Please help me, my girlfriend is on the verge of suicide because of unknown intestinal problem
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I beg you all help me... with any advice, info , suggestion, that might lead to the finding of the problem that my girlfriend has. First of all I `m not from USA and my english is not perfect. I live in Bulgaria, in Europe.
My girlfriend has this issues from 1 month. I must mention that absolutely nothing happened before that, she lived normal and she ate nothing wrong, took no medicine, absolutely nothing happened. It all began when she was at university classes.
summary :
She was at univeristy classes and all of the sudden she felt a strong urge to go at toilet and defecate, also at the same time she felt a strong nausea (to puke). She went at toilet and she could not defecate or puke. She then became bloated (stomatch bloating) and this lasted 1 hour. She went back to class and easyily the symptoms passed. At home everything was fine, no problem. The next day she had the same symptoms, and from that day (1 month ago) till now, the symptoms are present almost 24/7 and she developed panic attacks from this. I know that it might be ALL somatic disorder (anxiety related), but we want to make SURE that it is not another disease before we can all blame it to anxiety.
So please I beg you, tell me, what can she have ? what health issue ? and what tests could be done to check if she has a sickness or not ?
She had normal blood tests, hormonal tests, ecography and all went ok
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mary19068 catalin00226
Hi catalin00226
Has your girlfriend had a pregnancy test?..
Guest catalin00226
It culd be IBS..irritable bowel..usually causes bloated feeling, could have colonoscopy done for her..its easily of luck..
moon53540 catalin00226
Maybe she is suffering with an obstruction, an X-ray or CT scan of her stomach might be a good idea. She needs to see a gastroenterologist and explain her symptoms first.
dave333 catalin00226
1: Dont panic, 2: is she now going to the loo ok? 3: is she eating & drinking ok and is she being sick or just feeling sick? 4: does this occur worst at uni or when she is under pressure??? 5: hows her weight? 6: is her periods ok? Sorry to ask so many questions but without further info everyone as no idea.
chris13550 catalin00226
3 years ago I solved a 48 year old mystery. I too, suffered similarly as your girlfriend, ended up being gastritis. However I suffered all of these years, only to find out that I had a H Pylori infection from childhood years.
It destroyed my life, a marriage not to mention 100s of thousands of lost wages..
It took 32 years to get it tested, so you have to be your own Dr, from my experience..
She may be developing Crohns or Colitis as well..
I suggest finding a functional Dr, they listen to the patient, and don't give the runaround.
I'm not a Dr, just giving my opinion as a lifelong sufferer..
Food allergies develop out of this type of sickness as well.. And it may be some virus or other bacteria? Celiac disease?
"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the honor of kings search it out".
Vish2015 chris13550
Hi Chris,
I think I too have a similar case like yours. I have been going through gastric problems since many years, and recently found out H. Pylori infection through endoscopy. I am taking medicines ( PPI + Clarithomycin + Amoxicillin ) right now, however not sure how effective it would be. Can you please throw some light, how did you get it cured? Thanks.
chris13550 Vish2015
I ended up after 40 plus years of suffering, finding a functional dr who suffered our same fate.
He explained to me that when we have damage to the villi in the small intestines, through bacteria, parasites, Roundup, Gmo foods etc that our intestinal wall is breached, allowing food to escape to the rest of the body, causing inflammation.
When this happens, we develop food allergies and intolerances. So once this happens, each time we ingest these particular foods, our body goes into autoimmune response. Some will experience mainly bowel issues, while others may have bipolar or schizophrenic episodes, muscle and joint pain, thyroid issues, blood sugar all kinds of stuff, because the body is in a state of panic, constantly.
Once the problem foods are eliminated, I was better in 3 days. What happens is remission from whatever disease is progressing in our bodies.
Vitamin D3, B12, testosterone, and iron levels were low as well.
I did the triple therapy 3 years ago, after biopsies came back positive for h pylori infection. I also went into pancreatitis, liver disease, gall bladder disease, years of peptic and duodenal ulcers, colitis, Graves etc. But my functional Dr called me at home when I got sick, he told me what to do, I got well again..
He taught me a "low residue" diet, when the bowels need to rest and heal up.. It worked..
I also use Enteragam Immunoglobin Food daily. It enables me to have an appetite and eat without nausea and vomiting.
H pylori can cause irreparable damages, like stomach lining issues, malabsorption etc..
I still struggle quite a bit, but my thyroid, blood sugar, cholesterol, hbp all levelled out with zero meds..
BTW most meds have milk, dairy and egg derivatives, so that can be an obstacle to recovery as well..(these seem to be problem foods for the majority of sufferers).
This is just a little bit of what ive learned from experience and good people who have shared their wisdom..
Hope I wasn't too confusing, its hard to share such complicated stuff, as I have no medical training..
Any info I can share, just ask.. I will share further..
Vish2015 chris13550
Chris, did you have tooth decay in your lifetime?
What is low residue diet? Can you please provide examples.
So, do we get EnteraGam from any pharmacy store ( without need of doctor's prescription ?)
Also, sorry for personal question. Is it possible for you to share, why your marriage got ruined because of it? Did you spouse did not support you?
Also, I need to know if you tried any exercise or Yoga that improved your condition in someway ? Like walking, running etc?
chris13550 Vish2015
Chronic illness is frowned upon in our culture, as it is viewed as weakness and we are a burden to some around us. It depends on the personality of course, but so many narcissists nowadays, its hard to avoid being around them.
They just want it to go away. If one hasn't suffered, they won't understand, that simple..
I married again, same situation
Vish2015 chris13550
One last question please.
Can it go from person to person. Like from you to your wife? Did you experience that ever?
chris13550 Vish2015
The h pylori infection is contagious person to person, if that's what she has.. It passes by eating and drinking after one another.
If there are any ulcers, then h pylori is involved. If IBS then it could have a different origin.
However, no matter what it is or what its called makes no difference, a food allergy panel is the only way to get things under control. Then you can chip away at the small issues..
Take my word, I've spent hundreds of thousands out of pocket since my late teens, only to be passed around from specialist to specialist, with my pud in my hand every time, with no answers..
My last blood panel showed zero inflammation and zero autoimmune markers.. So it worked for me, (and my daughters..)
Just my experience ..
emily5513 catalin00226
Have your girlfriend get a CT scan. An endoscopy and colonoscopy would also help. If those are both clear, refer her to a gastrologist. I watched my boyfriend deal with problems for months and he's finally getting better. It sucks but stay strong and have hope.
DESALVO catalin00226
I had similar symptoms 3 years ago. it came on suddenly. it was a blockage. i had surgery after being in the hospital for a week for testing. Your girlfriend needs more testing and x-rays.
george16226 DESALVO
Intestinal problems are hard to diagnose because they often have mixed symptoms.Could be IBS,gastritis,ulcer many things.I know that it will be very hard to get a CT in Bulgaria,cause doctors usually like ultrasounds better.Try to push for an endoscopy.