possible candida symptoms? or something else?

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hello, well I've been browsing the web and can't seem to find anything concrete on what I might have, my symptoms as of right now are, muscus in the throat constantly (since March) got prescribed fluconazle didn't work what so ever. darker shade of skin at the side of my nose. abdominal cramps/ very minimal pain. bad anxiety. nausea. rash occurs when I eat but not very often, use to be once every day, now probably once every week or two. stools vary from day to day with two different shades of colour. also my tongue has had a green coating which I can brush off and then it could be fine for a day then come back in another day or so. I have low vitamin D also been prescribed some to sort that out. also been referred to a specialist, that's not until August though. so the reason I'm saying candida is most of the symptoms match up and googling candida tongue is exactly what mine looks like.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    well i don,t know about candida and the tongue colour-----but before i have un digestion and the stool smell is to bad like undigestion poop and change colour of my stool  then i go to the doctor doctor give me lansoprazole 30 mg 1 per day and charcoal tablet twice a day---by which my stool colour bcome fine and smell goes away but then i pass 4 to 5 times stool a day-----till now my problem is not sort out don,t google your symptoms go to the doctor----change of colour of stool look like you have possible ibs problem in which food gos fast through intestine----
    • Posted

      thanks for the reply, I know I shouldn't Google symptoms, it's just I have been to the doctors several times over the past couple of months. waiting for August not to see the specialist.

    • Posted

      ok good i am waiting for 23 july i have appointment with doctor now i am using pro biotic i feel fine then before but some thing in my mind bad so for sure i will go for colonscopy as doctor say me on 23 july if u want then we will do colonscopy for u---------------sad 
  • Posted

    maybe you should get some treatment for that sooner rather than later. A gums clinic will tell you if it's candida or gonorrhea.

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