please help or reassure sick with worry
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I am in a bit of a mess at the moment
Just having loads of probs with heavy periods went for a scan yesterday at the hospital everything looked OK apart from a thickened lining, all my bloods are OK apart from CA125 which is slightly raised. Saw a gynae consultant last week before the scan and she wants me to have a hysterscopy and biopsy so feel very anxious
So very scared, before the scan the consultant said she was 99% certain all will be OK but wants to check everything. I was given northeristone to make my periods stop as I didnt gave ones between Dec until March and it was very heavy. She has offered me mirena coil just so worried.
I turned to google and wished I hadn't, I am 46 and have had twins 5 years ago following 4 rounds of ivf.
Please can someone help me or reassurance needed.
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maisie05 ellie309
Hi Ellie. I have been through the same as you are, once 2/3 years ago, and again in the last few months. Both times CA125 slightly raised, heavy periods, spotting. Had abdominal scan, then transvaginal scan, then hysteroscopy and biopsy. Just this morning I have had an mri scan to look further at a suspected small ovarian cyst. I have also been offered the mirena coil in the past. This is to help lessen the heavy bleed in the period. I declined as I've been hoping all symptoms would disappear as I entered menopause but I'm still waiting at 58 years old.
I have been diagnosed with fibroids in the past which can raise the CA125 and cause the bleeding. A biopsy is done just to be safe.
Try not to worry too much, It's the waiting for results which is the hardest. The treatments and procedures you are having are all routine and it is good to be checked out while your symptoms are in the early stages.
Take care and keep in touch, it's good to chat on here.
By the way.... I haven't been receiving forum notifications over the easter weekend(don't know why) and I suspect thats why you haven't had other responses.
I came across your post by accident. Hopefully you will soon have replies from others.
Guest maisie05
Same here - I haven't been getting notifications for several days.
Guest ellie309
Guest ellie309
A thickened lining means perimeno, right? Flooding periods are perimeno, right? Starting to skip periods is perimeno, right?
I think you should have the biopsy just for reassurance (did you have a vag ultrasound?). But I'm betting you will be just fine. I've had myself dead and buried so many times through all of this crazy meno stuff (thank you Google!).
Sorry you are going through this!
You aren't alone.
2chr2015 Guest
Suzanne. Thanks for the giggle. I read my obituary in my head all the time. Get myself all worked up. I absolutely can NOT google symptoms anymore if I want to have any life at all. 3 clicks and I'm dead. Lol
Guest ellie309
2chr2015 ellie309
ellie309 2chr2015
Having a major wobble today.
So after my scan last week I had a message from my consultant to say that my lining was 36mm which still could be normal for me depending where I was in my cycle and was nothing to worry about.
My bloods were OK apart from ca125 which was 50 but had come down from 86 3 years ago when I had fibroids.
I have a history of endometriosis, I am 46.
I am having a hysterscopy and biopsy on Wednesday and feeling absolutely sick and so nervous. She has offered to put in a mirena coil and I am just not sure what to do as heard good and bad.
The consultant at myappt didn't seem concerned and said she was 99% sure all will be OK but that was before my scan.
So scared everything I read with a thickness of 36mm points is endometrial
renee_26767 ellie309
I have found that googling anything will tell you
that you are dying . I don't do that anymore . It only makes things worse !!!
lisa62659 renee_26767
I have made this mistake now worry so much it's making me sick concerns about bleeding for 4 weeks