polyp operation
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home now after uterine polyp operation today.
it was nothing to be scared about.
too early to say if its stopped my pelvic pain symptoms but will keep updating .
i still have pain on my left pelvis but dont know if thats cos the polyp was chopped off.
i have 2 positive things happening.
i dont have the urge to pipi all the time and i have just eaten and have no indigestion. hoorah !!
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margaret04348 chica
chica margaret04348
if my op has worked then my other symptoms should be relieved also.
pressure on bladder, indigestion heartburn after eating or even drinking water, gas,nausea,painful sex, runny bm,brain fog,.
sometimes i'd get what felt like period pain but i'm well past that age.
because the gynnos were saying all was normal (for over 3 years) i developed my own theories of alternative causes.as you do when researching the internet.
god knows how many times i wormed meself.
then thought a filshy sterilization clip had wandered.
overgrowth of candida was another idea in my head but i now think that the pharmseutical companies invented that one.
i'm left with pelvic conjestion syndrome if this operation hasnt worked.
its like a varicus vein going into yor lady parts.
cant help thinking that it would have been picked up on myCT scan.
so i've got to think positive about the polyp i've had removed for now.
if your pain is in your hip bone thats a mystery to me.
do you have any other symptoms?
lets hope some of our ladies can be of help to you.
take care
margaret04348 chica
shaznay96184 chica
Glad to hear you're on the mend. Fingers X'd that you get the relief/news you want.
Great too about the relief you've already noticed re: bathroom trips and indigestion.
By you posting your findings, you'll be giving so many other women on here reassurance.
Have a peaceful night's sleep and take things easy.
lenie95046 chica
Chica, I hope you are going to feel better, I am having different issues with cysts, and lumps and going to the dr next week. So, I am hopeful you will feel better.
chica lenie95046
i have learnt over the past 3 years trying to get fixed that maybe i didnt shout loud enough.
the gynnos here in spain are all 'macho' men.intimidating.!
be persistent in your quest and you'll get your life back on track quicker.
sharon7362 chica
Did you never have scans etc to diagnose polyp?
Hope you are all sorted now?
chica sharon7362
in between that my gp sent me to the digestive dept even though my intuition told me that it was gynno prob.
i had colonoscope oh my god torture,barium swallow, barium enemas (2) ultrasound, and CT scan with contrast. not to mention visits to A and E.
then there were several appointments with the urologist.
sorry you asked , arent you.!
chica sharon7362
sorry about that rant. you can imagine how frustrated i've been.
thanks for your good wishes.
the spanish medicos have been hard done by due to austerity.
not much enthusiasm for expats. x
paula2423 chica
chica paula2423
mine was on the back wall of my uterus.
beside pressure on my bladder and digestive issues due to slow transition, my poo was like a cow pat.
however it took a long time for the gynnos to figure out if my prob was fibroids or polyps.
so today is my 1st full day after my polypectomy and i'm fine but taking it easy,not lifting stuff etc. i was in hospital best part of a day.had general anesthesia.
you'll probably have to get a CT scan .
paula2423 chica
chica paula2423
if you never had ibs before, is there a reason you have it now?
stressed out in some way.
so has your doc given you medication for ibs. is it working?
i got told i had ibs and tried several different tablets but none worked for me.
the heartburn could mean slow digestion which could mean something in your lady parts has grown and pressing on your colon.
there must be so many ladies out there that are having exactly the same issues.
so dont panic. i had my problem for over 3 years.
i dont know if you are coming up to menopause cos the beasties (fibroids) grow like mad and then illegedly shrink afterwards.
if you have a polyps it wont go away by itself.
to be honest i'll let you tell me about endemetriosis.
paula2423 chica
I am 45 and have been through early menopause. This is my 3rd period free year. I went on hrt about 6 months ago although I'm still not sure that I want to be.
chica paula2423
how long have you had your symptoms?
if you do come off hrt, do it very slowly.
most post menopausal ladies feel sooo much better on it but we all have to make our own choice.
i'm 20 odd years older than you and was on the blessed elixir for about 12 years.i felt wonderful.
maybe we pay the consequences.
lenie95046 chica
chica lenie95046
i was just a kid so have nothing constructive to tell you .
start doing some research so you know what questions to ask your doc.
chris82368 chica
I am having the same symptoms as you.
Waiting on the ultra sound.
What was your prognosis? Did you have a biopsy?
Feeling anxious