Please help, is this due to varicose veins or something else?
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I'm 27, and I've been having problems with numbness on and off since I was 17, mostly in my arms. I haven't noticed any obvious varicose-like veins, but I don't know what else could be causing what I'm about to explain to happen.
The numbness when I was younger seemed to be nerve-related, or so I thought. It was always the same, aching shooting pain, until summer 2016 I started to notice it being aggravated by cold weather in my job. I would occasionally get shooting electric-like pains from my elbow down, but I just figured it might be cold damage from working outside.
Last year though, I noticed something else was starting to happen. I started experiencing a significant increase in the numbness in my arms to the point where it began to happen at night and wake me up. I don't think it's caused by positions as this never happened before in my life and then it became almost nightly, and often/usually effects both arms at once.
This bothered me, but again, I was not too concerned, I just thought it was weird that it seemed that sleeping itself would trigger the numbness opposed to positions. This was mostly confirmed when I took a plane ride last November and fell asleep in a comfortable sitting position, only to wake up with my whole left arm more numb than I've ever felt in my life. It was very painful and was enough to make me panic. In the days after I experienced more numbness than normal.
Over Christmas, I began to also notice this effecting my legs occasionally sometimes, especially if sitting. The same painful numbness. It's been hard to tell that this seems to be happening on account for me standing all day at my job, and having chronic pain on top of it. But I learned over the winter that sitting too long, crossing legs too long, or kneeling too long will cause my legs to go painfully numb.
In February, I had my wisdom teeth removed, and while healing I got super sick. A lot of things happened, but one was that I noticed that sensation changes started happening in my limbs. When I'd shower, the soles of my feet would burn even though I was warm. Things like metal, water, or air felt "different" against my skin. Often I felt a sensation almost like cold water running through my veins. Most notably, I started getting extreme mottling in my hands to the point where they were turning blue.
The doctors said that this is Reynaud's, so I let it be for some time. But it's been months, and nothing has improved and after researching Reynaud's and comparing my experience, I don't feel like it fits. I've never had patchiness of color, only significant mottling. The mottling is constant and only goes away when I raise my hands. If my hands are by my sides for any amount of time, the veins swell, the fingers turn red and mottled and feel full of blood. Even if it's 30 degrees Celcius out!
My arms are almost constantly "off", even lying down, the sensation of temperature is permanently disturbed and the numbness and pain usually there. It still gets significantly worse while sleeping in both sides and wakes me up. I drank alcohol on the weekend, and I think I will avoid this altogether from now on, because the numbness while sleeping was so bad that I could feel upon regaining consciousness the blood return to my arms in a rush and the subsequent rush of intense pins and needles was awful!
I think that's about it. Has anyone ever experienced this? It seems like a blood pooling or circulation issue to me, judging by the mottling and numbness combined and temperature changes. The best thing I can think of to explain it would be valve issues in veins. I wonder if it's worth me going back to the doctor about it, given that it seems to be worsening - they had told me not to worry about it and that I was mostly just experiencing anxiety when I was sick, but it's been months and I'm not anxious at all, and yet the mottling is always evident, and it can't be anxietywhen the numbness is waking me up at night, can it??
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I forgot to mention too, that I've always been slender with very visible veins, especially in my arms ... I haven't noticed any lumpiness to them, but I have noticed that a lot of the middle-thickness veins have either become more shallow, or have popped up as being very dark and visible for some other reason, most prominently on the insides of my elbows. Other than that, my veins in my hands just swell with the mottling when they are by my sides
taylor31694 renegadedaisy
Hello Did you find out whats causing this issue? i have similar symptoms. i have vericose veins, carpral tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome.
renegadedaisy taylor31694
no, but im pretty sure its to do with blood flow/valves. the morning after drinking alcohol it got the worst which fits, so i will not be doing that again ever. i also got numbness/chills/tingling while awake and at work. it could be related to my job but i am not sure.
taylor31694 renegadedaisy
have you seen a vascular surgeon? Could be cubital or capral tunnel alibg with venous reflux
ptolemy renegadedaisy
I think I would go back to the doctor if I were you. Doctors will often give a diagnosis which may or not be correct. They don't know there is a problem unless you go back and tell them. The fact you get the same symptoms when it is very hot may change your doctor's mind on Raynauds.
margaret22116 renegadedaisy
hi yes I have gotten this or very similar. Tested for neuropathy but no nerve damage. I have varicose veins on one leg causing me an issue and am going to see a vascular surgeon next week.
But I also have an auto immune condition which causes a lot of my issues. What strikes me about your situation is that you have been diagnosed with Reynaud's. Reynaud's can be primary or secondary and there can be another underlying problem and Reynaud's happens because of it. Hope you get some answers.
OP Here. I Havent got official proof but i have a lot of reasons to believe that i found the cause of this and more that was going on. it was due to low level Co poisoning!
matthew44800 renegadedaisy
After using Dermalmd Varicose Vein Treatment Serum for almost a month there are visible changes as the varicose veins are beginning to vanish under the skin and also they are not swallow and proud anymore , my wife is pleasantly surprised with the results .