Please tell me this is normal...
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My dose of venlafaxine was increased from 75mg to 150mg slow release just over 3 weeks ago, I started getting migraines and increased anxiety as side effects. The migraines seemed to have disappeared but the anxietyhas slowly increase until the last 2 days it feels like the build up to the panic attacks i had before starting the medication.
Only problem is I'm thinking if the migraines have gone, shouldn't the anxiety have calmed down aswel??
I'm only asking on here fr 2 reasons, first, I've never taken this medication before. Secondly, I don't know what the 'normal' side effects are supposed to be, and I'm really scared the panic attacks are going to come back and I really really don't want them to.
If the anxiety continues to get worse should I consider increasing the dose again??
I'm already on the highest dose of Propranolol (80mg slow release x2 a day if needed) so I can't increase the dose on that anymore.
Should I consider taking additional medication to help??
I'm still waiting on CBT group sessions to get back in contact with me as i joined just as another company was taking over so everything had to be reviewed, that was a month ago and I've still not heard anything :-S I would really like to start some of the classes they offer but can't as yet.
Is there anything else I can do at home to help relieve some of the anxiety....Not camomile tea though, I hate the stuff.
Thanks for any advice you can give.
Danielle x
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1979 Dannie1989
Dannie1989 1979
Over the past few days I've started feeling a lot happier through the day, but I'm still getting moments of anxiety on a night, not enough for a panic attack, but enough to make me jump up and feeling the need to distract myself by doing mundane house work, this could be as stupid as arranging the tins in the kitchen cupboard or sweeping the floor for the tenth time.
Also before I started taking the medication I used to feel alot of anxiety whenever I had a bath or shower, this would then most certainly lead to a panic attack, so eventually as you can guess I stopped bathing unless someone was in the room with me or I had one of my sisters on the phone. When I started the medication the anxiety went away and I could take leisurely baths and showers again but now it's getting to the point where even thinking about having a bath or shower is making me very anxious, unfortunately that's all it takes to stop me from doing it and I'm unsure as how to solve this dilemma.
I don't know why I get so anxious about this simple task so I don't know how to stop it, but I'll be damned if I'm going to start letting my personal hygiene slip again. But when I get anxious even shaving my legs becomes dangerous as I'm in such a rush and panic to get out I often take chunks out of my legs without realising until I get out and my legs are stained red.
I just don't understand why my anxiety has heightened again after weeks of being on an even keel.
Danielle x
helen62899 Dannie1989
Bizarrrely one of the side effects of venlaflaxine is anxiety and panic attacks.
Increasing the dose to 225mg makes the drug work in a different way. It works on anxiety then. Please, don't do this without the help and support of a Psych/Doctor.
I was on 225mg for a long time and working up to it was a struggle as you feel worse to feel better!
Really hope that you get some good quality help from professionals.
1979 helen62899
helen62899 1979
Long acting suited me well. The short acting came out of my system too quick and left me withdrawing almost each day.
Please make sure you work with your professional and with the diagnosis you have. I have GAD, generalised anxiety disorder, and 225mg is the dose for this condition.
When i had 'bad' points i had a small 2mg dose of diazepam. Didn't like it as i felt rough the next day and in fact after a 3 day spell on it I made the decision to bin it as the withdrawl from such a short 'fix' was not nice.....goodness knows what i'd be like on a 5mg or higher dose.
You will crack this...without a doubt.
Do you hvae CBT or talking therapy too? If not ask about it. There are also some great relaxation techniques to use for controlling the anxiety you feel............stick with it.
I have said in another post, Venlaflaxine succeeds where other drugs is great for controlling anxiety related conditions.
Good luck.
1979 helen62899
helen62899 1979
Really glad you are having CBT. I have been part of a study with Nottingham university and the conclusions (which i guess most people knew but it needed confirming) is that people get better from depression with talking therapy or some kind of therapy and maybe a drug thereapy combined, rather than the old way of doping people up and leaving them to cope.
Just a thought, Venlaflaxine has a sedative effect, making you sleepy, hence why i took my dose at night to make me rest.....maybe you could try, as I too was wiped out.
Just rememeber that Psychiatrists and Doctors know the sceince of these drugs, but really we are all lab rats as they react differently in different people!
The very best of luck to you. stick at it and remember, if its not right, go back to the doc/psych and ask for a medication review!
Helen x
rob18613 helen62899
barry0070 Dannie1989
I was on 75mg venelafaxine and changed to mertazipine after a bereavement due to not eating etc......wished Id never changed as it feels like months just want the Venelafaxine to work even cause me strees knowing dose is increased.
Does anybody know how long tablets can take to get into system. good luck Danielle your not alone.
1979 barry0070
barry0070 1979
barry0070 1979
1979 barry0070
Dannie1989 barry0070
It took 4-8 weeks for venlafaxine to initially get in my system and 6 weeks when I upped my dose to 150mg but I am so much better than what I was, a noticeable difference.
All I can say is stick with it, it's worth it in the end, I know you're probably sick of hearing that phrase but it's true.
Let me know how you're getting on.
Danielle x