Positives vs Negatives

Posted , 4 users are following.

It seems like most of the discussions about Mirtazapine are around people trying to get off of it and how that effects us during the withdrawal phase myself included as I've been down to 15 mg for a little over 3 weeks from a high dose of 45.

My question for everyone does anyone feel like they will stay on Mirtazapine for life and what are some of the positive and negative effects people have had.

Personally it has helped me sleep better and my anxiety has gone down but on the negative side I'm drowsier during the day and have swallowing issues and it effects my stomach and I also feel I've been much more reclusive while taking it.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi... i have just started this 3 days ago and i am the opposite. I feel tired yes but not the way i was while on sertraline. And i feel i can go out now when before i virtually became a recluse and spoke to no one. My husband has noticed a real difference. I am not expecting it to be a straight road but i am hopeful and am taking it one day at a time. Maybe yiu need to change your meds... Are you feeling worse or the same or marginally better. Are the positives over ruling the cons? What can you live with the most?
    • Posted

      Glad to hear you've had positive results with the Mirtazapine and it's working good for you. The negatives I feel outweigh the positives from the medicine for me but I don't want to have the return of the insomnia and anxiety so I'm hesitant to go off it. I'd like to learn to deal with things without medication completely eventually but it's a battle.

    • Posted

      Hi Julie what dosage are you on if you don't mind me asking? I'm on sertraline it's early days I am picking up a bit but it's causing insomnia for me plus affecting my ibs the runs etc. If it continues dunno whether just to stay on it but ask for 15mg of mirt for sleep or totally change over mess if it continues! Just find it messes my system up a bit if I keep changing meds which I did earlier this year. Bit worried about weight gain too to be honest on mirt. Thanks

    • Posted

      Hi carolyn. I am on 15mg for the next 3 days then to go up to 30mg after that. I was on 50mg sertraline but that didnt work for me. The weight issue i hope to keep at bay by doing my exercise classes as usual. The GP said the tiredness should even out after this. Hope things sort themselves out.
    • Posted

      I don't want to be on this indefinetly and i have a therapy appt on Monday. I dont like taking meds but needs must at the moment if i want to stay sane. I am dealing with friend issues at the moment, feel my support is diminishing and i will have no one. There is only so much you can let people know, without stressing them out too. Why dont you try and speak to a therapist or your GP for some more info before deciding, there may be another med you can try. I am so glad i joined this group. Thanks

    • Posted

      The 30mg is normally the amount you take to fight depression usually 15 is just for sedative effects. Hoping it works for you. Sert now giving me the runs! Can feel it's doing something to my brain. Let me know how you get on with 30mg and any side effects. Take care of yourself

  • Posted

    Im only on  15mg and my Dr told me that I can get off of it in 3 weeks but cutting down by 1/4 1 week at a time. I'm going to do this when I get close to 4 months on.  If the drug is working well than continue taking it. If you feel like it has done it's job and you're done than get off of it. I sure don't plan on taking it forever.


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