Please Help, so scared - Bartholin Cyst

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Please could someone help me! I have scared myself stupid constantly internet searching and I'm more stressed about this :-( 

I'm 29 and I felt a grape sized lump just under a week ago and went to the Dr. She said it is a Bartholin cyst and I should just try and forget about it!! Trouble is a can't... The uncertainty of what it could turn into is making me a nervous wreck. 

I think it is getting larger too... No pain just irritating knowing a lump is there. 

I have been trying baths, compresses, silica, serrapeptase and avoiding dairy for the past few days. Haven't seen any change yet. Just wondered how long should I persevere? 

I'm also confused about the bursting thing I have read about... Where does it burst from? Hopefully should it drain from the blocked duct? 

I'm so worried and confused it is affecting my job and my home life. 

Any advice, I would be so grateful for. 

Thank you 

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73 Replies

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    What I want to know is most of us seem to be of age that we are sexually active.  How in the world does that happen when you have this?  I am afraid my boyfriend will freak out.  Suggestions??? I have one that I continue to pop and it keeps coming back usually within an hour it seems.  it's driving me crazy!! 

  • Posted

    On Sunday 02/07/17 I had pain around my left labia which I thought might be from tight trousers (I was wearing skinny jeans) or thought maybe it might be my underwear rubbing over the area causing friction and pain. The area was very sore. Over the next couple of days, the pain got worse with swelling. On 04/07/17 I applied an ice pack to the area for 10 mins. I made a hot sea salt bath (2 handfuls of sea salt added to hot water in a bath, as hot as you can take it). I then applied some witch hazel with a cotton pad to wipe over the area. The next day it got worse with more pain plus more swelling. I couldn't walk or sit without feeling in a lot of pain. I called my GP to ask to either speak with or see a doctor. I spoke with a Doctor on the phone when they called me back. The doctor asked me to come in and see someone. I saw a Nurse who had a look at the area and said it may be an abscess caused by an ingrowing hair that was infected and to stop shaving the area. She asked me when I last shaved the area which I replied was about a week ago. She advised me to not shave anymore and either use wax or have laser treatment if you can afford laser treatment. I was prescribed Clarithromycin antibiotics 500 mg to take one tablet twice a day (one tablet every 12 hours). I started the tablet the same day at 10.45am and continued to take it every 12 hours. The next day I applied tea tree oil (5 drops diluted with 10ml almond oil which can be used as an antibacterial oil to massage into the area to kill any bacteria in the area. Also, the oil that you mix up will last you a long time). I applied a couple drops and gently massaged it into the area. After a couple of hours, I made a sea salt bath with hot water and sat in it for 20 mins. After the bath, I applied tea tree oil again gently massaging into the area. About an hour later it seemed to get more swollen and painful but it developed a yellow head. Within the next couple of hours, the pain was getting worse and looked like the abscess needed to be drained to remove any pus. I washed my hands with antibacterial soap. I got a lot of tissue and left it underneath where I was going to drain the abscess. I gently squeezed the abscess a few times as it was really painful but some pus with a little blood began to flow each time I squeezed it. I kept squeezing it until all the pus was removed. It was very painful to squeeze it but it needed to be drained from pus. I was worried that the pus might smell as I read online somewhere when some people said theirs burst on its own or when trying to drain it themselves it gives off a horrible smell. There was no smell which was good as I was worried that the infection and pus from the abscess would give off a foul smell but there was no smell. I threw away all the tissues containing the blood and pus. I gently wiped over the area with clean tissue to avoid any puss leaking into any surrounding areas to avoid spreading bacteria and cross infection. I massaged over the area with tea tree oil to kill any bacteria that may be present. I waited for the bleeding to stop before making another sea salt bath and sat in the bath for 20 mins. After the bath, I applied tea tree oil in the area and gently massaged again. I was hoping there would be no more pus to drain over the next few days as some people experience this where more pus builds up that’s needs to be drained. So far nothing and it’s been 3 days since squeezing all the puss out of the abscess which was so painful but an instant relief after the pus was removed, I could walk and sit like normal again. Also, the antibiotics, doing the sea salt bath and applying tea tree oil has really helped with aiding it to heal, stay clean and help swelling go down. I had a doctor look at it yesterday and she said that the area looked really clean and is healing nicely. No further pus building up so far and swelling has gone down a lot over the last few days. I am sharing this in hope that it may help someone who may be going through this and suffering in pain. GP or hospitals may not recommend squeezing the abscess yourself but I was in so much pain and couldn't walk or sit without pain and lost a lot of sleep from the pain. Also, I was so worried about having an operation to have it lanced. I will continue to do the sea salt bath and tea tree oil until all the swelling has gone down. I may continue to do it once a week the salt bath and apply the tea tree oil after normal daily bathing or shower just to keep the are clean and to avoid any future abscess coming back or a new abbess because it scared the hell out of me and I have read somewhere online that a lot of people have had it come back twice or three times. I read somewhere online that a woman had it come back 5 times. My mother had it 3 times and hers was from shaving as well. I hope this helps someone in some way. Hugs to anyone who may be going through this <3

  • Posted

    I'm 13 and I've had a BC on the outside for 2 years it used to be the size of a grape and full of fluid but one day it burst and now it's very small and painless it still looks bad though. 1 year ago I got 2 other ones and I'm very scared I don't know what to do now. If I tell my parents this, they'll think I've had sex, and I haven't had sex. Help!

  • Posted

    This forum was helpful for me when i had my bartholins cyst so just wanted to help out as best as I could. I initially had a grape size, not very painful lump than grew to a golfball size very, very painful lump. I couldn't sit or stand or walk without pain. I kept delaying going to see a Dr. because i was scared of any surgery down there. I tried antibiotics (bactrim), sitz baths but nothing helped. I almost went to the emergency because it had gotten so painful but luckily I got an urgent visit to a gynecologist which saved cost going to the emergency. I got the procedure on the same day and it took only about 15 mins. I remember feeling the pain subside almost immediately as he started draining the cyst. I had a drain placed that was uncomfortable but it fell out on it's own after about 4 weeks.

    My advice is not to delay, just go to a gynecologist. It's been about 7 months and no complications and it has not returned.

  • Posted

    Hey, sup guys! 

    I had this come in my life around the most random time and all I felt was pressure in the area it is now. Fast forward to now, I had to sit down at work ( retail so yeah ) and we’re all supposed to be up and ready to help customers but since this is such a pain and a  nuisance right now I had too. My boss understood but I hate it so much. It flares up time to time, I have been doing baths but I’m going to add the salt and see what’ll happen lol 

  • Edited

    I would like to share what worked for me recently.

    This has been a recurring issue for me. 3 times over the past year. This is what I did most recently and I think it got me faster results than I have seen in the past.

    I felt that familiar ache of the gland after some sexual activity. I knew it was starting. Prid was going to be my go-to. But I know that you need a "head" before that will work. You need what looks like a pimple to form where the duct is. The duct is just barely inside your vagina under your labia minora.

    I bathed as often as my schedule will allow...2-3 times a day. Warm water with epsom salts, just enough water to cover the area. I did this for a few days. At this point it had grown to the size of a walnut but stopped getting worse, but I saw little improvement.

    After a few days, after my bath I would incorporate steam. (do yourself a favour and get yourself a sitz bath, because squatting over a pot of boiling water isn't graceful or comfortable). Please be careful. allow the water to cool a little, don't burn yourself. Trust what your body tells you and if its too hot when the steam builds up, stand up and allow it to escape. Do not submerge anything you just want the steam to hit you. I did this to help encourage a head to appear. I thought I saw one and slathered some Prid on the area overnight. i woke up to zero change.

    Continued the steam and baths the next day. Overnight I tried Pheobes cure. I mixed the solution, soaked a gauze sqaure and placed it on the area. Please be advised, this treatment is HARSH and uncomfortable, it caused a burning sensation for me but I was desperate. I woke up to zero change. Steamed and bathed again, and repeated. left it on for about 4 hours. Rinsed and checked and I thought I could see a change around the duct area. it was painful to the touch just right there.

    I felt I had reached a point where the duct was open, and I was pretty sore and raw and couldn't fathom doing that treatment again. so I immediately applied Prid, because it is much more soothing, wore a panty liner and I went about my day.

    When I checked a few hours later I saw actual improvement. I was thrilled. Applied more prid to continue to encourage drainage. the next day or 2 I continued to bathe in Epsom salts.

    The whole process was about 8-10 days. I do believe that every step helped. I think for me, after the worst of it was done, I was still a little swollen but all that helps at that point is time and maybe the odd soak.


    When I used prid, i put a very generous amount on the area, as well as some on the panty liner.

    Pheobes cure is super harsh. after the worst of it was done, 2 days later i noticed the skin in that area was peeling!! i had burned the top layer of skin. Use this method only if you are not seeing progress with soaking/steaming. soak some gauze and wear a panty liner.

    I do believe however this is what helped the greatest in the end.

    finally, when it starts to drain, give it time. healing and shrinkage may not be immediate, but you should know when you are on the road of recovery.

    sorry so long but I know how hard it can be to find good advice on this.

  • Posted

    Hello all,

    I discovered a Bartholin cyst down there last week! I woke up with a large lump one side of my labia and was in pain! Walking, sitting, standing it all was uncomfortable! I have recently taken up cycling and after some research this can cause a Bartholin cyst! Mine for it to painful was for sure infected!

    I didn't know what to do and after 5 nights I decided to book a doctors appointment! The night before making my doctors appointment! I did some more online research I seen tea tree oil was something that could help with the pain and people where claiming it helped drain the cyst at home! Feeling helpless and in pain I got a super hot bath and after the bath I got my tea tree oil and rubbed in inside down there where I felt the pain and I went to sleep! Next morning I woke up the pain was so bad! I went downstairs and felt liquid in between my legs oh wow the cyst had burst just like the internet said! The instant relief was amazing. The blood and stuff that came out was not so amazing! It has been three days now and I am feeling great pain free. If anyone is suffering with this I feel your pain! I really hope this post helps someone as I wish I had this to read when I was suffering!

  • Posted

    I had my 5th bartholins gland cyst swell up (aka : abscess) about a month ago (5th over a 4 year period). the initial cyst was actually 5 years ago and was grape sized and not painful at all. stayed that size for a year until i took a plan b pill and a couple days following it swelled to about egg size and was an abscess and very painful. 100% it had to be triggered by the excess hormones. Went in for I &D procedure which was so horrifically painful.. Ever since then the area will be soft, normal and painless or go immediately to a swollen painful lump that grows in size very fast. There is no in between for me now.

    The 3 following gland abscesses i managed to get them to drain on my own following all the different protocols ive found from fellow sufferers of this curse (thank you all! ). the best remedies seem to be very warm (not scalding) bath with epsom salt, lavender and tea tree EO and compresses of very warm water/washcloth (1each per day). after ill apply a tumeric/coconut oil mixture and a cotton pad directly on the area. this would cause it to swell and be painful but it would drain in a matter of days and it would drain from the actual gland opening.

    just when i thought i had it all figured out all hell breaks loose! this last one appeared a month ago and nothing worked. it swelled up to the size of a golf ball and stayed that way. it wasnt horribly painful (i could walk, sit, i even road a stationary bike) but was uncomfortable. none of the remedies were working so i ordered two drawing salves (one being PRID)........ didnt work. it stayed the same and a month goes by and then a few days ago it started to become pretty painful so i had to tackle it thinking i could get it to drain from the gland as i had before. I used all the remedies and it just seemed to grow and become horribly painful. like ...... BAD. The worst one so far. i have a pretty high pain tolerance and this was getting me. i could barely walk or sit; couldnt sit cross legged etc. it swelled up SO BAD i dont even know what to compare the size to! maybe two small eggs?!? O.M.G . i actually started to worry. I emergency ordered some MAGNESIUM SULFATE PASTE as a last ditch effort. i also remembered a friend telling me about hot/cold application for spider bites that draws the venom out . so thats what i did. super warm compress then an ice cold compress alternating every 5 minutes. i focused it on the area that was the most painful because i assumed thats where it was coming to a head. seriously i was almost in tears afterwards it was so swollen and painful . i thought if this doesnt drain i have to go in in the morning. i applied the mag sulfate paste (didnt burn at all) , put on underwear with a pad , took some tylenol and ibuprofen , put a pillow under my knees to lay on my back (it hurt so bad i couldnt even move!!!) and went to sleep. 6 hrs later at 3am i woke to a wet feeling and it had burst. there was an obvious hole where it was draining. i knew immediately when i moved because the pain level was down 80%. unreal. i had to get up and get everything out and made sure i wasnt going to spread the bacteria to any other area . i cleaned it and applied more mag sulfate (didnt burn) to keep drawing out what was remaining. applied clean gauze and went back to bed. it was still painful and swollen and felt like there was more in there. by the time i woke up it was just a bit tender and the swelling went down a lot. continuing with the paste and some compresses over the next few days to follow it through. so happy for that nightmare to be over with.

    unfortunately i think there will be a next time and if i cant get it to drain from the gland (im afraid its totally blocked at this point) i will go straight to hot/cold compresses and mag sulfate. such a long story but had to share. stay strong sisters.

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