Pollen Allergy
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I have pollen allergy, in spring I face problem in breadthing a lot.
I am wondering if there are home solutions for this so that medicine, specially anti allergy pills can be avoided which makes me sleep all day.
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care4health anz89557
You can also try allergy nose plugs, you can get them on amazon or ebay, quite cheap. Or even cheaper, when you feel you start to get those runny nose, sneezing attacks, just plug your nose with a little piece of tissue for a few min.
Other than that the only thing you can do is avoid being in that environment.
There are antihistamine srays, and tablets which don't make you sleepy.
anz89557 care4health
care4health anz89557
the only thing you need to be careful, don't do it if your nose is badly congested, because the water might get to your ears. It happened to me, I didn't know how to use at the time, and it's very painful.
Do it very gently, push the bottle just a little bit so the water goes in on one side and gets out on the other.
Just do a little bit at the beginning, you don't need to use the whole bottle. I only use less than half at a time, because even though I'm very careful, I still can feel a bit of pressure in my left ear.
See how you go with it, give it a try for a few weeks at least.
anz89557 care4health
mrsmop anz89557
chris04388 anz89557
anz89557 chris04388
I am been suggeted to use inhaler
but i am affraid that may be I'll be addicted to it then.
care4health chris04388
anz89557 care4health
care4health anz89557
Try the natural ones first, or you can still take antihistamine in tablet or in nasal spray forms.
Guest anz89557
In the winter check yourself if you are suitable for a private immunotherapy treatment such as grazax or polinex Quattro, that may eliminate the need for medication next season.