Please help me.
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I’ve being dealing with HS since I was 16. It started out very small and it was rare that I’d get a boil, but it did happen. Each year it’s gotten worse. I’m 27 now and each year is worse and worse and I just can’t do this anymore. In the past three years, it’s a constant battle. I’d have at least 3 boils in my groin area, one in each armpit and one on my right breast every day. I didn’t know what was wrong but just kept waiting for them to pop and go away. I finally went to the doctor last year because I had a golf ball sized boil in my armpit and they had to lance it. I started to get them on my face as well and that petrified me. I’m already scared in my groin area and armpits. The doctor diagnosed me with HS. I cried because I finally knew what was wrong with me and that there were people out there that had the same condition. I wasn’t alone!!! They prescribed me with antibiotics and washing 2x daily with antibacterial soap. It helped for a period of time but they resumed and in full force. I gave up on the antibiotics since I’m planning on getting pregnant.
Here is where I’m at. I smoke, I drink, I eat everything and anything. I can’t keep going to the doctor and paying so much for things that don’t work. I’m not overweight just a bit chubby. I bathe daily if not every other day. I don’t work out. Today hit me hard. I got a three grape size lump over night and I just can’t deal with this anymore. I’m depressed. I’m in pain. I wanna get better. I want to get pregnant and start a family but I’m scared I can’t have sex because the lumps in my groin will be too painful. I want to not be in pain that embarrasses me or drags me down anymore. I can’t shave, I joke with my husband he married a French girl. I know I can get better, but that means not smoking, not drinking, not eating what I want and being more proactive on hygiene and exercise. That’s a lot of changes all at once and I’m scared I’m gonna fail. But I can’t be in pain anymore. I need help. I’m crying out for help. Please help. I’m at my wits end and don’t know what to do.
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aussie76 LilBam17
Hi LilBam,
There is some big correlation between smoking and HS, unfortunately quitting doesn't seem to be a magical cure, however smoking does reduce your circulation and hinder the wound repair so may make them last longer.
Write down what you ate 12-36 hours before the latest breakout. In my case it was always potato, which I now avoid and almost eliminated the HS.
I had/have it for 20 years and feel like I've been through the wringer, seen all the specialists, medications, had the surgeries... And my conclusion is nightshades.
I also suspected probiotics may have assisted fix something in my gut, so maybe give them a go.
Again, thanks so much for the reply. Sorry you have to go through this as well.
christine60829 LilBam17
Hi I am haveing the same problem I have been on antibiotics for 7 months and they keep getting worse. I have 7 at any giving time. But now they aren't popping they get huge and spread out I am with u I can't take the pain any more and my doctor says he is trying to control them ya right it's not controlling them they are getting worse
LilBam17 christine60829
christine60829 LilBam17
LilBam17 christine60829
christine60829 LilBam17
LilBam17 christine60829
christine60829 LilBam17
LilBam17 christine60829
Give it a go. Every time you crave a cig just think of how much pain you have from those damn boils and how much you wish them away. Try it and tell me what you think, how you feel and if it helps!!! I’d love to see if this helps you like it has me. They aren’t gone by any means but a ton better. The night I did smoke a LOT I felt the pain in the morning. I could feel them growing deep inside my armpits and it hurt so bad. I only smoked 3 that day after and I felt them go back down.
Us smoking HS girls need to stick together!
Try it! I’ll even give you my number so I can be your support. I want this stupid battle to end and would love to find people that we can help each other.
christine60829 LilBam17
Hi. I have cut way back on smoking I don't see a difference. I have even changed a lot of stuff I have been on my meds for 8 months the meds armt working anymore I took my self off of my meds I feel a little better but this is a diease that won't go away but can be controlled and right now these damn things. On me are way outta control
Debbon LilBam17
My daughter had alergie test and vitam and minerals she avoids dairy and takes pro biotics she's in remmision hope this helps .
LilBam17 Debbon
Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you have a great Christmas!
marc04239 LilBam17
I had HS starting in 2002, and continued until a year and a half ago. I quit smoking 3 years ago. That was the magic bullet .
I would encourage others to take this as a guideline, as I suffered with it for nearly 20 years. It was the cigarettes!!!