POEM Surgery

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Hi, its been 14 months since i have had my POEM surgery and have been very happy with the results.  Is there anyone who has had it done longer than 2 to 5 days.  I am  curious to know if they had to repeat the surgery or do they contiue to be ok.  

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    Hi Wendy I had mine done around the same time as you so will also be waiting to see your response.
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    I just had surgery 5 days ago. Just wondering from people how long you stayed on liquids after surgery. I have read different timelines for this. Also how long do the clips stay in and will soft food aggravate the clips???
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      Hey Craig, like you said every doctor is different. My first surgery the doctor had me on clear liquids for 2 weeks then full liquids for 2 weeks the soft foods for 2 weeks then slowly add in regular foods after that. My clips , which I had 6 stayed in for about 3 weeks but I've heard of them staying longer. I don't think softbfoods would do anything but 5 days out might be pushing it a bit. I would ask your doctor. The clips are usually on there pretty good so I wouldn't worry too much

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      Ok appreciate the info. Always helpful to hear from someone who has already gone through this. Did you have bad heartburn after surgery I find the heartburn is pretty bad lately.
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      Craig, I had terrible heartburn. Worse than before. The chest pains stopped but the acid was burning the hell out of my throat and even vocal cords. Got so bad I had a new procedure to try and help but that made it even worse.

      Best advice I can give you for the acid at least for now is to eat your heavy meal mid day and have a very light dinner and no food at all at least 5 hrs before you rest your head on your pillow. I would go as far as to google some foods that are the least acidic and if you can try to start with them . Dude I've been right where you are. I know they are going to tell you that you need a full fundoplication my spelling is horrible but I think you'll know what I mean. Let your esophagus heal before rushing into anything.

      One thing I do that sometimes helps in the middle of the acid burning my chest and throat is I chew 3-4 tums and drink about a quart to a half gallon of milk and slowly it lightens up enough to be able to function. I don't know what meds they have you on if any but I'm on some strong stuff and it does nothing.

      Doctors all over the country are quickly learning how to do these poem procedures and literally pushing them down peoples throats like it's a cure ! That's BS ! They are leaving the opening from your stomach to your esophagus wide open for visitors. If I were you I would write down questions and question everything from this point forward. It's your right to know what's going on. After my last surgery I went in with 22 questions typed up , I thought his head was to explode. Hey man, good luck and if you wanna talk we'll figure out a way to get our numbers to each other . Later feel good

    • Posted

      Hey Robert

      I had a heller about 20 years ago. Some symptoms of A are coming back. I have some acid issues and found milk to initially help but some time later the dairy couses more acid production and makes it worse. I've had pretty good results when I went organic and limited foods with chemicals in them, read ingredients. And cut out all dairy. Give it a try 

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    I had my poem surgery in March 10th 2017.

    I couldn't go for review due to personal prob...

    Its strange I still feel pain n difficulty in swallowing


    Since last month I am getting hiccups in night.

    No matter how much water I drink I still have them..

    I tried chicken next morning I vomited.

    Not able to eat non veg.

    I wanted to know if anyone else experienced

    Similar problem even after 3 months of surgery?



    • Posted

      Hi Shehnaz,

      So sorry to hear you are still in pain. I can definitely relate to what you are going through. I had POEM surgery on 10/3/2016. The surgery allowed me to swallow; However it did nothing for the spasms and I could not eat anything and keep it down. The surgery for me did not work and I continued to throw up all food. My doctor put me on IV hydration support for 1 mos, this helped but I lost 30lbs so another surgeon was called in for testing and surgical evaluation. I had a partial Nissan fundiplication on 3/6/2017. I no longer bring up my food; However, my digestion is very slow and I can't eat meat of any kind, plus I can no longer drink any kind of carbonated beverages. My surgeon made it very clear to me that I may require another surgery since he is only treating the symptoms as they appear.

      Also, I too have recently started having hiccups after drinking water, tea or coffee. I pray this is not a bad sign that I am about to experience further symptoms of this awful condition.

      I hope this info helped answer some of your questions.



    • Posted

      Hey Fay,

      Sorry to hear you had to go through so much...

      I have hiccups in night n burps too...

      I m not able to sleep properly.

      And did you feel any pain @ time of bending or lifting weights.

      I have kids n younger one is 3 years old I hve to carry him at times n believe me

      I get very bad chest pain.

      One more thing I experienced if I speak little loud or the day I talk more my throat

      Starts paining badly infact pain stays for 24 hours..I have to take painkillers to reduce pain.

      Does anyone else experience same?

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that the Poem didn't work for you Shehnaz, I'm just wondering what your surgeon is saying at this point. Hope by consulting more, you'll find a better follow up treatment that works wonders for your condition. May I ask where did you have your POEM done at?

    • Posted

      Hi Shehnaz5, I had my POEM done at NYU Medical Center in Manhattan. The surgeon lied to me when I asked how many he had done , he told me 65 when he had only done maybe twenty. It took him a little over 3 hrs to remove it and only took out 90%. When I woke up my blood pressure was 265/170 and they kept saying that was normal after surgery. I laughed and said Do you think this is my first surgery? If that's true why are you giving me injections every 15 minutes to bring it down. Anyway, I had all kinds of issues after so I saw a different doctor that bragged about this new procedure he was doing and could fix me right up. So I made the mistake of trusting yet another doctor. I'm worse now than I ever was. So now I'm seeing my 3rd surgeon on Wednesday to talk about a full wrap but I'm not rushing into anything again. He has to earn my trust and if anything seems off then he's done and I'll keep looking. I'm so angry that I was misdiagnosed for over 6 years and now that I know what I have I can't find a doctor that cares about making me better instead of his wallet fatter! My story is a long one so I won't bore you with all the details but I appreciate your well wishes. Oh, my 2nd surgery was done at Winthrop Hospital in Mineola, NY. Thanks again , feel good

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      Before you another surgery try changing your diet. No dairy no milk no chemicals in food and organic as much as you can. It helped me greatly 
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      My poem was done at Asian institute of gastroenterologist by Dr Santosh and Dr Nageshwar reddy.

      They have done endoscopy results are good...Manumentry is pending.

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         Hey Dax thanks, I'll try it but my acid levels are so high don't know if it will help. Anything is better than letting a doctor experiment with your body. Thanks

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    It has been 16 months since i have my surgery. Within 90 days i needed to have a balloon dilation done. I have a hiatal hernia that needs to be repaired. I have constant GERD which can only be fixed with a fundoplication. I take antacids everyday but the erosion to my teeth is so severe I will be going to dentist to get all my bottom teeth removed and replaced with a denture. I can eat but I have a lot of trouble losing weight and I still have to eat small portions. My results are not optimal but if you are at 14 months with no problems then I would say you had optimal results and that is something to celebrate. My sense is that the success of the outcome of this surgery is very dependent on how advanced your achalasia was and whether they did the POEM with Fundoplication. I  also think that if like me you had advanced disease and despite regurgitation you never had weight loss, instead you had weight gain, then you are more likely to have problems. I never went through a wasting period…

    I hope you continue to have great results. I am in waiting place because right now I do not have health insurance and so I cannot continue treatment without racking up bills I can’t afford to pay.

    • Posted

      Hi! I had my surgery December, 2017. I have had food starting to lodge again in the past three weeks. I eat slowly. I am trying to be very careful, as I don't want the peodess to start all over again. I too, am having trouble to lose weight, as I would think this would be easy when there are times I can't finish my meals. So frustrating!

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      surgery was December, 2016. Silly me!

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