Please help! Is this raynauds?
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Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help me who has or knows about raynauds please. For the past year I have been experiencing the veins on my palms coming up really clear on my palms, both hands. They do not raise they just look more blue and clearly defined. Dr doesn't seem interested and said there's no medical reason why they would be blue but I'm fairly sure even o know that's not the case. She said it could just be a touch of raynauds but that wouldn't cause any other symptoms, and I have others like widespread short term pain and near constant lightheadedness. The issue I have is I went to google, error I know, but I viewed images of raynauds and it looks more like that causes a blue hue about the skin not partuculart defined to the veins looking more defined. Fingers also tingle lightly and it's really easy for me to get pins and needles, I don't have to have been leaning on my arm for long in an awkward position.
Any thoughts you have would be a huge help to me
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dee53012 gem1971
Hi LS,
I have Raynauds, and my fingers do the same thing. They almost look translucent at times. Is the doc you are seeing an MD or a Rheumatoligist? You don't get a "touch of it", you either have it or you don't. It;s like saying you are a little pregnant. Sheesh.
My ND said rub my fingers togther vigorously when they feel off. I do this several times a day and it does seem to help. Of couse I wear gloves often. I also have raynoauds on my ears and toes. Ouch.
Google is a good place to start since docs seem to be so uneducated or just don't gave a darn about so many things! I diagnosed myself with PM, I told my sister I saw the same rash I had on line. She went bolistic and told me to stay off the computer. I went to the doc and ask for a biopsy, he refused at first, untill I told him to biospy it or i would find a new doc. He biosied it and SOB, I was right! If he'd burned off the rash, I never would have known I have polymyositis. I will never forget his face when he read the lab results and said it outloud. I think he nearly fainted. I have no faith in doctors, they have ignored me and treated me like a hypocondriac my whole life.
Praise to Google!
gem1971 dee53012
Thanks dee53012
Wow I thought I was unique having issues with the doctor. She told me there's no medical reason for you having blue hands. Those were her exact words. I am in the process of changing doctors and am going to make an appointment to kick some ass as son as I can as I just don't feel I'm being treated right. Last appointment I went in with lightheadedness and blue hands and came away with anti depressants which I've not taken because to be honest I feel insulted by her. They just seem to want to blame anxiety, well I am probably anxious because I've been poorly for a year, I don't make a big deal out of illness which is the most insulting thing so when I do I expect drs to at least loom into it. Dr isn't a specialist but hoping the new one refers me. So we're you diagnosed with raynauds first? How do they diagnose it?
dee53012 gem1971
Exactly, they insult our intelligents. i had multiple diagnoses all around the same time. One thing led to another. Celiac, polymyosits, pernicious anemia, raynauds just hurt, liver kidney issues . . . the list goes on. IF the docs had done their job and tested me waaaay back, I may not have gotten this sick. But ohwell, right? we all gotta die sometime!
I have come to terms with the diseases, but I have not come to terms with how the medical community treats women, the elderly, and especially people with mental health issues. I am to the point now that I would rather suffer then ever see another doc. Seriously angry
perry28581 dee53012
We all have to be very aware of our conditions and not give in to any MD's treatment if you think there is a misdiagnosis. I sent my records to a teaching hospital and after a conference there was told that I did not have PMR rather I had Raynauds. I had been given prednisone for 9 minths uneccesarily!
sarah_71611 gem1971
Hi doc sent m to hospital they just asked me lots of questions and asked me what my symptoms where then told me I had Raynaud's told me to go to my own doc for pain relief but can't get app for 4weeks so will let you know what I get .Do you take any pain relief?
rob1951 gem1971
I have, in a past post, spoken about a revolutionary technology that few know about here in the US but is hingly used in Europe... in hospitals, clinics and homes. It is a technology that assists the arterioles to pulse and move the blood to the capilaries where oxygen and neutrients are delivered to the cells while extracting the waste and toxins from the cells. If the blood is not flowing properly, we develop so many of our isssues. This technology will assist in getting our blood to flow more properly. I've seen my own pain diminish with the use of this technology. It has brought life and a greater sense of well being back to my body.
dee53012 rob1951
sarah_71611 gem1971
Hi I've just been told I've got Raynaud's my hands go the same as yours blue veins swelling up pains n needles in my toes and fingers,and fingers and toes tingle and sore knee caps and my fingers go white in cold .would like to know how to get rid of the tingling in toes as it's so annoying
sarah_71611 gem1971
Hi there I've got Raynaud's to my veins on my hands swell up and go blue and also got a rash under my skin that's there 24 .7...also my hands and feet tingle n pins and needles it ok when your walking but if sitting or standing it happens so annoying
brad08458 sarah_71611
Sarah, I don't think you have Raynaud's Miss. Raynaud's does not cause "swollen veins"... Raynaud's causes vasoconstriction of the tiny "capillaries" that feed the skin and appendages... I believe thhe translucence mentioned above is refering to the way the entire affected appendage looks during an attack. They look exactly like a dead person's appendages. Zero blood and zero color... making them appear slightly translucent. consider an uncooked pork chop or chicken breast totally devoid of blood and you have a similar effect. The numbness comes at the height of the attack and the tingling usually occurs when it "thaws" out.
The best analogy of Raynaud's Disease that I can think of is that it is an "allergy to the cold". Just like a nasal allergy for example... Two people can be in the exact same envirenment, and one persons body will treat pollen as a dangerous foreign invasion causing thier body to go way overboard in defending itself... While the other doesn't even notice that there's a speck of pollen in the air...
In cold weather everyones body auto constricts blood supply to preserve some warmth.... Our body's however see the cold like the person's body above see's pollen. Our bodies over react and attempts to shut down everything except the vital organs to literally preserve our lives. Tho when it's 60 degrees F out, we all know it's not needed.
There is most generally a very finite line on your body showing the affected parts right next to the normal colored parts... One side bleach white... the other normal color.. and the color will creep down to the tips of your appendages as it returns.
I've had Raynaud's since I was a kid.... before 16 yrs of age, and I've read hundreds of articles on it.... May I add that very few doctors really know a damn thing about it.. just the basics. They don't have a clue as to how severe it can actually be. I wish you the best, and if you have any questions I'd be happy to reply... Good luck Miss.