Please please please help me!
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Hi everyone I’m quite young I’m 15 and I have been having bowel problems for about 7-8 months and it’s really worrying. Basically I keep getting clear stringy mucus around my stools. And sometimes I’ve had the tiny bit of blood on my stool but that hasn’t happened for about 3 months. And when it did happen it was only like 1 every 2 months. I don’t really eat healthy at all. Or even drink healthy either. For the past 4 months everything has been better my stress and anxiety has gone down now. I do check every time I pass a stool, which is really weird and awkward. I’ve been to the doctors twice and the first time they gave me a blood test and said everything was fine. And the second time was a bout a month after, because I knew something was wrong and they gave me this cup for a stool test, but every time I was going to do it I got constipated and other times I was busy but since then I’ve been fine the occational mucus around my stool but not as much anymore just bits of it. I had no mucus at all for one week and that’s when I didn’t drink any Coke at all, and then I went back to it and it came back again. So I think it’s a diet issue or something. There isn’t any past history of anything serious or and health problems. I’m alwaus scared of the word cancer and that’s the word that kept going through my head when this was happening at the start but it’s been 8 months it hasn’t got worse I haven’t got a lump on my stomach and the blood test would show it so that all calmed me down a bit. Basically what I mean is when I see something like an health issue like this I always think of the worst outcome like cancer. And I honestly don’t want that and obviously no one else does either. So please can someone tell me what this is I don’t know what to do. I’m only posting this now because it hasn’t gone. There isn’t any blood anymore just the bits of mucus most of the time it’s white and sometimes it’s got a hint of yellow on it. I’ve heard that this could be IBS or IBD at one point. Or these other things that is a long time health issue. Thanks for reading, please reply!
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mary57923 nathan95027
ruari1 nathan95027
you may need to look at your diet! A good idea is to keep a diary when you have bad days note down what you have eaten prior to that. Then try avoiding those things and see how that affects your bowels? Fizzy drinks are never good, water is best of all, and anything too spicy is a no no! Try this and let us know how you get on! Healthy eating is the best thing you can do! Good luck and try not to worry. Worry can be a factor too in upsetting your stomach and bowels !
Rubes123 nathan95027
Maybe request a colonoscopy to find out why your getting this mucus. Mine can be clear and yellow like you said.
I have ulcers in the bowel which is why I get it (solitary rectal ulcer syndrome)
Also coke is never a good idea maybe limit it to once a month. Whenever I let my son have coke he always ends up abit consipated usually over christmas time therefore really have to limit it.