Poor sense of smell
Posted , 8 users are following.
I have a poor sense of smell now, my husband will smell anything and im like "well I can't smell anything" unless its a really strong smell like smoke! Anyone else?
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Posted , 8 users are following.
I have a poor sense of smell now, my husband will smell anything and im like "well I can't smell anything" unless its a really strong smell like smoke! Anyone else?
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kelle34850 pinkcatfairy
me 😦
Guest pinkcatfairy
I really can't say if my sense of smell is worse or not but I have definitely developed "allergies" or sinus issues. I wake up every day so congested. I recall having the same problem when I was pregnant both times so surely a hormonal thing. Are you stuffed up as well?
pinkcatfairy Guest
No no stuffy nose!
staci88515 pinkcatfairy
I am the complete opposite. I can smell EVERYTHING and it doesn't smell good.
nancys21 staci88515
OMG same here! I've actually vomited from smells. And I never had morning sickness or anything as bad as menopause has been!😒
faz5503 pinkcatfairy
I smell everything but my taste buds are off. My Dr said that it might be down to an infection so the next time you see your dr tell him/her about your lack of smell. I'm sorry that I couldn't reassure you. Take care.
suvi87869 pinkcatfairy
My sense of smell keeps coming on and off.Heard it was a symptom of menopause.
pinkcatfairy suvi87869
Yes i thought it had totally gone but the other day i smelt a banana skin in the bin and it was a way from me abit, so perhaps it comes and goes like you said!
Amalie13 pinkcatfairy
You may want to ask you doctor about the poor sense of smell. It could be due to many factors, but it is also an early sign of Parkinsons Disease. Not to upset you!! It was my husband's first sign, which started in his 30s.
kelle34850 Amalie13
My mom has had Parkinson's for 9 years now. She can smell EVERYTHING! So, that isn't always the case. But honestly I personally wouldn't put that in a response. Just saying. With anxiety high around here no use in creating extra worry!
Amalie13 kelle34850
Ugh. I thought about that before posting. But I would feel remiss if I didn't at least mention it. Could be caused by many different things besides PD!!