Possible endometrial cancer
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Hi I could use some help. I am 49 and havent had a period since august 2017. In late Oct I had a weekend of brownish and red spotting with moderate cramping.
I went and picked up my medical records today and my endo thickness is 5.3. My biopsy was scheduled for the 31st of this month but the doc has me coming in on xmas eve now. My total symptoms over the last 6-8 mths is loss of appetite, periods of nausea daily and my body is covered in small bruises all the time. I have never been anemic.
The TV utz also states no fibroids or polyps were noted. I feel like I have cancer because my hip has been bothering me for a couple months its my right loin area and sometimes it hurts to walk. I dont know what to think or feel.
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maddysmom2015 ty73345
Hi Ty,
I'm so sorry you are going through this.
Your doctor might just be cautious. Post-meno, the endometrial stripe is about 5mm or less. 5.3 seems to be a small difference. You'll see on this site so many women have had a post-meno period. It is very common and rarely, if ever, something serious.
I had a close friend IRL with stage 2 endometrial cancer; she had none of your symptoms. Nausea and joint pain can be so many different things. The bruising could be potassium related.
Not sure what the TV utz is.... Have you had a sonogram? Is that how they measured the endometrial stripe?
We are thinking of you and love you!
mary27278 maddysmom2015
what were your friends symptoms?
maddysmom2015 mary27278
She did have what she thought was irregular menstrual bleeding. (She was still getting a period at 57.) But she is a small business owner and always had a ton of energy, a good appetite and no symptoms of notice. Just the late peri bleeding irregularity. No headaches, joint pain or anything.
Did you ever take a birth control pill? I ask because there a birth control pill gives almost lifelong reduction in the risk for ovarian and endometrial cancer. The thinking is that BCP prevent ovulation. And the egg's journey can cause microtears in the ovary and uterus that can make the body more vulnerable to irregular cell reproduction.
What you are going through is very scary. I am having an endometrial polypectomy on Tuesday and they will biopsy that tissue. So I get your fear of something inside going wrong. Every bodily irregularity seems to indicate disaster. Though it might not be related at all.
So I won't say "try and relax." I will say try and be kind to yourself and your body as you wait.
mary27278 maddysmom2015
I 'm 53 and I went 7 months without a period and came on. Then afterward 2 months and came again and now 3 months so far. But Im going through perimenopause too. I went to my GI dr yesterday and she's scheduling a ct scan on my abdomen and pelvic because im having lots of gut issues and i ve lost weight due to the digestion issues. I'm nausea , acid reflux, weight loss, and plus i have an overgrowth of bacteria in gut. I did a ct scan 2years ago when i first started peri, i was having the gut issues then. Yes i was on birth control years ago but not recently. I have health anxiety really bad since going through "this change of life" so yes the thought of the scan makes me nervous. I hope all goes well for you.
Takingtime maddysmom2015
I am sorry you are going through this. I am glad that you are being diligent and getting things checked. The hardest thing that we do to ourselves is jump to the worst case scenario, without knowing the true conclusion, this creating more stress to our bodies. Try to think positively. Easy to say I know. I have had a few health scares over the years too. It's the waiting that is the hardest part and I wish they didn't leave us hanging as that opens up time to put so many thoughts into our minds. You have to look back to the weekend of the bleeding did you do anything different? Sometimes post menopause the linings are thin and dryer and tear more easily. I have seen many posts where women do bruise easier during this time, our blood vessels become weaker as we age and sometimes we bruise without knowing what we did. The loss of appetite, could be from stress from the worry. So what I would do is try and distract yourself and try to fill your agenda with fun positive things and people. If you have a hobby you enjoy do that. The more you worry the harder it is on your body. Please keep up updated.
ty73345 maddysmom2015
sorry I worked for a maternal fetal medicine doctor for 11 years my abbreviation was habit..I meant transvaginal ultrasound.
kerry_89290 ty73345
its so hard im telling you a positive i had a meno bleed also 2 years later i was 49 i had a thickness 9.9 mm i had ultrasound inside and out i had a biopsy a hyserscopy camera to see inside and a d&c basically it was a period my body having a last fling its common but tests are a must to make sure i am 2 years on its happend again biopsy and scans and still ok so please stay calm i know its scarey if you want to message i will help if i can xx
sue44486 kerry_89290
hi Kerry I'm due to have the camera on friday,does it hurt I'm petrified heard a few horror stories
kerry_89290 sue44486
hi sue i was scared but to be honest i was fine just like a smear but i did take 2 pain killers before i went i have had that many over the years you will be fine i know you read stories but know ever puts on a positive comment if i can do it anyone can take care deep breaths
ty73345 kerry_89290
I am past the hysterics but your experience does make me feel better. The constant mind game you have to play with yourself is exhausting. My estradiol level has me questioning even more. I am glad you are okay
hi..I had no idea anyone responded so sorry..I went to my biopsy appt and it was all bad. I had my cervix dilated and they couldnt get thru the backside into the uterus. I almost passed out they had ice packs on my head chest and neck. What should have been 15 min or so was 35 min of excruciating pain. After 4 tries I felt a pop and and she said she got thru. After 4 passes she said she got good samples. That was xmas eve, 2 days later they called and said that the pathologist called to say that my uterus had been perforated and it wasnt uterine tissue..it was abdominal fat outside the uterus. I had follow up blood and ultrasound done and 2 hospital visits because my abdomen was so full of gas the pressure on my rectum and chest was awful. My endo thickness is now 6.9 and my estradiol level is 104 pg/ml. Post menopause this number should be less than 30. I am still sick and still cramping. I have to repeat the biopsy but I told them I wouldnt go thru that barbaric procedure again. I had 2 vaginal births without any pain meds and I would rather do that again.
I have a consult with a gyn at the hospital on the 28th since you have to wait 6 wks to heal. I think I have endo hyperplasia. It would explain the estradiol level and symptoms. I am so defeated I am tired of feeling like crap everyday and not knowing why. its hard to eat without stomach pain after. The headaches etc. I am just over it.
Thank you guys for responding to me, I started a new thread today about this not knowing I had responses. I appreciate your time.
kerry_89290 ty73345
hi i have hyperplasia its a thickness of my uterus causing problem im 9 months into merina coil which can reverse it sorry you are having a bad time tests are tiresome but essential the coil contains progestogen which protects the lining after menopause endomitrial cancer is possible but its not always the cause fibroids can bleed also take care