Possible IBD?

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 I have been suffering with symptoms for almost a year that are worsening .

- pain above belly button

- 3/4 bowel movement a day that are urgent. Not diarrhoea but semi formed like mushy?( sorry!) no blood but sometimes mucus.

- extremely tired. Heavy and tired legs especially. General stiffness including hands. Often hard to get out of bed and perform at work. 

Sometime i feel like i get 'flare ups' . Where even more bowel movements and more tiredness.

- endoscopy in jan showed inflammtion of oesophagus due to acid reflux. I queried the cause as i have never had heartburn!

- faecal calprotectin was positive but a low positive. Dr said was too high for ibs but not high enough for it to be ibd. Could i just be sensitive to inflammation?

Have minimal gluten and diary . So far nothing has helped and doctors aren't trying to find the cause. Feel I need a colonoscopy. Any help or

Insight would be appreciated!


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8 Replies

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    Some people with IBS can show inflammation.   You might have had silent heartburn where you don't feel any acid coming up but the acid is still there and causing inflamnation over time.The telltale sign of this is an itchy, dry cough.  I get this along with feeling the heartburn.  Acid reflux is also a symptom of IBS. See a different specialist and try a food diary cutting out gluten and dairy completely rather than having minimal amounts. If you are reacting to these food types and you are eating even a smsll amount of them, it may still be enough to cause symptoms.

    If you had IBD, the telltale signs include unintended  weight loss, and blood in your stool.  but you don't have these symptoms. You symptoms sound more like IBS than IBD.  Celiac is also another possibility or lactose intolerance.  I would push for colonoscopy because that would show up IBD if you had it.

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      Thanks for the reply.

      I will push for a colonoscopy and keep taking the lansoprazole.

      I plan to do a plant based diet now as heard it is good for inflammtion 

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      Another solution is to simply cut out fatty, spicy and rich foods and cook from fresh following the Fodmap diet with the help of a dietician.  My IBS doesn't cause me any food problems but my heartburn does so I cut out very fatty, spicy and rich food and that helps.  However, I do get random hearburn which is unrelated to eating and I find that an OTC antacid works.

  • Posted

    Hi my daughter was diagnosed with crohn 4years ago age 10 but it took lots of work with the help of my GP to get the right answer . She was treated for iBS first for a year and half it was only when she had the colonoscopy that they found out it was crohns 4 years later after a few drug not working she is now on a infusion drug call inflixamab and even though she is still not in remission for the last year she as been very well she is growing and putting on weight nicely . Now her twin sister is having similar symptom so I wasted no time and just pushed and pushed and she will be having the colonoscopy on Wednesday . So my advise is to go to your GP and insist the you have the colonoscopy and the more you go the faster you will get it . 
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    Thanks for the replies everyone. I think I will need to push for more tests and continue with a simple diet.

    Just find it odd docters have left me to it. I have been treated for neither IBS or IBD

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      When I was diagnosed with IBS, I was simply given an information leaflet on the condition and sent on my way.  The only advice I was given was to eat more fibre which I was already doing anyway.  I was having an orange a day to help my constipation.  The trigger for my IBS was stress and anxiety, but nothing was suggested to allievate that.   In the case of IBS, patients are left very much on their own because not enough is known about it
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      In my daughter s case they where given mebeverine and buscopan which does help with the stomach cramps and a course of frolic acid ,iron tabs, and vit D and go on the fodmap web site for info on diet  
    • Posted

      I'm glad your daughter got the right diagnosis in the end.  Stomach and bowel problems can be so hard to identify. 

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