please help! very confused :(
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hello! 😃 opinions would be very appreciated as I am 21 and confused / worried! a bit of back story.... i got pregnant when i was 18 but decided to terminate as i couldn’t even look after myself. my periods were always very regular before that every 30/31 days and i knew exactly when i was going to come on because i’d be a nightmare 1 day before. 3 years later and my periods have never been the same. my cycle currently ranges from 30-56 days which is why i’m having trouble figuring out if my period is late or not and when (or if) i ovulate. i do track my periods on Clue but back in October my boyfriend and I were abit too rough during intercourse and the next day my ‘period’ started on day 26 - clearly this isn’t normal for me and even more weird as it was LIGHT it was a few drops of blood every day for my normal 6 days (8th october - 13th october) i had very faint cramps which were nothing compared to the agony i am usual in when i’m on my period and my period is usually very heavy for the first 3 days. i don’t think it was a cut that made me bleed i think he must’ve hit something inside as it was quite deep. i still tracked this as a period because i didn’t get a heavier period after that so assumed that was it. fast forward to now... me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on the 14th nov but he pulled out (i’m aware you can still get pregnant from that) and according to Clue i would’ve ovulated around that time and now i am on day 59 of my cycle (so technically 2 days late). my body feels like i’m just about to come on / i’m on my period as i have slight discomfort / tingling / pressure in my lower abdomen and have had it for more than a few days now, my breasts are bigger and my mood is how i usually am just before i come on (emotional, angry then happy etc). the things that are making me think i am pregnant are some things taste and smell stronger / weird and nausea has been coming and going the past 3 days and i’m crying at things i would not usually cry at but i did a pregnancy test yesterday (day 58) and that came back negative so i am now wondering if the fact my period in october came so early it would’ve changed my ovulation day OR if i should even count that as a period as it was so light in which case my last period would’ve been at the start of september! i just don’t know what to do, i have been to the doctor multiple times about my cycle and they tell me to either go on the pill or deal with it because it’s just my body. ive been tested for all STI’s and i’ve had my ovaries checked and that was all fine and i have blood tests on monday to check my hormones (my PMS also lasts for 2-3 WEEKS, so i have 1 week of feeling normal) and i am thinking about paying for a smear test as i am under 25 just in case it’s something to do with my cervix? thank you for taking the time to read 😃 x
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j09927 mel49488
No person on a message board can diagnose you. Go to a doctor!
Sex or rough sex does not make a period come on. Your period comes as the result of a full cycle.
Have you had a pelvic ultrasound?
If you got pregnant at 18 and aborted your baby because you couldn't care for it you should be on birth control and using condoms everytime. You are 21 and you should have learned from your mistake! my advice/ opinion is to take responsibility for your health and your body! Abortion is not birth control. if you want to have sex you are old enough to take care protection. birth control will help regulate your cycle and prevent you from getting pregnant again.
mel49488 j09927
I clearly said at the end of the post 'I have been to the doctor multiple times and they tell me to deal with it'. And excuse me? I did learn from my mistakes which is why I DID use condoms after it happened, and didn't get pregnant again so your point is irrelevant. I am with a long term boyfriend so we are more than allowed to have unprotected sex thank you very much. Where in the post did I say I didn't want a baby? NOWHERE. Just because I had an abortion once 3 years ago that means I should be on birth control 3 years later even though I would now love a baby and am now mature enough / financially stable to have one? No it doesn't work like that. I would be more than happy to be pregnant but if I am not then I know i'm still young and I have time. I am not worried about being pregnant. I am worried about my periods (which, again - I have been to the doctor about!!) I would much rather be pregnant as it is a wonderful and natural thing. Not having periods is not natural. I came here for ADVICE not to be lectured. Not even my own mother is judgmental towards me! Maybe try reading the full post before you make assumptions and post your patronising and derogatory comments.
moon53540 mel49488
Have you had your vitamin levels tested because vitamin D deficiency can affect your menstrual cycle. B vitamins are good for mood swings and omega 3 and magnesium are supposed to help with period pain. Also oil of evening primrose tablets are supposed to help with painful breasts and mood swings.
Natural supplements won't cure everything, but they can sometimes help some symptoms and if your doctor can't find anything wrong, it could be worth a try.
mel49488 moon53540
I hadn't thought it could be something to do with vitamins, thank you I will do some research 😃 x