Possible achalasia

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I have had what I call throat spasms for all of my life. I am 34 years old and have never been able to figure out a name for it or anything until now. This is such an immense relief to me because I had never heard of anyone else having them. My question is, does anyone else have the issue of not being able to sleep? For some reason, I cannot close my eyes for an extended period of time or else it causes more spasms. I live on caffeine pills when these occur because I would rather be exhausted than to have to deal with the pain that these cause me. I like to think that I have a high pain tolerance, but with these, my tolerance is not high at all. I have found that the only place I am able to get some sleep is in the shower with the water turned up really hot to where there is a lot of steam in the air. I've never been able to connect the dots between my eyes and my throat. I would really like to shed some light on what I have been dealing with for so long.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Are your spasms painful, like chest pain mimicking that of a heart attack? If so, they're called esophageal spasms. I've had them for 15 years and mine is a crushing midsternsl pressure that a severe ache and hurting radiates to my jaw. The best thing for them that I've found are nitroglycerin tablets sublingual. They give you a BAD headache for about 5 min but will stop the spasm. 

    Drop me a prvt msg if you have any questions. 


    • Posted

      The spasms are extremely painful. I have had several episodes of kidney stones and they feel so much better. The only pain that I have when I get them are deep In my throat. I do not have any pain in my chest or anywhere else. They only happen when I'm sleeping and they wake me up. I can try to go back K to sleep but t the longer I close my eyes, the more inte

    • Posted

      I'm sorry...I pressed submit early.

      The spasms are extremely painful. I have had several episodes of kidney stones and they feel so much better. The only pain that I have when I get them are deep In my throat. I do not have any pain in my chest or anywhere else. They only happen when I'm sleeping and they wake me up. I can try to go back to sleep but t the longer I close my eyes, the more intense the spasms become until I can no longer handle the pain anymore. The only place I have found that I can get some sleep is in the shower with really hot water that causes steam to be in the air. I have no clue what these could be and I need help! I had a swallow test about 2 months ago and a sleep study. I had to cut the sleep study short because of the spasms so my ENT wants me to have another one done.

    • Posted

      Hun I don't know what they are if they're not esophageal spasms. If they are nitroglycerin helps 

    • Posted

      I'm not sure either. It's so frustrating trying to explain to people what they are and how they feel. I am hoping that the swallow test will show something!

    • Posted

      I hope it will. At least it will rule some things out if anything. 


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