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hi, dear all,The lowest Sphincter of my esophagus is not functioning well so my doctor advised me to do a poem. I want to know how long do I have to stay in the hospital after a poem operation? If I am in NHS track how long do I have to wait?

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20 Replies

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    I had the POEM surgery done in 2016 at the Univ. of Iowa Hospitals. I was told I might have to stay the next day but it they didnt expect more than that.

    I ended up being the rare patient that had complications and was hospitalized for 3 weeks. I later found out the culprit of my infection was that I have a type of Leukemia. My compromised immune system allowed an infection to take over post op. Had we known that going into the surgery, I would have been prepared ahead of time and throughout with antibiotics.

    I've read several cases where most all had success and short stays.

    All said and done, even though I had complications, I would recommend it to anyone with Achalasia. I have enjoyed a good outcome and can now eat foods I couldn't before. I also enjoy a much better quality of life than I did prior to the procedure. God's Speed!

  • Posted

    I had HM in 2014 had swallowing issues and severe chest pain. The swallowing issues were better but the chest pain remained. in 2016 I returned to the Univ of Iowa because swallowing issues had returned and the. hest pain was still very high. They discovered through manometry that I had high pressures throughout the length of the esophagus. He called it "jack hammer esophagus".

    I had the POEM surgery and for awhile experienced a bit of reflux until I developed new eating habits and times.

    Now I eat more in the morning, tapering off as the day goes along and nothing to eat or drink after 7pm (other than the water I take my night time pills with).

    The diet changes were mostly that I avoided or limited rough foods/raw veggies & heavy breads, carbonated drinks, caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

    In 2019 my chest pain is much reduced and swallowing issues have improved. I am very happy that I had the surgeries. Achalasia is miserable.

    Hope this helps. Be well. ♡

    • Posted

      HI, Greeka: thank you for sharing your reflection with us. I agree with you 100%. Several small tips from my side:1. keep your stomach part warm. 2. Drink ginger tea in the morning .

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