Please Help is this AF or PVC

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I live in a his nightmare for 3 months now. Can't you imagine how stressed I am.

Before 3 months I noticed a few skipped heart beat every day, that was very weird to me I though it is not serious. Then after one moth suddenly I had like mini stroke symptoms ie. Tingling in hands and legs , dizziness, fatigue. Went to the emergency they made ECG all blood test they told me nothing serious. BUT TILL NOW I AM SUFFERING TO DEATH ALL OF THIS NASTY SYMPTOMS skipped heart beat, dizziness, sudden fatigue, shortness of breathing. I was so strong and athletic. After I visited the GP he made ECG and ECO he said your heart is 100% fine. He told me I don't need holter ECG and this IS NOT AF. But how the PVC alone make all of this symptoms: I feel that my life end here since I red that AF can be undetected even with 2 weeks holter ECG. I don't feel have a fast heart beat can I have AF without a fast heart beat.


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi. You need to see a cardiologist. I had SVT, now they say I have AF, I really dont think they are very smart as I now have another dangerous drug to take. As for me, I get a very fast heartbeat, if it doesnt stop after an hour I take one extra pill crushed., Later I am very tired- These heart problems are a real nuisance. Good luck with your next exam - - -
  • Posted

    Hi Ahbaoum

    I had symptoms very likie yours and my GP didn't pick it up either. With my AF my heart didn't feel like it was racing - I just felt a really heavy weight on my chest and struggled for breath. Particularly I was also dizzy and had tingling in the tips of my fingers. Despite frequent presentations to A&E no one could see that it was AF as they didn't 'capture the moment' and even the Cardiologist told me the holter 72 hour tape didn't show anything untoward.

    Do try and press your Doctor to refer you to a Cardiologist or alternatively if you have an attack try and get to A&E so they can do and ECG while it's going on. 

    Most of all try not to panic and stay positive - good luck.

    • Posted

      Hey Gotabiabetter,

      Thank you for your support. But how did you diagnosed by AF without showing in the ECG.

      I got a horrible symptoms every day dizziness, sudden fatigue, shorting berating. The symptoms become worste after any effort or just small walking. The doctor side no structural problems in my heart and that's I don't have AF because it is not shown in the ECG. He told me this symptoms not related to my PVC which he side I should take Magnesium to treat it. How did you know that your symptoms related to AF.

    • Posted

      AF can show up on ECG as to shows as a missing P wave x
  • Posted

    Following a collape I was taken to A&E by a paramedic but discharged with no diagnosis. My GP referred to and ENT Consultant because of the dizziness (!) which was a waste of time. From research on the Internet I suspected I might have POTS but apparently was told I was too old. It might be worthwhile you looking this up. My real crisis occurred while I was sitting down at work.Fortunately I was working in a hospital and went straight to Minor Injuries who called 999 but my heart went to over 200 and it seemed to me to be touch and go, was admitted to Cardiac Care but discharged the next day on Bisoprolol which was a horrible medication but had to suffer for 6 months whilst waiting for an EP study but then they couldn't ablate as there wasn't sufficient evidence to do anything. Apparently my tachycardia develops on its own into AF. I would recommend you to also look at the British Heart Foundation website and give them a call as well - it's good to discuss these things and they are very sympathetic.
    • Posted

      I'm Sorry to hear what happened to you.

      But is it till now you didn't diagnosed as AF by any doctor??

      I'm 35 and I am suffering I suspect POST also but my skipped heart beat scar me and I am afraid it is AF and my be I get stroke because of it.

  • Posted

    I also was very concerned about having a stroke and kept doing the FAST test as many of the symptoms of AF make you feel this way. I'm 63 and although I have AF am not on any anti-coagulant as my risk of stroke is deemed very low as I don't have any other contributory issues. The first Cardiologist prescribed Asprin but this is useless and apparently out of date advice for AF....

    Take it as easy as you can - we call know how tired AF can make you (if it is AF) - and ring your GP to ask for a referral to Secondary Care Cardiology unless he can give you a firm diagnosis of something else which is making you feel like this.

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