Positive Story from a Broken Ankle

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Like many of you, I suffered a broken ankle. Up until now it has been one of the toughest experiences to overcome. The mental recovery has been far greater than the physical one! 

When I broke my ankle, had surgery, and started my recovery process, I did was most people do; I googled "broken ankle" and must have read through every forum, diary, website, blog out there looking for positive words to keep me thinking positively. However, most often than not, I found stories about unsuccessful recoveries, infections, problems walking, additional surgeries, etc. and I broke down. I felt like walking and my life would never be the same. I combed through so many sites looking for a successful story so I could stay motivated, but a lot of times I came up empty. 

Now, 8 weeks after my injury, I'm here to post encouraging words!

Here is my timeline:

4/20/16 - I was walking down the stairs of my apartment and I've yet to figure out how I missed the last step. I hit the floor full force with my right foot. I immediately felt my foot roll inward, fell against the wall and hit the floor butt first. My first instinct was to grab my excrutiatingly painful foot, squeeze it and take some deep breaths. I told myself it was probably just a bad sprain and that I should be tough and just get up and walk. When I let go of my foot, it sort of just dangled there and my ankle was already swelling up. I knew it was broken. I sat on the last step of my stairs for 20 minutes, waiting for a ride to go to the emergency room. Long story short, I had a right fibula fracture with an unstable ankle joint and needed surgery. Being a nurse, I realized the next 6 to 8 weeks were going to be tough. What I didnt realize, was how tough they would actually be! I was given a CAM boot and sent home. My surgery was scheduled for 4/25/16. 5 days of waiting.

4/25/16 Surgery day! I was excited to finally get this over with. I was given a nerve block before surgery to help with the pain after the procedure. I was taken into the operating room, told to start deep breathing into a mask, and the next time I woke up I was in the recovery room. I was now the proud (or unproud) owner of a metal plate and screws. My foot felt awesome. Actually, I couldn't even feel it and I was okay with that. Nerve blocks are great, but it was difficult for a control freak like me. I was telling my toes to move but they wouldnt. But there was zero pain for the first 24 hours. I was in the hospital so sleep was on and off. 

4/26/16 The day after surgery was by far the most painful thing I have ever felt. The nerve block wore off, I didnt anticipate the pain and refused pain medications the first 24 hours. Huge mistake. That day and night I was in excruciating pain, almost overdosed on Morphine, and was scared. I somehow made it through and the next morning I just wanted to be discharged and go home. So I did. Once home, reality started to set in. I realized I couldn't do anything by myself. Showering seemed impossible. Sleeping comfortably was out of the question. The pain was so bad. The swelling was awful. Around the clock narcotic pain medication gave me incredible constipation so I stopped taking anything after the first week. I was miserable. 

Part of what I read was correct. The first 2 weeks are by far the most difficult ones. If you are as independent as I am, you have to learn to ask for help. Using the crutches was a challenge. Arms were sore. The boot felt heavy. I wasn't even hungry and I started to feel depressed. Every awkward sensation would send me researching Google and then get even more depressed about what I would read. At the end of the day, I would tell myself that there were people out there who had it WAY worse and that I just needed to be patient; something I am definitely not. 

5/10/16 My first follow up appointment. 2 weeks after my surgery. Stitches were taken out at this time. That was a milestone for me. A small one, but at least I could start showering without having to cover my boot/foot with a plastic bag. Also, the doctor cleared me to start doing range of motion so I religiously did exercises two to three times a day. Still no pain meds since the first week and my foot started to feel more stable. I could finally somewhat reposition in bed at night. Being the stubborn woman I am, I decided to return to my apartment at this time. I needed to have some sort of independence to help my mood. Again, a very difficult 2 weeks. I felt lonely, I couldn't drive, and it was like I was on house arrest. But I told myself that I had made progress. 

I finally felt comfortable enough to go out to eat at a restaurant around this time. I felt I was handling the crutches a bit better, my foot still hurt but it wasn't anywhere near the day after surgery. Range of motion kept improving the next several weeks.

6/14/16 One of the best days of my life. I had my 7 week post op appointment. They took xrays. I was scared about the healing of my bone. A million different scenarios were running through my head. I was so nervous that my heart rate was in the 120's when they took my vital signs. Then the doctor walked in and said, "Congratulations, your x-rays look perfect. Your bone has healed. You can start walking now with the CAM boot for 2 weeks. Use your crutches until you feel safe and ditch them whenever you feel comfortable." He told me to return in 2 and a half weeks, gave me 3 more weeks off work and left the room. I sat there stunned. I didn't know if to laugh, scream, cry, or ask him to come back and repeat what he just said. I could now start WALKING. Although I knew it was still a long road ahead, thinking of setting my foot on the ground after 8 weeks was exhilarating. So I tried it.

The feeling was so awkward. It felt like a foreign foot to my body. There wasnt exactly pain, just a tight feeling in the ankle area and discomfort. Still with the use of two crutches, I walked out of the office. It took me about 15 minutes to get to the parking lot but I didn't care. As soon as I got home I told myself that the next time I had an appointment, I was going to walk into the doctor's office without the use of crutches. I also drove for the first time in 8 weeks. I change my boot for a slipper everytime I get in and out of the truck but thats a very small price to pay for now. I had freedom once again. 

6/17/16 Today. I am down to ONE crutch. 3 days after I was cleared to walk. Swelling still remains, especially if I've been walking. The foot still looks discolored. Incision is healing. I continue to do my range of motion. I finally used the stairs normally instead of on my butt going down or doing tricep dips all the way up. My goal is no crutches by next week. 

Don't give up! If I've learned anything about this experience so far is that your body and your mind is amazing. If you are patient and push through it, you will get there. I've reached important milestones and still have a few to attain. But I know I'll eventually get there and maybe even sooner than I expected. 

Hopefully my story helps bring a little encouragement for those of you going through the same thing. I could probably write a novel about my experience so I'm definitely here for support. Chances are, I felt that, thought that, and feared that as well.

Stay positive! 


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  • Posted

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! After breaking my ankle in a car accident on March 1st, I also searched online to find more information about my injury, surgery, and potential recovery.  I'm glad to read the positive stories shared here.

  • Posted

    After reading the many stories shared here, I thought I would share mine.  I'm hoping it will be helpful to others as they make this journey.  

    I was in a serious car accident on March 1, 2018.  My Mini Cooper was T-Boned by a pick-up truck with attached trailer filled with construction equipment.  All 8 airbags deployed helping to keep me safe.  I was able to step out of the vehicle with a minor head laceration.  Later in the emergency room, I found out my Tibia was broken.  I got a splint and some heavy-duty pain meds and went home.  After a week, I saw an orthopedic surgeon, who recommended surgery.  In the meantime, I was back at work teaching elementary gifted a week after my accident.  Thank Goodness for knee scooters!  This the only way I'm able to get back to my students, and keep my mind off my recovery.  

    March 12th my surgeon found no ligament damage and a clean break needing only 2 screws to keep the end of my tibia in place, while it heals.  I had a nerve block after the surgery and was able to manage the pain well, until the nerve block wore off the next day.  The Percoset made me loopy and itchy, but not sleepy.  I took it only 2-3 days, switching to Extended Release Extra-Strength Tylenol.  Sleeping is and has been the biggest challenge during this recovery.  I borrowed an Ice Machine, which helped tremendously in keeping the swelling and pain down during the first week after surgery.  On March 20th, I was back to work again.  Luckily, I team-teach, so I'm able to keep my leg elevated for a good part of the day.  I'm also very lucky that my left ankle was broken and not the right!  I started driving again on March 26th, once I could manage my crutches and getting my folding knee scooter in and out of my trunk.  What a great day that was!  

    I'm at 3 weeks after surgery now.  I had my stitches out after 2 weeks.  That was painful, but thankfully over with very quickly.  At this point, swelling is limited.  My incision has almost healed.  I'm down to no Tylenol during the day, and hoping to decrease it at night.  Life is tremendously easier and more comfortable with the boot because I can take it off when I'm at home.  I'm on Spring Break enjoying the ocean views and plenty of sunshine.  A change of scenery makes all the difference in a positive attitude.  Because I'm on Break from school, I'm concentrating on exercising as much as I'm able.  My doctor recommended starting ankle mobility movements, so I've been doing those several times a day.  I'm seeing small progress with the flexibility.  I agree with others who say it feels like my ankle is frozen.  I'm looking forward to the "Thaw"!  I've also been doing other non-weight bearing exercises to help keep my muscles in shape.  Laps around my school with the knee scooter help get my blood flowing.  As a 51 year old, who has been running for 35 years, I am working to regain my mobility and the active life I had prior to my accident.  

    I see my doctor again at the 6 week point for another X-Ray to make sure the bone has healed.  I'm hoping my good progress continues, so I can start rehab.  Based on what I've read here and elsewhere, I'm planning to make swimming and deep water walking/running part of my therapy.    

    I'll try to remember to come back and post on my progress because it is really encouraging to read about the successes others have had.

    • Posted

      Thank you for sharing your story Karen! So happy to hear your recovery is going well. You seem like a tough cookie! Your active lifestyle over the years is definitely a positive. Take care! 
  • Edited

    Just broke my ankle a few days ago, and waiting to see if I need surgery or boot..I'm not really thrilled with the idea of a screw and plate in my ankle but I may have no choice. Was nice to read your story, mine is sounding like its going to be very similar to yours. I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids but they are old enough to help me get things done, but not so used to seeing mom be on the sofa all day. It does take a toll on your mind when you can't do all you need andwant to get done in the day. I also am not a fan of pain meds and am hoping I won't need them but it sounds like I may have to for the first week. Any other advicecuou can offer would be great.

    • Posted

      Hello Susie,

      I hope you don't need surgery, but if the doc says it's best to go ahead and have it. Make sure you have more than crutches to get around. I bought a knee scooter on Amazon and a wheelchair. I used a wheelchair until I had enough confidence to use a scooter after my surgery. I also have a walker to help me transition into the shower and a bedside commode that doubles as a shower seat ( lid down). 

      A big jar of vitamin C will help you heal. I bought gummies which are easier to get down. I had gel ice packs to help with swelling too. Do the range of motion exercises as soon as the doc says. Ask for nausea medicine too because the pain medication and anti-inflammatories can make you queasy. 

      Get all this lined up before surgery if you have it. I'm eight weeks out of surgery, and this isn't any picnic, but every day it seems a little easier. I'm able to do most things for myself now. You will recover. It takes time. 

      Embrace the quiet time and enjoy a hobby or read novels. Do anything to keep your mind off the situation and the time will pass by faster. 

      Good luck and I hope you heal fast. 

    • Posted

      Hi Susie, 

      Thank you for your comments. I agree that Ellen provided great advice! I used to live in an apartment when I broke my ankle and only had a shower/tub so I had to stay at my parent's house so that I could fit an outdoor chair into a stand alone shower. A bedside commode that doubles as a shower chair is an excellent thing to have and I wish I would have had one. 

      Don't be afraid to take pain meds if needed. If you have side effects (constipation) as I did, buy yourself some stool softeners with sennosides (it's a mild stimulant laxative). 

      The most important preparation is the mental one to be honest. Write down positive quotes and/or statements now so that you may look at them when you are feeling down. We are also here to support you as needed! 

      Good luck to you and keep us updated! 


    • Edited

      Hi Susie

      So sorry to hear you have broken your ankle. We have quite the club here ! 

      You will find good advice  and tips here from those who are currently on or have been on the same path

      I broke my ankle 10 weeks ago (trimalleolar fracture) and had surgery the next day to clean it up and insert a plate and 10 screws.

      I had four days in hospital and then came home.  I live alone in a two level townhouse which has the two bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs so once I got home and got upstairs on my bottom

      I spent the next two weeks up there.  I had to be flat on my back with me leg elevated on pillows 23 hours a day.

      Luckily I had friends to call in and help me with getting meals etc until my sister was able to get here for the two weeks I was relatively immobile. I could get myself to the bathroom and was and dress myself.

      I was in a cast first for two weeks then had my stitches removed and was put into a “moon boot” or Cam walker. 

      I had five weeks of non weight bearing in this boot which had to be worn at night as well (that’s fun!!) before then starting to learn to walk again with help from a physical therapist! 

      Now at 10 weeks since my surgery, I am walking again unaided and go back to see my doctor this Friday to arrange further surgery to remove some of the hardware I had put in. This is a walk in walk out procedure with little down time I am told. I was back at work in three weeks (desk job) and driving after seven.

      I am so glad you have your children to help you as it is at times very frustrating. I was unable to do much for those first few weeks of recovery.  

      I was hopeless with crutches so used a walking frame to hop around  which I could I felt much more stable on. A knee scooter was great to get around on at the office and later on at home. 

      I bought an over toilet frame to make it easier to use the toilet as it makes it higher for you. Also used this as a seat near the hand basin to wash myself and my hair until I could weight bear enough to get in the shower. You can get shower stools to sit on and I also got a plastic stool to put my toiletries on in the shower so I could reach them. As Ellen said, try and get these all sorted so they are ready when you come home if you do have to have surgery. 

      Good luck with your journey. Hope you heal quickly and are mobile again soon. 

    • Posted

      Hi Helen!

      Curious how you learned to walk again!

      I got my cast off on Friday (after 8 weeks) and my ankle is incredibly stiff and sore to walk on. How the heck did you teach yourself to walk again?!


    • Edited

      I went to see a physical therapist the day after being told I could start to weight bear. The bones have healed so the biggest thing was getting the muscles, tendons and ligaments working again. He gave me exercises to do for the first week to help stretch these out a bit. The first week I walked in the moonboot with the walking frame - around the house and at the office every hour, drew the alphabet with my toes when the moonboot was off, and cycled on a cycling machine I had bought which sits on the floor in front of the sofa. He also did some deep tissue massage on my calf muscles which killed at the time as they were so tight but felt amazing after. The next week I started wearing two running shoes to do the exercises, and was to wear those in the morning and put the moon boot on again later in the day when my foot got tired. I kept doing the exercises from the previous week and added in new ones - reps of sitting to standing from a chair, then reps of rising up on my toes and small squats with my heels on the floor supporting myself against a kitchen bench- still kept up alphabet writing and cycling in 5 minute bursts, pedaling forwards and backwards, a few times a day. At the beginning of the third week I added in some lunges in to stretch out the back of the calf and then swapped feet to stretch the inside of the injured ankle. I also added in balancing on my good foot for 30 seconds at a time and increased the number of reps on all my other exercises- sitting to standing, toe raises, squats and cycling . 

      From week three I no longer wore the moonboot at all and was able to ditch the walking frame for a cane towards the end of the week.

      At each appointment the therapist did the deep massage  on the calf muscles which really frees them up. So this week, beginning of week 4 we tried walking in normal shoes at my appointment and walking without the cane. I am able to do this inside the house but wear running shoes and use the cane outside for extra support if needed. I am still doing all the exercises I have been doing and this week added in balancing on my injured leg holding a sideboard for support. 

       I have my third post op appointment with my doctor this Friday and will have an appointment with the therapist the afternoon before to check my week 4 progress. I never would have believed I would be walking again so quickly but have been diligent in doing the physical therapy I have been prescribed and it has paid off. I will continue to see the therapist following screw removal in a few weeks time to get back as much strength and movement as I can. 

    • Posted

      Wow! Congratulations Helen and thank you so much for all the info.

      Best of luck on your recovery...I hope to have a similar one! 

      My surgeon didn’t want to give me the boot so I was thrown into the deep end with just running shoes. Maybe that’s a good thing? But it’s cerainly painful! 

    • Posted

      Keep us all posted of your progress. I found so much useful information in these forums. It’s nice to be able to share your experiences if it helps others. 
  • Posted

    Awesome effort , I’m 3 days post Ankle fusion 

    I’m told 8 - 12 weeks nwb and see where we go from there but to expect 6 months before it’s ok 

    • Posted

      Thank you! And I am glad your doctor is giving you that time frame. My doctor told me I should have been walking normally by 3 months. It took me about 6-8 months to feel comfortable, gain back most of my range of motion, and walk longer distances. Everyone heals differently. 

      Hang in there! 

  • Posted

    I was happy to find this discussion! I broke my ankle in 3 places in a roller skating accident almost 2 weeks ago. First broken bone in my life (I'm 38). Wow, the pain was incredible. I clearly dislocated the ankle as well, as it was just hanging there after the break. That was very disconcerting for me. I had surgery three days after the accident and from what I understand, had a big pin put in my fibula, and lots of small pins and a plate put in my tibia. My tibia and talus had also separated, so there is some kind of artificial bone or joint in there. I live in Korea, so some of this got lost in translation...the standard in Korea is to keep you in the hospital for two weeks after this kind of break, and I almost made before the hospital was driving me mad, so was able to be discharged a few days early. Walking on crutches is really a pain and I ordered an iwalk 2.0 that should arrive tomorrow, which I'm really hoping makes me more mobile.  Sleeping is hard as I can't get comfortable. I try to keep the foot elevated but I feel that throws all the rest of my body out of whack. I'm a professor, so luckily I don't have to be on my feet much, and even when I'm teaching can sit and try to elevate. There is just one month of the semester left and so my plan is to go back next week in a limited capacity. I'm really hoping this is feasible as I don't see another way. Luckily I live close to campus, as its my right ankle that's broken and I can't drive for a while.

    For those with hardware in your foot, how long before you could take it out? In some ways I kind of hope it's not too soon, as I will be back in North America for half of July and most of August, and don't want it to mess with vacation plans at all.


    • Posted

      Wow bonnie! It's interesting to see the treatment options in different countries. Two weeks in the hospital is a long time! Typically here in the U.S. where I live it is an outpatient procedure or a one day hospital stay. 

      You are very right about your body being thrown out of whack at night due to lack of proper repositioning! My lower back was killing me the first couple of days. 

      I'm glad to hear you are establishing milestones for yourself. Patience and determination is key smile 

      Best of luck in your recovery! 

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