Please suggest help for me.
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Hi all.
I have read a lot of posts about muscle and joint pain in menopause. I just started with this horrible pain on left shoulder and shoulder blade arm 10days ago. the pain is there all the time at night I can't settle or in daytime it even hurts down my left hand side of my neck .too.
Is there anything I can do for help. I had loads of blood tests all ok.
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Sochima822 angela08347
An epsom salt bath usually does the trick. If you don't have a bathtub, you can pour some in a bowl with some hot water wet a towel with the water, lay it on your back or pour the water over you. I did this two days in a row and my pain was gone. Hope this helps you as it did me if you do it.
metamorphed angela08347
angela, I sympathise with you because I had this and I had it a long time, before I finally saw the right people for relief. it started suddenly for me, pain in left shoulder and down arm. It turned out to be tendonitis which is common in peri. But it took me a long time to discover this although I kept telling doctors that it was drop in hormones that started it. This is actually coming from your neck. Just below back of neck on the left side, the muscle there. See an orthopedic doctor who can manoeuvre it for you. It worked for me (have to admit I still had the niggly pains for a good few months after, but it did help greatly). Don't suffer with this. Take omega 3 supplement and magnesium also. It is a horrible pain, I ended up not being able to move it at all, for months on end. It's unfortunately tendons affected by dropping hormones, but get it checked early.
bobbysgirl metamorphed
Thank you metamorphed, I really needed to hear that!
I've been having problems for 18 months or more, all my old injuries coming back to haunt me, neck, BOTH shoulders, right foot and knees. I have had blood tests ('all clear' - whatever that means
) I eat a good diet and take magnesium supplements - among others.
Very recently the pain has ramped up a notch and now my hands are hurting (and not just the slightly arthritic fingers)
My GP's have been less than useless and can only offer Ibuprofen which I won't take because I don't want my stomach wrecking.
I suggested to them that it might be tendonitis (multiple joints) due to hormone changes - 'oh, no, no, no, (ha,ha) it's probably rheumatism OR arthritis'.
Epsom salt baths do work and help you to sleep. But the effects have worn off by morning.
I am supposed to be seeing an orthopedic surgeon SOMETIME (NHS) but that is just for my right shoulder which WAS frozen, now just bxxxxy painful.
It doesn't make tha pain go away but it was SO good to hear you say that. God bless you, you've made my day.
2chr2015 angela08347
looloo43 angela08347
Hi Angela. Is it burning pain like sunburn? Do you have any rash/spots/blisters in the same area? Have you also had headaches alongside the pain? The reason I ask, is I had burning pain like sunburn start 10days ago & then spotty rash started to appear 5 days later & headaches from the start - after a visit to the docs - I have shingles & am on anti viral meds now to try to stop it getting worse. Just maybe worth me mentioning to you in case it's shingles. (hope its not). x
maisie05 angela08347
I had similar pains two years ago, made worse by excessive gardening, till I couldn't sleep. Lost strength in my grip. A chiropractor and Pilates helped me to feel better. Alternating heat and ice packs may help for immediate relief.
2chr2015 maisie05
maisie05 2chr2015
Hi. No the pain was in the space between my spine and shoulder blade. An intense burning nagging pain, then it radiated across my shoulder and arm. Painkillers didn't help at all. Then it affected my grip between thumb and forefinger. I think it was the C6 and T1 vertebrae that were affected. I'd probably over done things, gardening, tree chopping and carrying sleepy grandchild. I've learnt to respect my body and look after it more as I've got older!
2chr2015 maisie05
I would like to try Pilates. There just isn't much around here. .thanks
maisie05 2chr2015
A chiropractor website will give you lots of information on how our lifestyles damage our neck and spine. texting and computer work encourage us to stoop which is bad!
Hope you can find something to help you.
2chr2015 maisie05
Thank you! I will look that up😊
unico31026 angela08347