Please tell me Estradiol helped you 😩
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First day of estrogen patch only and turns out this is one of the worst days I’ve have since this started so I slapped it on.
Having a really hard time with fatigue tonight and feel very down ... praying this patch helps ... only been a few hours but dr said expect results in 2-3 days . S.O.S.
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Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi lori
I'm sorry you've had suchba hard time. I hope this one works for you. The problem is probably also made worse by the changes to the treatments too, for the first few days/months of any they knock you sideways.... No doubt they all come with a different side think you have to find a way to pass the time. Do you do any kind of meditation /breathing exercises? Xx
Scottish_Granny lori93950
sending you a hug
janet30959 lori93950
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I am now suffering with tight leg muscles on top of everything elses....whats that all about?Â
Please keep me posted, good luck and all the best x
Gypsy014 janet30959
Hi Janet, I get that too, the tight leg muscles at the top of both my legs , feels like someone's squeezing them or like I've done a bunch of squats but I have not.. I've had this symptom come and go monthly for over a year now. I'm not on any hormones.
janet30959 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy it feels really weird when I walk, I feel like a zombie, I'm not having a good day today feeling very weepy, and still very tired, a friend passed by today and exclaimed oh you're losing weight which I have because my appetite has gone down I am not eating a lot of sweet things because I am having trouble with my teeth and gums does not make me feel good because I am fed up and worrying about when all this is going to be over so I can get on with my life. Mybe I should just take the patches and hopefully things will improve.
Gypsy014 janet30959
I know so hard to deal with all these crazy symptoms, I also am waiting for the day things improve, but feels like they (symptoms) are more intense then ever.. I'm crying at least 2 weeks out of the month and sad and gloomy on the other days if I'm not crying.. Scary stuff.. And yes the weightloss can be awful I've lost a bunch of weight too, its the worst when you don't enjoy eating you are just doing it to sustain life! I use to enjoy foods but honestly I'm so sensitive to just about everything now a days food wise , and not just foods its soaps and strong smells of perfumes , many things bother me so I just stay away from it all and follow a simple diet focusing on lean meats eggs salads fruits veggies and nuts and seeds, I cook from scratch and no gluten bothers me bad and the joints,, I'm waiting for better days ahead, and praying for us all on here.. Hope your feeling better soon?
janet30959 Gypsy014
Thanks Gypsy you too, thank God again for this forum and you ladies I have never felt so unwell, alone and unhappy it still feels like I'm having a very bad dream and I will wake up to find that none of this is real, it sure helps to know that you and others are there but I'm just so sad that we are suffering.
Take care and best wishes. xxx
Gypsy014 janet30959
Same to you .. Stay strong 🙏
lori93950 Gypsy014
It’s the general feeling of not being on the right schedule going to bed too early and waking up too early ... I seem to not be able to relax ..... take a nap . But however tired I am I make myself workout .Â
And yes strong perfume annoys me now makes me feel sick .Â
lori93950 janet30959
It’s the feeling like you’re not in your own body ... the body and mind you’ve been  used to  for 50 years ... everything is turned upside down !Â
I’ll let you know about the patch please feel free to contact me . They say just rude the wave and do it naturally but after months of this and life passing me by .... I’d rather do the patch for a while . I need a break from this and all this worry . I heard that some women use the patch and go off it and have no further symptoms and others get them all back ... so it’s a gamble .Â
victoria86074 lori93950
Hi Lori. I have been on everol 50 for 2 weeks. I also have low iron levels which my doctor told me last week so now on iron tablets. My doctor said if I was still experiencing anxiety, low mood etc in 4 weeks to go back & she would either up my patch or anti depressants which I really don't want to go on. I have an appointment with a councillor on Monday which I am hoping will help with the panic attacks. Sending you lots of hugs xx
Gypsy014 lori93950
Yes the smells are the worst, sets off my migraines bad... I guess I'm just sensitive to a lot of things and meno makes it so much worse!
lori93950 victoria86074
Have you felt any relief ? It’s only day 2 for me ... here’s hoping .Â
lori93950 victoria86074
mauiblue Gypsy014
Hi Gyspy
yes you were talking about being sensitive to smells and things.
So has changed my life the sensory aspect of things.
I can only wear certain bras (i have two) and they have no underwire, all clothes must be simple, soft, easy to wear and nothing whatsoever binding or tight.
Many smells are way too much for me to handle, perfumes, soaps, detergents, all of it i cant stand now.
Even makeup, i just use lip gloss and a tiny bit of mascara.
Jewlrey, ive lost interest in most of this except for a small color of earring so i can say im still female.
its soo weird. Same with sheets, and pillow, and socks, icould go on and on, its like i mad...
same with foods, so many things i can NOT eat and am totally tuned off to. I eat because must eat to live, i eat like its a job.
used to be 130, and im 5'7'' now i 116, and this is not good for me.
always a pleasure to hear from you
mauiblue lori93950
Where are all of the success stories?
Im seriously hoping its because they are out livin life, not surving life like us here..
Its a little unnerving though i will say..where are the success stories? I do have faith that it gets better because so many women have said at least that..
I have a good friend in houston, and she tells me that it stays the same, but more manageable and less intense.I didnt need to hear that from her quite frankly.
mrs_susan74280 victoria86074
Gypsy014 mauiblue
Hi Maui, I can relate to everything that you listed! All that and more bother me just the same, thought I was the only one.. Even with the clothes can't have anything tight around my stomach or at top by bra or I feel like I can't breathe and for some reason it traps gas more and can make me belch. All so very strange, but hopefully one day it works itself out because its no fun being sensitive to all this.. Take care ?
lori93950 mrs_susan74280
How long did you do the full patch for ? My boobs are a bit tender too. Let me know how you go on with the half . I don’t want to feel like a different person ... just want to go back to feeling like myself .Â
mrs_susan74280 lori93950
Come of it just don't feel right bust aches rotten still, waiting to see a psychiatrist still, joints kill me , I have ordered some turmeric capsules to try , I am on prozac 10mg but don't feel it's helping, feel very dizzy and depressed,
lori93950 mrs_susan74280