PMR, Prednisone, one swollen ankle

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I am 2+ years with PMR...on 7-1/2m of prednisone. I believe I have been on my feet too much...already have a foot problem that is usually controlled with proper footwear. Today the ankle on my sore foot swelled up. I put ice on it. Would it be alright to take 8m of prednisone tomorrow to help with the swelling? Or is the prednisone part of the problem? Thank you for any ideas.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I think prednisone can be used to help with pain and swelling from arthritic conditions, but I really think in your case you might want to check with a doctor or other medical expert.  Here (a Canadian province) we have a service where we can phone and speak with a nurse practitioner who basically finds out enough information so he/she can recommend whether you should go to emergency or contact your family doctor.  Sometimes, depending on the condition, they can offer advice to help tide you over until you can see your doctor.  I do hope that you are soon feeling better.  
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      Thank you for your kind words. I am out of the country, so I do not have the nursing service available. I think I will take a break on my ankle and see what happens.
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      Oh I hope you mean you will give your ankle a rest!  biggrin
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    I am at the end of my 3rd year on Prednizone. I've gone up and down a few times with it. In Feb. I had an incident with my feet too. Both feet felt swollen but didn't look it. They hurt terribly to walk on them. I finally made my way to my Rhumy. He said PMR can affect the feet. I did not know it. I did remember my right foot hurting on the top in Nov but ignored it as I was having plantar Faschitis surgery. After the surgery the podiatrist said he could not find anything wrong with the foot, even after an X-ray. So I'm assuming it was the PMR then too. My Rhumy upped my Pred to 10 and dropped it a few weeks later to 7.5 where I am now. Pain is gone.

    Sometimes if all things are ruled out you must be your own advocate. My Rhumy resisted upping my Pred. He seriously asked why I hadn't dropped it. Really? This is bad I told him! He finally put me up. No more issues.

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      Appreciate your input! It seems there is a never-ending stream of issues with this PMR...all over the body. I guess the feet are a particularly bad issue for me because it limits most activity. If I don't over use my feet it is better...I just cannot always tell when I have over used them!
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      I was a runner at one time, about 5 years ago. My feet have been thru 3 foot surgeries. Arthritis in the big toes, plantar fachitis in both and neuromas. I'm assuming PMR realized this and decided it's time to have fun there too! I was walking about 4-5 miles a few times a week, no problems. Then all of a sudden they just decided to hurt. I mean bad! I could hardly walk. I upped the Pred as I mentioned. It took about 3 weeks to finally get to the point of no pain. It was just weird. If it was me and I was on vacation or out of the country there is no doubt I would up it and see my doctor ASAP. That is if all other reasons are ruled out. This PMR seems to get worse for me every year I have it. Good luck!
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      Hi pam. could you advise if upping your preds did help with your plantar fachitis. I have had PMR for 2 years now and cannot get below 12mg for some reason without aches and pains returning. Recently plantar raised its ugly head and it seemed to get worse the more I dropped my preds, and have been trying all usual methods of relieving the pain in my heal. Icepacks, steroid gel, new shoes and trainers (which help) and even the Strasburg Sock. I have now found an old verruca has started to erupt on the same foot which could be adding to the problem. I have now decided that my main priority is to be pain free rather than try and get as low as possible with my preds so any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Dave (tavidu)
    • Posted

      I had Plantar Faschitis in both feet. I had had arthritis surgery a few years before. I suffered for two years on each foot. Yes, the Prednizone did seem to relieve the pain at times. I only noticed it when I was off the Prednizone for a short time. My foot would kill me. I finally in 2012 and again in Nov. 2015 had the faschia cut by a podiatrist. I had tried physical therapy, scraping, inserts and good shoes. I work at a running shoe store so I had the best. Nothing helped. The surgery totally relieved the pain now in both feet. By 3 mos postop I was totally pain free. I was walking on it at 2 weeks and pain was minimal. I had suffered a long time. I suggest you get an MRI on your foot. Your faschia is suppose to be 3.3mm. Mine were 7mm and 1 inch think. The thickest in his history. PT never helps when its that thick. Good luck
  • Posted

    Hi Kathy, the swelling on your foot could be a result of any of the factors you mentioned but could also be oedema as a result of high blood pressure. You can check for oedema by pressing your fingers on the area for a few seconds then release, if there is an indentation left where your fingers have been you have oedema. You can relieve it by keeping your leg elevated when sitting but definitely worth a visit to your dr to get your Blood pressure checked
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      I did that test you suggested and there was no indentation. I ICC it and elevated my leg and the swelling went down. Now resting for a couple of days! Thank you!
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      Sorry..I meant "iced" it... The ice really helped. Now back to 7-1/2m after just one day on 8m.
  • Posted

    Hi kathy. Sorry to hear about your foot problem and I hope you soon get some relief. I to would suggest getting it looked at asap as I am not sure that upping the preds would help. Good luck.
  • Posted

    Just found this thread - grrr! 

    I think RICE woud be more suitable than increasing a pred dose - Rest, Elevation, Compression and Ice. If it were the PMR I think both feet would have been affected.

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