Please help us. Daughter 16 new diagnosis
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Hello. My daughter was newly diagnosed w Achalasia after her upper gi tests showed she had it. She has a manometry in a few weeks. Then an appointment with surgery team at U of M.
She has been having these horrible episodes of pain. Often time sit will wake everyone in the night. The pain is in the area Middle chest/under her breasts. It is terrible when it hits her. It eventually passes. She describes it as tearing feeling.
What can I do to help her relive the pain from these episodes?
Also and other advice for treatment etc is greatly appreciated.
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sheila_96975 allisond13
The only thing that helps my pain is applesauce...I keep the little six pack cups...but before she lies back down she is should clear whatever didn't go down out..or she will start that coughing...
Madison95 allisond13
I have those "esophageal spasms" too, especially at night when I'm asleep or trying to go to sleep. I've found that forcefully swallowing air helps it, and also forcefully massaging the area. From what I've read online, these spasms can feel like a heart attack in terms of pain. I've never had a heart attack but holy crap they hurt. I've also read that people have found relief from these by taking muscle relaxers... if that's the way you wanna' go. I'm 22 and was recently diagnosed with "textbook Type 1 Achalasia" after several scopes, 3 failed stretches, and a manometry test. The manometry test was uncomfortable (but is there anything about this disease that isn't?), but it's able to tell what type of Achalasia you have, and that's beneficial in terms of figuring out relief options. I'll be meeting with a surgeon on Tuesday. I've been told that I'm "a perfect candidate" for a Heller Myotomy with fundoplication. I know it's the best, and hopefully most successful, option for my age and my type. I hope your daughter finds what works best for her spasms and I hope that they subside. I hope all goes well with the manometry, and I hope that y'all are able to figure out a plan for finding her some long term relief soon! (And claps to you, mama! I know you're feeling it all as well.)
sheila_96975 Madison95
Why not the's endoscopic
Madison95 sheila_96975
After doing a lot of my own research, talking to my physicians, and thinking about my own situation I've elected to go with the HM. While POEM is a great fit for some people, I just didn't feel like it was right for me at this time.
DJ-RN allisond13
Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your daughters struggle with Alchalasia. I've experienced pain for over 15 years and it is a crushing type pressure in the midsternum area. More often than not it radiates to my jaw. Mimicking that of a heart attack. The only thing that helps mine are nitroglycerin tablets taken sublingual. They will give you a bad headache but that usually subsides after 5 to 10 minuets. Sometimes after you take them for a while these headaches lessen. You would need a prescription of course for this type of medicine. If there are no contraindications for her to take this vasodialator I would check with her Dr. and see if he thinks they might benefit her. It also comes in a spray to take sublingual as well. Which is much easier than fooling around with the tiny pills. I hope I've been able to help you some. I don't know of any other drug accept nifedipine that would help.
Good luck. Keep us posted on her illness.