Please help me
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Hi everyone,
im suffering really badly with my mental health.
i smoke and have a hoarse voice.
in 2019 i had a camera down my throat and the doctor said that i have that due to smoking and it would be best to stop.
i was going through a really stressful time and could not stop.
anyway my doctor has gone away and i saw another doctor and he mentioned my voice so now im panicking.
i told him i had seen the ent so he said ok and told me to stop and go to vaping.
as he has mentioned this i keep thinking that i have cancer and im now becoming more aware of my voice and throat.
please help me as im terrified
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jan34534 anna_34674
I would think that if you had cancer the first doctor would have been able to detect it and take a tissue sample for a biopsy. If he didn’t do that then he must not suspect anything at this time. The doctors were telling you that it’s important to stop smoking so that it doesn’t get to that point.
you could call for stop smoking support groups. The American lung Association and the American cancer society would most likely be able to help you find a’s a good idea to be part of a group like that because everybody supports each other. It can be difficult to try to quit on your own.
if you are in the United States you can call 866-784-8454. It’s called quit for life. One step at a time. Some people instead of quitting Cold turkey, they set a goal for themselves such as instead of smoking a whole pack a day I will cut down to 3/4 of a pack. Then the next goal could be that I will cut down to her hair. Step-by-step. Give that number a call and they can explain more! also, have you ever had counseling? That can benefit you also. You can do it virtually and not have to leave home. It works great! Take care
I meant to say cut down to a half a pack not her hair. LOL
Sean7777 anna_34674
Hello, fist off I'm just going to be blunt with you, stop the smoking rite now!!! Before you do end up with a life threatening issue!
I used to be a heavy smoker, even worse when I was stressed out. But after one night of smoking 70 I woke up the next day, with my lungs burning like they where on fire. I accept it was my own fault and the only way to fix the issue was to stop.
Decided too buy nicotine gum 4mg fruit fusion, and never looked back, can't recommend them enough! Although I have a addiction too them now, it's better than smoking and a feel better for it.
After about 3 weeks, my lungs healed and all my issues went away, could breath in air without coughing, blood pressure came down could smell and taste again.
YOU have to quit, not tomorrow not next week, not when you feel less stressed, NOW! before you can't change the path.
I'm confident the problem you have isn't life threatening, just the results of smoke on you're throat, used to happen to me a lot.
But please nip it out, take care of yourself & stop worrying.
S x
Sean7777 anna_34674
Hello, fist off I'm just going to be blunt with you, stop the smoking rite now!!! Before you do end up with a life threatening issue!
I used to be a heavy smoker, even worse when I was stressed out. But after one night of smoking 70 I woke up the next day, with my lungs burning like they where on fire. I accept it was my own fault and the only way to fix the issue was to stop.
Decided too buy nicotine gum 4mg fruit fusion, and never looked back, can't recommend them enough! Although I have a addiction too them now, it's better than smoking and a feel better for it.
After about 3 weeks, my lungs healed and all my issues went away, could breath in air without coughing, blood pressure came down could smell and taste again.
YOU have to quit, not tomorrow not next week, not when you feel less stressed, NOW! before you can't change the path.
I'm confident the problem you have isn't life threatening, just the results of smoke on you're throat, used to happen to me a lot.
But please nip it out, take care of yourself & stop worrying.
S x