Please Tell me what are these black spots on my penis head! Can't go to the doctor

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Please tell me what are these black spots, I can't visit a Dr because I'm away for work, and the area has no demonologist.

It really taking a toll on my peace of mind !! Please tell me what do you think these are? and is it a normal thing because I'm brown and it is a melanin thing.




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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Following because I have the same thing, I've just went to the derm and they gave me hydrocortisone 2.5% for two weeks, twice a day and then tacrolimus twice a day for a year to put on after the two weeks of hydrocortisone. Don't know if it helps but we're in this together and hopefully it works out for us man!

    • Posted

      Thank you for your input!

      Would you please tell me what was the reason for these?

      and on which bases the derm prescribe you that, so I can try it too.

      I'm nervous about it

  • Posted

    also if you figure something that works for you could you please share too?

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      I still can't visit a derm because of my location and work

      but I will update you for sure

    • Posted

      do you notice any urinary frequency or "dribble" (when urine comes a out a little after youve stopped)?

    • Posted

      Not really, everything is normal but the look.

      btw I never had a sexual intercourse, so it is not something related to sexual transmission

  • Posted

    I have the same condition, did you find out what is?

    OR anybody in the forum can say what it is ?

    • Posted

      Not really? I can't visit the dermo so I'm waiting here if someone know what it is and can tell us if it is normal or not

      I will keep you updated if someone answer me

    • Posted

      I went to derm and they said its nothing its normal discoloration. So we are good.

    • Posted

      Thank you for sharing, could you please tell me what derm told? what caused it? and if there is any treatment?

    • Posted

      1st derm gave me the prescription for those two creams however I didn't want to put creams down there for a whole year for no reason. Didn't say what caused it. 2nd derm I went to she was more experienced and said it's nothing to worry about and is normal for that to happen and it's "benign" meaning isn't harmful or a sign of anything. The only way to find out what is truly is by a biopsy which they basically take skin from your penis and it leaves a scar on there which there's no point in doing. I also had tests from urologist who did a scan on me and said everything checks out normal too. Hopefully this puts your mind at ease. I would personally also stop masturbating as this might be a cause from that. Again that last sentence is my opinion but hopefully this helps.

    • Posted

      I really appreciate sharing all these valuable points with me, it really makes feel less stressful.

      May I ask you what is your skin color?

      Because I'm brown and a friend of mine told me that it could be a melanin because of my skin color

    • Posted

      I am brown as well so thats probably why its happening to us

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