Please I really need help!

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Okay this is about my fiance not me but I'm just so lost on what to do anymore. I'm sorry but this will be long.

My fiance was a overweight child and would get sick at school his mom would have to come pick him up because he would be vomiting like crazy. He also suffered from constipation and took Mira lax all the time for it. He grew up in a very stressful situation for a child having to take care of his alcoholic mother, had to be the parent of his parents because they were usually too drunk or too messed up to take care of themselves. So he says he can't remember when the vomiting and constipation stopped as a child but that when high-school started and his sophomore year he went through another Very stressful time he became ill again but it was much worse.

We had gone out to eat in the morning and instantly after leaving he was throwing up in the parking lot for hours, we went to the hospital, told them what happened and they told him he was suffering from food poisoning. So they morphine him up and gave him Zofran and sent him home.

Fast forward 4 months after this he was still suffering from extreme stomach pain, severe nausea, diarrhea and dehydration. He couldn't eat or drink anything, anything that went in would come right back up. He was in and out of the hospital those 4 months and every time they told him food poisoning, like seriously!? Then in September of 2015 they took his gallbladder out because it was a little bit inflamed, well that made EVERYTHING a million times worse. He was vomiting, non stop every day and it was a whole year before he could even stand up straight, or get out of bed longer than an hour. He was about 280 pounds when his gallbladder was taken out and after that and the year of being sick he weighed about 140 he was skin and bone it was horrible. Then we found these pills called bile salts he would take them before and after he ate and he was great for about 4 months. Then he went back to the hospital because of the same symptoms and once again we were told he has food poisoning. Long story short, we have had about every test run on him, from bacteria, blood, urine. He's had MRIs, CatScans, x-ray, scopes both upper and lower, liver enzyme test, he's been told it's anxiety and we've tried dozens of medications for just about everything and still NOTHING. These undiagnosed stomach issues are taking over his life, he does nothing but wither away in bed he's angry, depressed and scared for the child we have on the way he's scared they will have the same issues because his mom suffers sorta from the same issues. Please we just need help and answers

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, sorry for what your fiance went through .. It sounds like it comes from stress and that can turn your whole digestive system upside down.

    I would try to eat/drink food that won’t stress his system .. small clean meals (nothing fried or too spicy) stomach ease teas, kefir, kombucha. 

    Then make sure he eats enough good carbs(45-65% of daily Kcal intake) fats (20-35%)and proteins (10-35%) get all vitamins and minerals needed. A diet analysis would help very much. (Talk to a dietitian) 

    Then I would try to destress my body..

    Walking, yoga .. at least 30 min/ day, go to bed around 9/9:30pm (get 8 hours of good sleep )

    To sooth your GI tract I would take Aloe Vera (capsules or not sweetened drink) and take Probiotics

    Good luck!!🍀 

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      We've tried the clean diet thing before, but he is an extremely picky eater, he just won't touch vegetables, most fruits, and quite a bit of other stuff mostly because everything hurts his stomach. sad

  • Posted

    I have been ill for about three months with Neurological and stomach problems. I’ve had stomach pain, vomiting, (sometimes with blood) diarrhea to extreme weakness and extreme lightheadedness. I feel like I’m going to pass out with everything I do. After having just about every test your husband has probably had (I’ve lost count how many doctors I’ve seen) and everything coming back normal except my gallbladder (they removed it and only my stomach pain and diarrhea seemed to stop) and I’m basically at a wall right now just like you are. I’ve even had MRIs and an endoscopy. All normal. However, I have been doing so much research these last two days and found out that gluten can go as far as damaging not only your stomach but cause problems neurologically. Even for people who don’t test positive for Celiac disease. I was so surprised. It gave me hope. I’m on day two of going gluten free and I’m not sure yet if I feel any better but I’m going to keep at it for at least two weeks. I want to give my body time to heal. I’ve also invested in gluten free vitamins because I think my body wasnt absorbing any nutrients.  Try changing his diet to gluten free. 

    I really hope this helps. He isn’t alone. Don’t give up. I’m 26 and just want my life back. Right now I can’t even drive due to my symptoms and I am just waiting for the day I can again. 

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      Have you taken medicine to treat stomach ulcer/ GERD. 
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      This made me cry reading, it feels good knowing that we aren't alone but at the same time I also feel for you. We haven't tried a gluten free diet and I'm open for any option right about now, I just want him to feel better. He just had an "attack" as we call it, he ate some sour candy stuff because he thought it wouldn't affect him but it did and now his severe symptoms are back and he's been sick for a week now, we've been to 2 hospitals this week on multiple occasions and they say they will give him morphine and more pills he's already been prescribed. Just so much stress, I hope your gluten free journey is a success and I will bring this up to him.

  • Posted

    We were told anxiety, IBS and all this easy excuse stuff for my daughter's suffering of nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

    As much as I appreciate the thought of the gut brain and we all know, when being nervous it can go really into overdrive, often enough there is an physical issue behind it, but just not found yet.

    We found ours, which are multiple vascular compressions (and man it was a long and expensive road to discover).

    We also had 'an MRI', but careful, it depends on the focus, what is looked at. An obvious tumour, obstruction, aneurysm, will be seen so or so (one hopes), but if it got down to finer smaller things, often not seen OR the wrong protocol run as it needs certain breathing, especially exhaling (not inhaling and hold).

    So you can have all those imaging, but still go overlooked. Not on purpose, just because of the nature of rare constellations.

    I ask you directly, quite directly, to look up median arcuate ligament syndrome. Many docs, who believed this did not exist, converted like  Saulus to Paulus seeing patients being relieved by surgery.

    It involves the coeliac artery and/OR the coeliac plexus. So often even normal CTA do not show the final clue, it often needs a doppler ultrasound (remember in and exhaling velocity pics in supine) or sometimes even a coeliac plexus block (diagnostic).

    Have a look in this direction please.

    The shared outlet of bile and pancreas into duodenum is all clear, right?

    All all the best!


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      Thank you so much! I will definitely look into this!
  • Posted

    This really sounds like a stomach ulcer/ GERD which causes bloody vomit, and many symptoms which mimic a heart attack. 
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      They've looked for ulcers and have talked about Gerd but told us some symptoms don't match. Every screening or test we have done all comes back clear. sad

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      If taking the medication is harmless it’s worth a try
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    Stress can cause GI distress and gallbladder removal can cause bile acid malabsorption which can be corrected with bile salt meds.  A food diary may help to see what foods may be causing it if any.  With gallbladder removal avoiding fatty foods can help.  I suggest more visits to the doctor to uncover the problem.

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