Please help me..

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Aug 2, bit by something. 

Aug. 3, rash becomes swollen hot and red. ( I go to urgent care) they give me doxycycline for 7 days 

Leave for trip come back August 6th.

Can’t hear out my ears, go back to urgent care. Says I have a double ear infection. Stop taking the doxy and go on a diff antibiotc.. then I get my hearing back and that’s when all the weird stuff starts to happen. I start to get hand tremors. My hands and arms have pins and needle sensation. My legs feel like jello. Elbow pain. Sharp ear pain. I get awful headaches that won’t go away. I can’t sleep. Go finally see a GP and they say anxiety... okay I start anti depressants. 4 weeks in and the headaches have come back and I still feel everything.. nothing makes sense!!! The only thing I can possibly think of is that bite. Could it be possible I have Lyme? I already taken all the blood tests except for Lyme. All clear but I need to take a Lyme test. What do you guys think? 

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    Soryy, I did send you some helpful info but it was deleted by the tyrany we are currently under. Try Longevity Health, Atlanta, they are a good clinic. 

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