder.

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      I tried replying two hours ago but I don’t think the response went through I believe it is still waiting to be monitored. you should really eat some food but like I said most importantly when you do eat make sure it has good nutritional value and mostly alkaline try to stay away from acidic foods and processed foods. As far as my body operating smoothly when I was at my worst nothing felt like it was operating at all it felt like my heart was going to stop at any moment all of my movements fell off nothing felt real not even my vision sometimes just to move my toes i really had to focus on them and also trouble swallowing. i mentioned something else in my previous response but i cant remember (brain fog problems) hopefully it goes through eventually.

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      I am sorry to hear that you are suffering too. It is not nice to be going through these things. At least your test results are all normal. If you do not mind me asking what are all your symptoms that you are suffering from?

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      Yeah I am going to try overdose on nutrients. I done IV fluid which did not do anything to me at all. It is really worrying me. I sleep 12 hours a day and still wake up exhausted. I pray that we do get better i have been like this for 8 months. Struggling daily literally fighting with my physical health to stay alive. It is all god's plan. Yeah i do not know why they do moderation.

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      The symptoms that I have been suffering these past weeks were racing heart beat, severe shortness of breath, my arms and legs feel super weak to the point where I cant walk and am always in bed. Muscle twitches all over body, not wanting to do anything, extreme loss of weight. I lost 20 pounds in 3 months. I also have loss of appetite. Heart palpitations, extreme night sweats, dizziness sometimes when i randomly get up fast, aches all over my body and my joints, stiffness in my arms and neck, ringing in one of my ears and dizziness with it. I have more symptoms but i cant remember them. Also these past 4 days I have had a major dry cough and shortness of breath with like an oily feeling in my throat. I also feel like my ears are clogged and my nose. My muscles in my face feel weak and like i cant feel them sometimes. I pinched my cheeks yesterday and I didnt feel much pain which worried me about my nerves. Also yesterday when i tried to eat rice i kind of felt like some was stuck in my throat and i couldnt swallow right. This also scared me since it could mean something with my stomach. Right now I also just have a feeling of unwellness like something is wrong with me and muscle twitches. Also when im sitting down sometimes i feel like my body jumps sometimes with my heart beat and it gets me kind of dizzy.

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      Wow bro very similar. What has your gp said? have you done any tests?

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      My gp said that all my symptoms sound like they are related to anxiety. They first did blood test that looked at alot of things to make sure it wasnt anything serious which they didnt find. My gp also gave me 25 mg of sertraline to take once a day. I havent taken them many times since im scared that it might make my symptoms worse but now im thinking i should probably take them. I told my doctor that all my muscles feel weak and that maybe thats why i cant breathe because of my muscles but they did a test to check my muscle reflexes and they said my strength was good. I still feel shortness of breath or like oil in my throat after i eat which scares me.

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      Yeah I understand and he is most likely right. With my situation I do not think it is anxiety I think it is something sinister. It took me a whole week to recover from some pushups and my energy is low. If i did not force myself to eat then I wouldnt eat as i never feel hungry or thirsty. The worst thing is gp said he will not order anymore tests or anything like that. I am completely intolerant to alcohol and smoke. I full super confused and can handle remember things in the past. I am super scared i never have relief. The worst thing is if it is cancer then it must be late stage and i am so weak i would not be able to handle treatment. Just blood tests take it out of me.

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      Yea, when i first got my anxiety attacks 3 weeks ago it took me one whole week also to be able to walk since i felt like my legs gave up on me and whenever i tried to walk i felt like an elevator sensation or like if something was pulling my legs down. I still feel it a little but am able to walk only for a bit. If you want to check for all cancers i know theres a whole body mri which checks for a lot of cancers in your body and also other diseases that you can have. I was doing research on that and you can check if its available for you to do

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      The main reason i believe it is a cancer is because of how long it has been with continuous symptoms. The scary ones in not being able to stay awake more than 10 hours and the level of weakness. I am so weak i can not handle car journeys and i am so weak i cannot even feel emotions. So scary. What is the full body scan called because there is ct scan, mri and pet scan do you which one to recommend?

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      i would recommend a full body mri scan just because it doesnt have radiation like a ct scan which is dangerous for one since it can cause cancer in the future but has a very small percentage.

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      right now i am also experiencing like i feel thirsty even though i drink water and my mouth feels weird with tension in my temples and nausea.

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      Okay cool thank you for that. I understand thank you will look into mri scan. Does ct scan also show all cancers or is mri the most accurate. also do you mean full body head to toe or just head to pelvis?

      I experience the opposite i never get thirsty and suffer from bad indigestion.

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      I too suffer and yes it is anxiety and yes it can be 24)7. Just think...your worried and fixated on it so it only makes it worse and last longer. Mine started in 04 when I watched my mom die for 3 days. It started with panic attacks, then i went on Lexapro, worked great for years until i got pregnant and had to stop. I was fine for 4 years not on anything. Then a couple years ago my dad had a stroke and it all came back. This time panic first then it switched to pure anxiety. I never knew what anxiety was until now and i would rather have a panic attack than this! At least panic stops this does not. That is why its called generalized anxiety disorder. Read on it and it most definitely can happen 24/7. I tried Lexapro again this time had every known side effect and some. So i am on nothing now

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      The scan is the full body from head to toe but i think the ct scan would be a little better for cancers but the things is the radiation. Either way the mri can dectect cancers if you have the symptoms and also a variety of other diseases.

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      thankyou so much for your reply. im just so tired of feeling this way. I want it to tired of feeling like im dying. nothing helps. i see a psychaitrist on tues a different one. I wish it was just a panic attack at least those end. im in a constant state of illness at this point.

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      this is the thing i have had ct scan head to pelvis. nothing came up. yet i feel like im weeks away from death. i do not know what to do anymore. i dont even cry anymore as im too weak as it is.

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      Hi Adam, i have every symptom except throwing up. It presents itself different everyday, same symptoms sometimes new ones. I wake up every morning with anxiety, this dreadful feeling, heart racing. So, im constantly pacing and bouncing my leg as its my way of burning off the excess adrenaline. I find if I keep myself busy, it calms down. I have been diagnosed by my Dr with GAD, the hospital with panic disorder and my therapist with PTSD. Its a daily struggle

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      It sounds like depression mixed with anxiety and it happens a lot. I too would live with panic attacks over anxiety... any day

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      this sounds so similar to me. i dont throw up either its like my body has forgotten how to do that. i wake up everyday thinking about it but my body is so drained i do not feel anxious if that makes sense. i have also been diagnosed with GAD. the thing is im sure i have a sinister illness. the reason i say this is because i cannot wake up anymore and any medication i use does not give relief

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      wow thats how i feel now that my body is shutting down. i cant feel my chest pumping. always feeling super hot. no i dont go outside because the last time i did i drove 2 mins up the road then rushed up. next thing i know i am in the back of an ambulance to hospital. my body cant handle anything anymore

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      Have you tried to look into other blood test for other diseases like an autoimmune disease or something else. If the doctors cant find any cancer then it could probably be something else. What I have also noticed with the symptoms J have are that when i think i have a certain disease and look up the symptoms i start to get them no matter if im anxious or not. When i thought i had Multiple Scerosis I started to feel weakness everywhere. I also was always feeling the symptoms even when i wasnt thinking of my anxiety or health. The doctors told me that the mind is powerful and that the more i though i had a certain disease the more my body was gonna actually think i have one and recreate all those symptoms. But yea you should try doing other test that are for other diseases since i know a lot of diseases have mostly the sane symptoms.

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      the blood tests i have had are thyroid function test, vitamin D level, serum ferritin, liver function test, urea & electrolytes, bone profile, ESR, Differential white cell count, full blood count, CRP, testosterone, cortisol, complement with C3 & C4, antinuclear antibodies.

      my symptoms are severe brain fog and mental confusion, chronic sinusitis with difficulty breathing, poor night vision, body does not produce mucus or phelgm, i do not sweat anymore, numbness throughout body, constipation, having to squeeze to pass gas as does not come out naturally, erectile dysfunction, lack of sensation, extreme fatigue where sleep 14 hours a day & feel completely unrefreshed, intolerance to alcohol or smoke, dizzy, lightheaded, blocked ears and ringing.

      Can autoimmune diseases cause all of this? I had an antinuclear antibodies which was normal.

    • Posted

      Yea, when I was first researching what I thought I had based on my symptoms it lead me to a variety of things. Autoimmune diseases make you sick like super sick but if you already had it cleared then you are most likely cleared. Right now at this moment I am in bed and feel a sense of doom in my stomach and just the feeling like if ima die or something bad is coming. I cant stop feeling this and its making me feel hopeless. I also feel shortness of breath right now and lack of sensation. Sometimes it feels like my feet and arms arent there and i have to pinch them to make sure i can feel. My neck feels like it cant support my head sometimes to. I also have to keep on checking my heart to make sure its beating since i feel like sometimes it stops and it gets me anxious and numb.

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      omg that is the same as me but i can not feel my heart which scares me but when i check heart rate it's normal. I also hate when the neck cannot support the head then it comes on with this dull ache. The feeling you describe is the worst feeling ever. Have you had an auto immune blood test? As mine is clear the only thing that it could be is cancer no?

      What are all your symptoms are you suffer with constantly if you do not mind me asking?

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      Yea, I also feel like sometimes i cant feel my heart and start getting panicky and feeling like i cant breathe until i actually do feel my heart beat. The neck support thing comes and goes and when i focus on it thats when it comes more and it feels like my head is just gonna snap or fall off. I havent had an autoimmune disease test but my doctor said that they are 99.9 percent sure it isnt an autoimmune disease because they have had patients with them and it was easliy detected in normal blood test. Also the symptoms that i was feeling during these weeks were first the increasing heart rate, extreme shortness of breath like i couldnt even take a deep breath or felt like my lungs couldnt get air. I felt lightheaded when i stood up or even when sittinf down like if everything was shutting down and when this happened i started to feel panicky. Ive felt numbness in my feet and my arms. I get like cramps and sore muscles in my feet and arms and back and neck. I have extreme muscle twitches sometimes and it can last all day with the muscle twitching changing from my legs to my neck to my arms and stomach. I feel like im not myself sometimes or that everything is fake. I feel clogged ears and also like my nose is clogged and its a little hard to breathe through my nose. Whenever i try to eat something i feel like the food gets stuck in my throat or like if my throat gets oily after eating and i have a dry cough. I also have night sweats in the past week but havent had any right now. I get poor vision sometimes in the night and see like flashes when i blink, Headaches in the temples and also jaw tension. I also feel weakness or numbness sometimes in my face like i cant feel it or i cant feel my movements. I feel like a doomed feeling in my stomach and also stiff fingers sometimes and also like i lost sensation in them. Extreme loss of weight which was 20 pounds in 3 months. Loss of appetite, dont have the desire to do anything, feel dizzy when i stand for to long or walk a lot, feel like im sick and like im dying, I am extremely scared that i might have something, poor hygiene, stomach cramps and constipation with like bloating. Right now i just feel very sick and weakness. I also feel short of breath and muscle twitches every like 2 minutes.

    • Posted

      thanks for the detailed message. The way we are struggling how comes the doctors do not want to help. Also they always say your blood tests are normal but blood tests do not tell him everything about our health so i do not understand. I am constantly in bed as always feel sick i do not feel normal within my head and feel completely disconnected. nothing seems pleasing or beautiful anymore. GP not helping me anymore as all tests are negative.

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      Yea, have you tried to research any other ways to look for cancers or any procedures. I know there is a lumbar puncture to see your spine and head. I still am waiting to see my gp for an mri refferal of my head.

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      i have had head mri with contrast, ct scan chest/abdomen/pelvis with contrast, chest x ray, nasoendoscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound of urinary tract, ultrasound of testicles, urine sample, eye test, dental examination.

      What have you had done so far?

    • Posted

      What i have done so far is a CT scan of my head and CT scan of my neck with contrast and chest xray and ultrasound around right rib area for liver and eye and ear tests.

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      All normal and I just want to get a head mri to see if there is anything wrong with my nerves and why i get this numbness feeling and muscle twitches and like weakness.

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      bro i am positive your head mri will come back negative as the ct did. I found something called pantum detect test in central london it is a private blood test which shows if you have a tumour and whether it is early or late stage.

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      You should try to book an appointment to finally find some relieve if it is something serious and if they can fix it or if its our heads messing with us.

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      That is great news and I really do hope you finally are able to find relive after this test and many of us can see if we can find answers as well. I guess for now we just have to live with these symptoms even though its super hard and we cant do anything. I hate being in bed and I break down every day because it feels like everything is going down hill.

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      the only thing is if it comes back normal have no idea what i can do apart from give up? I know what you mean how long has it been for you?

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      For me its been almost 1 month that I started to feel all these symptoms. I know sometimes its hard to accept its anxiety and whenever I do tests from my doctors or hospitals and they find nothing I always tell myself that cant be right because i feel extremely sick and it doesnt feel like anxiety. I want to accept its anxiety and i really do hope sometimes it is but i just get so scared in my head that its something else and i could be dying from it but with all the tests that are done and everything coming out normal it gives me reassurance its nothing serious but i know that the more i think i have something the more ima have the symptoms and they are never going to go away. I find that the thing that helps me the most when i have these symptoms is having someone right beside me and talking to them about what i feel and knowing they are going to be there with me and support me with everything i feel.

    • Posted

      been happening for 8 months with me now. i am the same would like to believe it is anxiety too but the second i accept it something else happens. I literally cannot even drive now more and feel like i am stuck in a dream. I think hang on all these tests are normal surely i am fine otherwise something would of flagged up by now but then everyday is just a struggle. I know we feel terrible but i think if we was dying we would have abnormal blood results but i dont know

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      I agree and same happens with me where i start feeling different symptoms even when i know its anxiety. I understand that this anxiety doesnt let us do anything anymore since it is always there and we cant even go out or be in a car. When i was first having these symptoms i felt like i couldnt walk or do anything. I couldnt even go to the bathroom since when i got up i felt like my legs were heavy or if like something was pushing me down like an elevator with extreme dizziness. I think since our mind is all messed up its making us feel these physical symptoms and since we are always in bed now we loose so much muscle and the ability to do anything or even go outside. A couple days ago was my first day back in a car as the passenger and it felt extremely strange and like i was dizzy or sick. Since its been so long that i havent been in a car it took some time for me to get used to it again. Its just so hard to do all these normal things again since we stopped when our minds told us that something was wrong. I feel like in your case its more severe since you have had this for 8 months and it keeps happening so your body doesnt want to do anything but stay in bed and thats why we get dizzy.

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      yeah it is like our body is in defence mode and it is extremely hard to get out of it. yeah literally same in the car get hot and bothered, feel like i cant breath and feel dizzy. I have lost all muscle mass and i never feel hungry not even the tiniest bit. That is what worries me it has been 8 months and it has gotten worse. Its like when i feel a little better i would think let me see family go out for a meal but then i am bedbound for the next week. It has got to stage where i am grateful for life and accepted if it was meant to be like this then nothing can do.

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      Yea, and hopefully you are able to find answers soon with the test coming up and right now i felt another like i dont know what it was or if it was anxiety. I felt for a second like my throat got tight or like if i couldnt swallow for a second. It scares me when this happens and i start sweating.

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      hopefully i pray i find answers and that it is treatable. i hate that feeling you get when you swallow but feels stuck. my arms and legs feel like jelly. i dont sweat no more just get clammy

    • Posted

      yea my legs feel like jelly and right now im trying to set an appointment with my doctor about these symptoms.

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      Joaquin you are right...when we think and tell ourselves we have something then our brain makes us believe it. ive learned that having this for 2 years. thats what gad is and does. thats why they say cbt works bc we can learn to train our brain different. james have you had your b12 checked? i am b12 deficient and had to get injections once a month. when your b12 is low its basically the same symptoms of anxiety. i also have half a thyroid and have a rare form of colitis, so yes auto immune disorders definitely play a role. your thyroid controls everything

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      yeah i do understand you. You know what i realised when i fired many symptoms at my gp he said i am overthinking but then when you focus on a couple of symptoms then i get tests but i may be looking in the wrong areas you know

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      Yea, also when you got your test with the camera in your stomach how did that go. I have seen them and I have some stomach issues but am scared of getting these tests.

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      please read on health anxiety. pretty much sums up what you are going through

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      i done the one that is done the throat and the backside one. I found the one through the throat more uncomfortable as was making me burp etc but i do not find any of them painful. I was very very scared before the procedures but was actually happy i done it after.

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      Hey April,

      I am going to read more into it but what do you think i am not suffering from anything sinister?

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      Did they put you to sleep or just anasthesia because i dont know why but im scared of being put to sleep

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      because i am suffering from brain fog and mental confusion i did not want to be put to sleep and i did not want anasthesia so what i did was use the gas and air.

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      I appreciate that. I was think they would've found it by now. The scary thing is the difficulties breathing, feeling full after a few bites, not being able to get out of bed, changes in body temperature, unable to exercise and when i do takes long time to recover, this constant drunk feeling and being disconnected, always dizzy and lightheaded, ears constantly ringing and no sex drive. I just worry because i am always weak and cant shake off any symptoms

      If you do not mind me asking whats your symptoms and how would you advice leading a normalish life?

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      I think if they were to do the test then i also wouldnt be put to sleep. Right now at this moment i got extreme muscle twitching that is happening everywhere in my body and my jaw feels very tense. My temples also seem to be very tense and i get like tense muscles in my arms and legs. Like all of a sudden it feels like someone is squeezing my arm and i cant move it.

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      yeah no i completely understand, how comes you are looking at getting these tests done? it is so weird i get all these feelings. I also feel like i cant feel my body sometimes but i think that is down to the brain fog

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      I want to look into these tests because of the stomach fullness i have and sudden like pains in my stomach. I also get constipated sometimes. im just scared that it could be something relating to my stomach

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      thats what i originally thought too but was not stomach related. I have constipation, fullness from eating, cant handle spice. They said i have a 2cm hernia and gastritis but nothing that would be causing my symptoms.

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      I have ringing in my ears constantly! Non stop all day long, 1 steady tone. I have a hard time relaxing and going to sleep, i get about 5-6 sometimes less. My colitis is like and alarm, every morning between 530-6. I get full easy too and i do not burp, from my colitis? idk. so then i get gas in my bc i think its a heart attack. so i too have symptoms of health anxiety much only makes things so much worse. i think it so my brain tells me its real...thats the scary part of anxiety. i dont live a normal life, i just push through my day and hope my anxiety isnt bad that day. as im writing this im sitting here bouncing my leg, having chest pains..bc i ate and just on edge. i was thinking about my lexapro again but dont want the side effects. but thats silly bc i go through more daily without it. ativan is the only thing that calms it right down but i don't like the way it makes me feel

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      i feel for you have you had extensive testing? this is the thing most people complain of a few symptoms i have like 20+. i am terrified. all i do is sleep these days. my gp not helping me anymore. i must have something sinister i cant even stand up or eat & lost all my muscle tone.

    • Posted

      I have blood work every 6 months to a year due to my thyroid and b12. ive been to the er countless times, when they cant find anything physically wrong with you is when they send in the mental health people. i mean what else can they do? especially if nothing is showing up. then that pretty much sums up anxiety. its a beast and when mixed with depression does make you feel like the way you are now. you have to trust in the professionals and the tests. if you have an adroid phone please go into the play store, i did last night and there are so many free ebooks on anxiety. it was really interesting. like i said i have been dealing with mental health since 04-06. the anxiety for 2 years. i too cant believe it can be this way but it is

    • Posted

      Same here all tests are negative. The last time i went ER they said depression but it is not the case. My whole body has given up on me! I honestly try trusting them but I think i am being misdiagnosed. I have brain fog/mental confusion, weakness throughout body, chronic sinusitis/difficulty breathing, poor night vision, blocked ears and ringing, cannot handle any stress, ED, going up stairs makes me exhausted, chronic fatigue. Just now heard a dog barking and made my heart race honestly do not know what is going on and feels like death fast approaching

    • Posted

      Have to say, they are right. In an earlier reply of mine i stated gad sufferers usually have depression too. with gad you startle easily. mental fog is me daily, ringing in ears, unsteady and weak when im walking. feels like im not walking straight. depression makes you tired and you don't want to do anything! the things you used to don't. just think of depression mixed with gad...scary isnt it? and health anxiety too. believe me when i say ive been this way for 2 years. i don't like it. i don't think we can overcome it without medication. ive tried. i fight it daily and when im feeling ok i think its gone but nope its right back

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      Have you ever read on anxiety? i do all the time to educate myself. please do so you don't think the drs are crazy. get some lavender oil, burn it in a diffuser or just smell it. it helps

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      can i ask your age and where you are from? im 44 and im in michigan. another thing is its genetic, hereditary as well. my mom had it really bad. when we used yo take het yo chemo, she would be on the floor board of the car

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      Yeah i think they are maybe right but again i do not know. I have always had health anxiety but never this bad where i am suffering from constant symptoms. I am going to start reading more on anxiety and see if there is anything that can help. How is your appetite?

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      i don't eat much. but i do make dinner and eat every night. so...gad, health anxiety and depression. thats morr than enough for all the symptoms you are going through. that is a lot of stress on the body

    • Posted

      Thank you for your replies really appreciate it. So what do i do just forget about my health? My body feels super stressed to the point it does not feel emotions anymore. I have practically had every test so hopefully i am healthy just body deciding it is too stressed to work. Can you drive? Do you travel abroad?

    • Posted

      Again that is depression. ive been there and i don't like that Rd. Yes i drive, i have to. I have a soon to be 6 year old. I do work 1 day a week. I am a home health aide of all things, go figure. When my gad is really bad it is physically impossible to drive though. But, when you have cant do anything! And with the anxiety on top of it your brain makes you think its all real, that you are really sick. I hope and I truly believe... you are not. This is anxiety and its a b***h!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much i appreciate it. I have most likely stressed my body too much. How do i deal with getting back to normalish way of life?

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      I am still trying to figure that out. I wish I had answers, I guess it is meds. Id like to believe not bc I hate meds. But, I have tried everything! Yeah I might be ok some days but its not my normal. I want to feel normal, I want to be happy. I feel I lost all that when I lost my mom. The person who gave birth to me, my best friend, the 1 I could always go to. I changed when I lost her

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      And, I am sick and tired of people telling me to get over it and that my mom wouldn't want me this way. Easier said than done people

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      i am really sorry to hear that and them ones hurt the most. I started feeling these symptoms after an intense breakup but i have never had a single day where i felt normal. I just feel like i am not in this world anymore.

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      I feel the same way and I also do believe for me its anxiety but i dont know why but i cant truly accept it is until they have done test to check out my stomach and my nerves and once they finally do check these out then i am positive i would be reassured that i am safe. Today i am going with my gp to tell him about my stomach and why it feels empty but weird. When i lay down facing the ceiling my stomach feels like its pushing in and like if when i move over to the side like something moves next to my ribs.

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      no i completely agree with you. your blood tests results shows that nothing wrong with blood. the body scan shows every is good inside you. do you get hungry? do you feel relief when you use the toilet?

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      My stomach growls but i do not feel hungry. I also feel like if I am full inside or if like its tight that i cant take a deep breath in my belly. I feel a little relief when i use the restroom but still feel a little bad when i lay down.

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      yeah it is not nice. I just do not understand how we get out of this cycle. Does medication ever help your symptoms?

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      Ibuprofen helped my aches in my arms and legs but the stomach thing barley started a couple of days ago so i havent taken any medication for it. Im hoping the doctor will be able to tell whether i need any test done for my stomach or not.

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      yeah sounds like a plan. If you have stomach test and all comes back negative what would be your next steps? Can you do exercise?

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      If they come back negative then the plan would be to walk little by little and eat things that would only help my stomach. I would also do check ups with my doctor in case anything is wrong.

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      The thing for me is i get negative results i am happy and try to move on but then i realise my body not operating how it should. I done some pushups and it took me a week to recover when before i used to go gym 5 days a week. Honestly have not got a clue what to do. I have been referred to neurologist and cardiologist just waiting on that.

    • Posted

      Yea, right now im waiting to see the doctor but in the morning had a horrible feeling where i couldnt breathe and also where my stomach felt like it wasnt letting me breathe. I also had like a need to release gas but couldnt. Ima see what my doctor tells me or if they recommend i get scans or other tests.

    • Posted

      omg i completely hear you and understand you. It is like you have to squeeze to pass gas it just really unnatural. Surely this is not normal we defo need answers. Im too weak can not even handle excitement if that makes sense. I could not go on a roller coaster now i would defo pass out.

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      i had new psychaitrist appt. today. She does not think it is physical. she thinks its illness anxiety and depression...hasnt quite ruled out bipolar depression. will see her next week but for now she wants me to get up and walk everyday 30 min in the sun with fresh air. Also do meditation and breathing exercises daily. She prescribed me 1 mg klonopin to take at night. wants me to continue therapy. said next week she will go from there on a diagnosis and either a mood stabilzer or antidepressant. depending how I feel and my symptoms. she said there are other like us who do get better and anxiety and depression can absolutely be crippling and disabling. wants me to try my hardest to get up and walk you should too also she wanted me to avoid the bed as much as possible even if i have to go sit in chair or on couch.

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      i also get this since of doom in my stomach. its like i just got hit with the worst news ever its always there at its worst it expands throughout my body. I do not feel like myself at all!

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      thats great news im happy you are moving in the right direction. i will try getting out and will avoid the sofa from new on. you feeling better and a bit relieved?

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      my mind still tells me this is a terminal illness of some sort, at this point all i can do it try. I definately want to feel better and as much as I feel like crap that I cant do it ill try to walk and avoid the bed. guess ill go lay on the couch.

    • Posted

      i am exactly the same my gp dismissed me today and because i am so ill and no satisfied i told him if anything happens to me my family will sue for misdiagnosis in which he laughed to. i would rather keep but my life but hes playing games. he said you have complained of 50 symptoms in the last 8 months with a lot on going. i was like exactly even more reason to take me serious as im suffering hugely. i literally can put a bet on that i am something physical wrong with me.

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      I feel the same. It feels like there is something wrong with me and I just want to find what it is. I went to the doctor today and told them about my stomach issues and also how I get non stop muscle twitches everywhere in my body and even in my stomach. They checked my stomach and felt it to see if there were any thing abnormal or lumps and there wasnt. They also said that they believe it could be that because im constipated that it could be causing my stomach to feel full but also like theres gas. They gave me medication and i asked if it was something serious or something that would require me to check my colon or stomach but they said there was nothing to worry about since it didnt seem like anything major when they checked my stomach. They did do a stool test to check for a bacteria in my stomach which could also be causing the symptoms but that they highly doubt it is. For the first time today before i got to the doctor i got extreme shortness of breath where i felt like my stomach wasnt letting me breathe and i got scared but when they checked my heart rate and blood pressure and oxygen levels and lungs everything seemed fine. It took off but it feels so bad when it does come.

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      hi u have to move. sit up n hold ur arms out in front of you, now wriggle ur fingers, one at a time. do this every ten mins for two mins. untill u cant. then rest. next ur toes. same every ten min untill u cant then rest. keep moving ur body parts, arms legs head slowly, u have to move. u have already gotten ur answers from the doctors. u have anxiety honey. anxiety is a liar n an enemy. it robs us. i too suffer from anxiety. it changes ur life, no one i know understands, it creeps in. ive suffered for years. u have the strengh to overcome this. people like u who suffer are some of the strongest people alive. u have to be to live with this. take one little step at a time. stop cruising the internet for answers. its the one thing that got u here. ur not dying. anxiety will fool u. im sure u need to drink more water, it really helps.

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      i lost my mom 34 yrs ago. so painful, so much hurt.

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      when people say just get over it, it makes me feel like im so messed up. because i feel like i cant. but i know that i can, ive done it. thats the trick that anxiety plays on us. ive had many bouts of anxiety though my life, a few of them have almost took me out. im having one now n fighting back. it feels like im gonna lose this one, but i know from the past that everything is temporary, i just keep believing this. god is my helper.

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      honey, get up n walk first, then go lay on the couch. dont stop. grab ur life back. u can do it.

    • Posted

      Honestly it is crazy all these symptoms but when docs do checks everything is fine. Also i get exactly what you mean about shortness of breath but then heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen is all normal. It is extremely stage. Do they know you have extreme fatigue too? I have that blood test coming up and i am also going to book for a pet/ct scan of the whole body. If all is clear will see a blood doctor. The reason i am worried is the tiredness and the fact i have lost of my muscle tone.

    • Posted

      Hi Nancy thank you for your message. I completely understand what you are saying. I have so many symptoms 24/7 which are really affecting me badly. I feel like i am not here, i am so weak that my body does not like emotions anymore. The smallest bit of stress and feels like i am passing out. I feel drunk 24/7, ears ringing and blocked, my body has become completely intolerable to alcohol and smoke. I cannot drive as feel disconnected, constipated daily, pains and aches throughout whole body. I know i shouldnt be on the internet but i feel like death. i am going to take your advice tho 100%.

    • Posted

      Also have you ever had an emg? It is a test to check your muscles and your nerves to see if everything is ok with them. I have been searching more into this since this can help determine if your weakness in your arms and legs is from anxiety or something else.

    • Posted

      no I have not had one going to look into it now. So if the weakness was caused by an autoimmune disease or a cancer for example then would the test be positive?

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      It would check if your muscles are actually irresponsive or if they do work and yea it would check for both. Today im feeling like if my legs are heavy and if I am in an elevator. I feel super heavy and like my arms and legs dont work.

    • Posted

      I am sorry to hear hope you get better. Tomorrow getting tested for lyme disease, mono and epv also managed to get a referral for a pet/ct scan. i feel like death but hopefully get answers. It could be lyme disease as before all this used to travel alot.

    • Posted

      Well good luck tommorow and i am definitely going to request an emg to check my muscles.

    • Posted

      thank you i will also be doing emg, do you know which specialist does this test?

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      I still feel like my legs are weak and my neck. My ears are also sensitive to noise right now since when i hear something loud it feels like my ears are buzzing.

    • Posted

      yeah its very strange what is happening. yeah i sensitivity to light and noise. do your ears feel blocked?

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      i have small fiber neuropathy my hands and feet burn plus i get thousands of muscle twitches a day all over my body. stress always makes them worse. this is a chronic problem and i too once worried about motor neuron disease or als. ive been to a neurologist. the thing is muscle weakness from those diseases are progressive, you never get better. one day you can walk and the next day you cant and you can never regain the ability again. also your muscles deteriorate to the point you litterally have no bicep. no calf muscle because they die. Its noticeable and it doesnt happen to all muscle groups at once. litterally starts in one area and progressively kills away the muscle. you dont regain any ability to clasp your hands or use your legs. you do not have this. you might precieve weakness but your mucles are still fully in tact and you can stand and walk. dont waste your time or you money i can assure you dont have it. at 8 months into this you would have progressive weakness and wasting by now. and when i mean wasting like litterally your whole bicep would be gone. your whole hand mucsle would be gone. you woukdnt be able to clench your fist. squeeze etc.

    • Posted

      also you do not feel pain or aches because the nerves literally die. James i really feel that you do not have cancer. you have had extensive mris that they would have found a tumor by now. maybe see a rhumatologist for autoimmune disorder and or lymes infection disease dr. you will always have a tumor first before marked symptoms the tumor is a way of protecting yourself. when it metastases you then get symptoms that is why most people dont find out until stage 3 or 4. you might get lucky and find it stage 1 or 2 tumor only. i wish i can get more tests so i can have a peace of mind. if you have had a brain and spine mri you do not have ms also if it came back normal. I truly believe you do not have cancer with the extensive testing you have done.

    • Posted

      hey thanks for message when i think logically i think it cant be that because it would of spread throughout my body and wouldve showed something. the question i have is can autoimmune disease affect the whole body?

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      yes it can! arthritis will affect every joint. lupus is systematic but i highly dont think you have that if you had a negative ana titer. autoimmune runs in my family. my uncle kept going to dr and they kept telling him its pnemknia and he had an autoimmune lung and by the time they figured it out it was terminal. the dr ge last went to said it could be treated had they known. he had been bed ridden lost a st to of weight and just died last year had no energy in and out of hospital for pneumonia but it really wasnt pneumonia. he kept.saying the drs.were full.of st and he was dying. there are so many autoimmune diseases and some effect different body parts. some skin psoriasis. some liver some just heart some mucous.

      I my self have an elvated ana. years ago whe i first got the neurapthy they ran tests. so i fear an autoimmune disease. my grandma had crippling arthritis. my aunt has lupus and my uncle just died from an autoimmune lung.

      they said that people with elevated ana could be normal for you if you have autoimmune in family. mine was 16 which is titer positive.

    • Posted

      that is terrible and i am sorry to hear about your loss. i have symtpoms head to toe but have no idea which autoimmune disease it could be. does autoimmune show on scans? my ANA was negative but does that mean i cannot have an autoimmune disease or could i still have one?

    • Posted

      no autoimmune does not show up on scans and ana negative doesnt mean you dont have it. autoimmune your body just attacks itself. blood test can find them..

      I would seriously start looking into.seeing a rhumatologist and stop focusing on cancer as you do not have it.

      How are you getting all these tests? my dr wont do referrals or nothing or any tests. which worries me.

      if it all comes back negative your probably dealing woth anxiety and depression. please get out.of bed. walking is good for you regardless if your terminal or not. i know its hard but attempt and im in the same boat and dont really try cause i feel so bad and ill. but im encourage you to do so.

      it helps with inflammatory diseases such autoimmune etc. as well as cancer anxiety and depression.

      i wish there was a way to talk out side theis forum!!

      where are you from?

    • Posted

      i am from the UK what about you? yeah i will ask to see rhumatologist which I will probably need to do privately. thank you i appreciate your nice words and im so sorry that im fixated on cancer it is just when you feel this awful you do not know what to do or think. most of my tests i have paid for and only tests doc gave me was the blood tests ultrasound of testicles and ultrasound of urinary tract and the chest x ray other than that i have paid for everything else privately. i had so more bloods today and the same lady took them today she told me to do a full head to toe pet/ct scan or look at autoimmune, long covid or she said depression

    • Posted

      Still dealing with the same symptoms and my ears are very sensitive to sound right now. When i tried eating i felt very dizzy and like i was going to pass out. My ears also ring and i fee very weak in my neck and head again. Its so frustrating having these symptoms that i dont know what to do anymore. I feel dizzy with any movement in my head and have ringing in my ears.

    • Posted

      I am sorry to hear your suffering bro. have you been going out at all? Do you have depersonalization/derealization during day or night? I had more bloods today so will wait to hear back.

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      Bless you Nancy ❤️. please listen James and Tiffany. You have professionals even telling you its anxiety. Anxiety is a beast! Nancy is right, it fools you, it tricks you! Its a horrible feeling all around. I just cant get over my mom

    • Posted

      Again james... those are symptoms of anxiety! you have anxiety and obviously health anxiety. it doesnt get better when you are constantly thinking and googling illnesses. ive done it! you think it anxiety will make you believe it. that's a fact. been down this rd for many years. and its a struggle fighting it

    • Posted

      I have constant ringing in the ears, for 6 years now. 1 steady tone 24/7. Another symptom of anxiety

    • Posted

      I said depression in an earlier post. anxiety, health anxiety and depression. bad mix. like Nancy says...your not dying, this is anxiety. go educate yourself on it, like i did. you will understand it better

    • Posted

      Yeah i do understand it is just a vicious cycle to be in and the only reason why i keep going back to it is because i just feel like everything is a struggle, going out, driving, staying awake, using toilet or shower. The symptoms are consistent but i guess you guys are right as i have had a lot of testing and something would of showed by now. I have been referred to cardiologist and neurologist just to confirm there are no issues in that department. I have been reading alot of health anxiety and depression recently and just hoping it gets better.

    • Posted

      Yea, I also told my doctor today to refer me to a neurologist. Today I also got this feeling like if I am loosing my voice or if like it cracks a lot. Im scared if gonna loose it. Also aches in my shoulders and arms.

    • Posted

      Yeah i have also been referred just waiting on the letter to come through. Are your other symptoms subsiding? I had further bloods which came back negative. I do not understand what to do next. I was going to have pet/ct scan but thought about it and not wanting the radiation as it affects our DNA. I may do a full body mri instead.

    • Posted

      Yea, today i went to the hospital for shortness of breath and feeling like something was stuck in my throat. The doctors did a chest xray and said that everything looked fine and did blood tests. Have you ever had that feeling that after you eat you feel like the food is stuck in your throat. I am currently experiencing that right now. It feels terrible like if i am actually choking

    • Posted

      yes i get that feeling or you try swallow air so you can burp but the air wont go down. What is your visional perception like at night?

    • Edited

      In the night i get also like fluttering sometimes but right now what most worries me is that i feel like my throat is closing or that i cant swallow right. When i try to eat sometimes it feels like theres food that kind of gets stuck. I also feel like hoarsness in my voice and like if im about to loose it. I also cant scream in high pitched tone and its scaring me. I also feel like i cant breathe sometimes and i went to the hospital yesterday because i felt like something was stuck in my throat and like i couldnt breathe but they said my oxygen was good and my heart rate was really high at 142 beats per minute when i came in so they first made my heart rate calm down.

    • Posted

      I can completely relate I have actually made a discussion last night on here as similar to you i am stuck with what to do i cant do anything anymore. It is good that results come back clear. Check out my post and let me know if you have similar or same symptoms. I commented on this post as i feel similar to James.

    • Posted

      If you could accept that all the symptoms you have can be anxiety they would decrease, you are in a cycle of fear that releases hormones that cause so many symptoms it seems unbelievable.

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      Hey if you do not mind me asking what symptoms do you suffer with and is it 24/7?

    • Posted

      At present I suffer with backache, shaking, shortness of breath, sometimes difficulty to stand and to walk, sweating, heart rate goes up to 160 bpm, numbness, sometimes difficulty swallowing...this is at present. There have been times when I have been better and others worse.

    • Edited

      yeah it is not nice at all. the symptoms are too much. with my case i just do not believe its anxiety im dealing with 30+ symptoms daily

    • Posted

      Hi james, have you gotten anything from the doctors yet. I have been experiencing very bad symptoms every day and i dont know what to do. Right now i get pains on the right side of my temples where my veins are at. I also get pains on my right jaw under when i move it sometimes. Its also hard to swallow sometimes because when i do i get this pain in my throat. Im having shortness of breath and i feel aches everywhere. I also feel very dizzy when i move my head sometimes and when i hear noise i feel a rumbling in my ears and they start to hurt me. I dont know what to do and break down everytime i have these symptoms because i dont know what to do. I feel very sick and like im reaching the end but the doctors dont seem to worry about it but the symptoms i feel are real even when im not anxious. I also feel very weak all over and like my body is giving up on me.

    • Posted

      hey i am sorry that you are suffering like this but just remember you are not alone bro. i have gone to holland and barrets and got some vitamins and other tablets good for the brain. i have also gone shopping mainly for fruits and vegs my plan is to overdose on nutrition see if that helps hut apart from that feel so far gone. the crushing fatigue, the drunk feeling, the inability to use the toilet, ED, body overheating but not sweating. i am just like you and terrified for my life. when we last spoke you mentioned you had head mri and bloods. have you had anything else since then? what is your doctor saying?

    • Posted

      Ive been feeling very weak and right now im scared that i might have ALS or MS which scared me a lot. I keep having these muscle twitches and like cramps all over my body.

    • Posted

      Hey james, just wanted to see how you are feeling and if you got any news from the doctors.

    • Posted

      hey im still the same its like my brain not working anymore. i had an ultrasound on my neck which came back normal added to the above tests ive done. im literally giving up

    • Posted

      I understand, my last option for me is to rule out any autoimmune diseases since the symptoms we feel could be our own body cells attacking each other. I think thats a blood test you should take to rule out these since MS is also an autoimmune disease and also lupus and arthritis.

    • Posted

      I had an antibodies antinuclear blood test which was negative but is there another test for autoimmune diseases?

    • Posted

      c reacttive protein, ana, and esr would be good blood tests if all of those are normal then highly unlikely you have an autoimmune. i start pristiq tom. scared.

    • Posted

      I have all of those normal. I have started citalpram but i know something is wrong with body. I feel like i may have issue with my blood my symptoms never vanish

    • Posted

      my symptoms never vanish either tom. i start pristiq. i just wish i felt ok. i dont feel right at all. that is the worst symptom is not feeling like my self. if im dying just let me feel like my self.

    • Posted

      Hey james, just wanted to see how your symptoms are and if you developed any new ones or are getting better with the medicine.

    • Posted

      Not much improvement. Cannot even go out without getting feeling off passing out. struggling to breath sometimes. I am so weak my muscles shake. No appetite. ED. Starting to get scared. I have also had a neck ultrasound done this week came back normal. I have had my whole body scanned and many bloods taken with nothing concluded. Just feel like i am running out of time.

    • Posted

      Have you checked if you have any balance disorders like veritgo or something else? ENT specialist can maybe see if your feeling like your going to faint or dizziness is related to that and they can test your ears and throat.

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