Please help, scared with afib

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I have had afib since 2009. I had an ablation which never completely took it away, but since that, rarely was bothered and no longer than a few hours. I used flecainide as a pill in the pocket. Well, last year I started having episodes every couple months, lasting about 6 hours, then I had one that was lasting a few days, the dr put me on 150 flecainide everyday and then after a week it stopped.  The doctor put me on Multaq. Two months later, afib, cardioversion stopped it, then I had tol talk knee replacement a month ago and my afib returned.  Now I am on Amiodarone, scared of the drug.  I have been in afib now for two weeks and on 600 mg of Amiodarone then after three weeks I will drop to 200 daily, I don't understand why I am still in afib, why did he not try another cardioversion,  I'm just scared. My heart rate was as high as 140. I also take toprol 50 twice daily which I have increased to 150. My heart rate is pretty much down but still mostly 100-110. I keep wondering how dangerous that is.  I can wait til August and have another ablation or get a pace maker now.  Any comforting thoughts?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hard to explain all this to anyone. All different ways and different meds of treating it. I only know amiodarone is not a drug to be on for a long time. Affects lungs in some. I am on toprul too Been told blood thinners can cause bleeding in the brain and be fatal..all scary and everyone gives you a different opinion. I do not feel my symptoms as of now but that does not mean I won't be and danger lurks the same. 
  • Posted

    Can't understand why they didn't cardioverted you either. It's probably worth asking, at least that way you'll know why.

    I've had five cardioversions since beng diagnosed in Dec 2014 (3 this year).

    Was ablated 5weeks ago and have been told that if I go into AF in the future that I need to take 50mg of Flecainide and 50 mg of metroprolol every six hours. If after 18 hours, I am still in AF, I have to go present at Emergency dept. and be cardioverted.

  • Posted

    I was on Amiodarone for nearly 2 months, after my heart rate shot up to 190bpm for 6 hours, then 205bpm for 8 hours. Bisoporal didn't stop it, just put the breaks on, gently. After I came of Amiodarone, I went back on Bisoporal, and I haven't had an episode since. Best of luck to you...push for better care and don't let yourself get lost in the system. 
  • Posted

    Just empathisize with you. I keep getting told it will get worse but I suppose procedures help some for at least a while. Don't stay on amariodarine for too long.Its all pretty scary.
  • Posted

    Thank u so much for your help.  I finally called and went back to the cardio, not the PA. I told him I would rather be on flecainide, my blood pressure was getting high in the evening and in the am when I woke up, he changed me to the flecainide, 100 mg every 12 hours. After the two doses, not even 24 hours later, my heart was in rythym.  Yay. I don't know if it was the Amiodarone or the flecainide. What ever, thank God!!!  He was going to convert me in a week if I didn't on my own.  Now setting up another ablation for August or Sept, waiting list. If this happens again, I'm going to try to insist on cardioversion. Thank u for the replies 
  • Posted

    Ok, I have been back in afib twice for less than a day. Ok now. Heart rate in the 50's. Blood pressure a little elevated and sometimes low.  My main concern, since I have been on flecainide, I have been short of breathe especially at night and with activity. Has any one else had this issue and is it maybe a side effect of the Flecaibide?
    • Posted

      your short of breath may be the amniodarone if u r still taking that. fluid retention? i empathize w you. i am new to afib since february and have an ablation scheduled soon. i am 69. how old r u and do u have any suggestions on meds vs ablation?

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