Positive pregnancy test!

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I'm 54 and almost in menopause. I went for a colonoscopy and the urine test cane back positive ! They ran a blood test and it was negative. I am worried its a sign of something bad. Has this ever happened to anyone? They say it could be due to menopause.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I believe a UTI (and probably other things) can cause a positive urine test, but blood tests are something like 99% accurate. Can I ask why a test was run in the first place? I had a colonoscopy around your age and it was never mentioned. Try not to worry too much as it's more than likely that you're not pregnant and that nothing sinister is going on.

    • Posted

      HI - the nurse was actually not supposed to have run it. My luck he did! I'm hoping its hormone issues since its been rough the past few months. I am going to check for UTI - thanks.

  • Posted

    GEEZ LOUISE, i'd have a heart attack!

    • Posted

      BTW, that wasnt a message for Louise! I was joking and then saw the post above was from a Louise.

      Anyway, good to know you aren't pregnant

    • Posted

      HA! This made me laugh. I say that all the time too.

  • Posted

    It is likely hormones from menopause causing it. To answer the question on why they ran the pregnancy test, they HAVE to if a woman is of child bearing age and she is being treated for anything. it is CYA. Don't sweat this one, you are good. Remember, pregnancy tests work by measuring elevated hormone levels due to pregnancy. We get these same elevated hormone levels during peri and meno. xo Heidi

    • Posted

      I had a colonoscopy, and also a sigmoidoscopy, when I was going through menopause, and definitely no pregnancy test. Maybe it's different according to where you live?

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      I did a colonoscopy and they did a pregnancy test even though I kept persisting that I wasn't pregnant. They said it's normal procedures.

  • Posted

    Anyone has had ovarian cancer or tumors and a positive pregnancy test? I'm so worried.

    • Posted

      Hi Lucia, there are some medications that can cause false positive in a urine pregnancy test (in addition to UTI that was mentioned above).

      I know with the at-home ones, if you wait too long to read the results, they can show false positive too. (Like if you pee on the stick, then get distracted and come back to it after 10 mins instead of 3).

      Odds are in your favor that there's nothing serious going on.

      Have you had your normal exams with your gynecologist, and all good there?

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