Poking stomach pains

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hi all ive been having pains on the lower right side stomach just 2-3 inches away from belly button for the past 3 weeks its like a sharp poking pain and tightness . ive had scan done 3 weeks ago all wax normal plus bloods to . last week i had pelvic scan & internal scan which am still waiting for the results to come tru. plus my ribs are hurting to near brastrap . this pain feel like a sore pain constant dull and aching . Am so fed up doc think is muscle pain . And the stomach pain ibs :..(. HAS anyone had this kind of pain ? what can i take or do to ease the pain .

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    i have been living with it 3 days now. Thinking its acid .

    • Posted

      Am think so to just took colafac to ease the pains . its took the egde of it away x

  • Posted

    Hi rehreh, I had right sided pain yesterday evening near belly button. Then today left sided, I moved and screamed out it hurt so much. Terrible migraine day 3, so I am sensitive. I put a heat pad on my stomach, it helped a little...I think mine is bowel related. I have had the rib/chest pain aches...that I think was acid reflux. It just never ends.

    • Posted

      HI Lou

      same here headace and same pains like yours . ive just took colafac for the pain it has subsided a little . so am quessing its bowel realted . Am just so fed up with all sorts of others things poping up which ive never had before. Hoping this all ends soons for us all x

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    does anyone feel as tho their chest is just ripping apart? my stomach hurts, my tongue have no taste . Am so fed up

    • Posted

      not had the chest bit but sure have a no taste tongue . lots of stomach issue past 3 months . me to fedup with this whole thing.

      i was happy lively living my life 2 years ago when all of a sudden got hit with all these pains .i just want to be pain free and enjoy life . not to be thinking with each and diffrent pain that am dying. i just pray to god everyday to heal me . i really feel for everyone going tru this horrific time . we will soon one day wake up feeling better x

    • Posted

      Yes I can totally relate...always feel like I’m dying LOL I have stomach pain, headaches, Chest discomfort, exhaustion, insomnia, and body aches on a Rotating basis not to mention the worst thing which is anxiety. Hang in there we will get through this! Always reach out to someone on here!!

    • Posted

      I've got the stomach pain lately too. I've tried Prilosec for the last couple weeks and sometimes it seems to be helping but today not so much. My stomach feels tight and uncomfortable, kind of like a nervous stomach mixed with pain. And my throat feels constricted. And of course the anxiety is there too. Ugh. I miss feeling well.

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    I have the rib pain, went to docs had kidney and womb scan all was ok, they say its muscular and the hospital have guven me excercises to do, it has eased since doing them xx

  • Posted


    I have the rib pain, went to docs had kidney and womb scan all was ok, they say its muscular and the hospital have guven me excercises to do, it has eased since doing them xx

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