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hi ladies
please can you help calm my anxiety. ive had problems with painful sex for a couple of years now and was prescribed Vagifem but that was more for dryness which i wasnt experiencing.
Anyway we persevered but still painful so just put up with it really.
i went on hrt in Nov last year and all was well until the last 2 cycles when i had a period again. ive now been bleeding with clots for 10 days so had to go and have my old mirena coil out (it was way past its useful date.
Anyway, the coil came out fine but doc saw a small polyp and suggested a hysteroscopy would be a good idea just to check everything.
its scheduled for next week and although the consultant was very reassuring im just terrified and crying my eyes out imagining allsorts.
im scared of the general aneastheic but also the fear of something awful being found is making me feel sick. im just crying and panicking.
im really trying not to panic but if any ladies have been through this and have positive words of support id be really grateful.
thankyou so much xxxx
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jilllieberman louise25018
i have had 6 hysteroscopys for polyps ! !no big deal and a i am a chicken s**t
louise25018 jilllieberman
oh my goodness 6?? how brave are you! Ans thankyou so much for replying . im sat here tearing up as im so worried. im so grateful for your message. i hope all is well with you now? xxx
katyD211 louise25018
Hugs!! You will be fine! I had that procedure a year ago because I'm still having periods n spotting at 59. But i also have a huge fibroid , no polyps. Everything turned out fine, I'm still hormonal and doc says enjoy my estrogen while i have it.
I have 2 friends w polyps and both had hysteroscopy. They too are fine. I had twilight anesthesia with mine .
I promise it's not painful, no more uncomfortable than a regular pap.
louise25018 katyD211
thankyou so much Katy! im sat here just preparing to go to bed and holding back tears trying to be sensible and not worry.
Your reply really really helps me thanks so much.
having had the coil removed today im still bleeding a few blood clots but again trying not to panic.
Did you have bleeding after your op?
take care and thanks so much. youve really helped me settle tonight as ive been so scared hugs xxxxx