Polyps /Fibroids
Posted , 5 users are following.
Can Polyps /Fibroids cause a menopause woman to have break through bleeding?
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Posted , 5 users are following.
Can Polyps /Fibroids cause a menopause woman to have break through bleeding?
1 like, 24 replies
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Sochima822 carolrd
No. Not that I'm aware of but ask your doctor.
deidra40034 carolrd
Hi Carolrd,
Actually, they can cause bleeding after menopause. Some of the most common causes of abnormal bleeding during menopause include:
Atrophy or thinning of the tissue lining the vagina and uterus, as well as Polyps or fibroids. Even Infection of the uterus, the use of blood thinners or anticoagulants can cause bleeding. So, might be a good idea to check with your doctor. It's not so unusual. I have a close friend that has fought with fibroids for years...even through pregnancy, and now through meno...only reason I know for sure.
Sochima822 deidra40034
deidra40034 Sochima822
LOL Well, it's the truth. Should I not be saying?
Sochima822 deidra40034
Sochima822 deidra40034
maisie05 deidra40034
Thanks Deidra. Carol has investigative surgery booked for tomorrow for post meno bleed and is worrying herself silly over what it can be. We know we can't diagnose but a little reassurance will help her on the day.
deidra40034 maisie05
btw...they could not remove my friend's fibroid, as it was attached to one side of her uterus, she would have not been able to have her second baby, so she had both babies with this fibroid!!! Her second baby was a boy...and he just graduated from high school!!
And her fibroid is still in there, they will remove it at some point soon, she is in her early 50's now, and of course will not be having anymore babies. LOL She is in her peri-meno now.
maisie05 deidra40034
Thanks Deidra I'm sure she will appreciate your prayers. Glad your friend is doing well. I have a 3cm fibroid and mutiple small causing heavy periods and clotting. Not post meno yet. Considering hysterectomy but scared of the recovery and being thrown into menopause.
deidra40034 maisie05
Ok...so I think I came late to the dance. LOL Sorry, straighten me out here, we don't know for sure what Carol has, or not, they will take a look see tomorrow to find out then? She is just worrying, and does not yet know? I am sorry, I thought she was asking about the fibroids and polyps, because that is what she has. My apologies, it's late here in the U.S., time for bed!
Sochima822 deidra40034
deidra40034 Sochima822
Thanks!! Good Night!
Sochima822 deidra40034
carolrd deidra40034
"Imagine my surprise...after my complete hyst, and had bleeding...it was a polyp" How is that possible when they took everythng out?
deidra40034 carolrd
Along the vaginal wall, he said, he found a polyp on the left side, but I had been such a mess inside, with endometriosis...(sp), and he had to do so much burning and cauterizing, it was everywhere, bottom of my lungs, on my bladder, my lower back...he said it was the worse case he had ever seen. This was back in 1982. I could not say "exactly" where he found it...but I was bleeding, and he said that was what it was...all I remember is it was along the vaginal wall, up high is where he said it was. It was extremely painful during intercourse with my hubby, so I went immediately back to my doctor, and he fixed me right up.
carolrd deidra40034
it wasn't C was it?
deidra40034 carolrd
nope...not at all. just a polyp, they just put me under a little bit, because it was so far up, so I didn't know a thing, and it was over with in just minutes, and the bleeding stopped within 24 hours. I have been fine ever since.
Have you had your test yet today?