Poor Woman
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So this woman approached me in the park because I had just bought a strawberry ice cream from the vendor. She was flipping out saying she had been dreaming about strawberries and I bought the last one. She started crying and breaking down. I was at a loss as what to do. Then she said she was going through menopause and the slightest thing sends her off the deep end.
So, lesson to me. I have to understand I'm not the only one going through this, but others are too. We sat and talked for a few minutes. I had to meet my son so I couldn't stay long. I recommended this site to her.
4 likes, 9 replies
Gypsy014 DaisyDaze
DaisyDaze Gypsy014
Of course! That's when she broke down and told me about her menopause problems.
Guest Gypsy014
Gypsy014 Guest
Gypsy014 DaisyDaze
Oh ok, you didn't say so while I was reading this I was waiting to read that you gave her the ice cream and when I didn't read it I just had to ask, I felt like I was watching a good movie and didn't get to see the ending! Well good for you, what a wonderful person you are for your good deed!! You made someone's day😁
DaisyDaze Gypsy014
Azzumi DaisyDaze
Wow your post made me cry. Whenever I feel down now I will think of you and strawberry ice cream. That's one of the best things i'v read on this site. You did a really wonderful thing..😃😃😃
juanita93228 DaisyDaze
This made me laugh and cry at the same time. I'm not laughing at the lady, I'm laughing out of relief. It just lets me know I'm not alone. I cried because you were so sweet to her. I'm doing okay now with it(one day at a time). But when it all first started, I thought I was losing my mind!
DaisyDaze juanita93228
I agree. One day at a time. Some days I wonder if I'll get through it, then the next day I feel great. Up and down. Hot and cold. Ugh.