Possible Lupus Brain Fog
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Hi everyone, I'm after some advice please.
I'm 43, married with 2 daughters, 18 and 14.
I really think I suffer from Lupus Brain fog. .. I've been doing some digging on the www before I go visit the doctor.
I've always had a bad memory, I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 34, and since then my memory had been worse.
But just lately, with my new job, it's almost like my brain just won't 'learn' there's lots of things to remember but no matter how much I do it it doesn't seem to sink in. This is a list of things that I 'feel like' : confusion, forgetfulness, confusion with maths, head aches, being unable to say what I mean, I fall over my words, I talk very fast, I know what I want to say but the words don't come.
I feel like I getting buried and can't get out. I can cry at the drop off a hat, feel depressed. ..
I can sit and stare at the computer screen but my brain will not let me remember what I need to do, I am very frustrated. It's quite scary that my brain just won't remember.
Is there anyone out there with anything similar or have any advice. I am going visit the doctor, I can't go on like this.
Thank you x
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I can be so hungry my stomach is rumbling, but I'll ignore it and have a drink. I'm not enjoying eating, and pick at it. That's not me, I love to cook, bake and eat.
aveline Littlelizzie197
I think you should get checked out because you have a condition already and you have symptoms which may or may not be related. But, it doesn't sound like Lupus from what you wrote...not to the exclusion of other diagnoses, anyway.
You could be having more frequent seizure activity than you realize. Or, this could be stress, stress & more stress...like from your medical condition, raising two teens, new job, not cactching on quickly... At your age (our age, pretty much), hormonal changes can start - and that sure doesn't help. You could have a deficiency of some sort, like vitamin D or B12, etc. That would bring on much of what you described...
Or, this could stem from emotional issues. If nothing physical shows up, please see a counselor of some kind and give yourself a chance to de-stress and unravel your feelings and emotions. It can help you feel better and less "buried" by everything. Valid feelings, of course! But not helpful ones as you know.
Also, whether this is something "treatable" or not, find a "system" to help you - a calendar/planner you can use and keep with you (I really do have to write EVERYTHING down!) or a smartphone app if that's better for you... Even if it's a fog that will lift with diagnosis/treatment, you still have a while to go before you're "well" again, and like me, you can be forgetful on a good day.
Littlelizzie197 aveline
It's just so frustrating. .. I shall take on board what you said, I have an app at the docs this afternoon. .
My job change is probably the biggest thing, I've worked with children for the last 15 years and now working in a very busy optical dept, lots of things to remember, lots to learn but it just doesn't sink in. .. the penny drop moment, I'm still waiting for it. .. it's like my brain just won't learn anything, like it refuses to accept it so when it comes to doing what I've been asked. ... nothing, it's blank. .. I can click and click, then I ask, my boss isn't the most patient and can't understand why when he's shown me numerous times that I still don't "get it" . I'm still in my 6 month probation, so have to be very careful. . But it's getting to the point I don't want to ask any more through embarrassment... when I know I've done it before but nothing happens.
I'm sure I'll be balling my eyes out at the docs. I have suffered from depression before when I was first diagnosed with epilepsy. .. saw a councillor, that was great. I dont want to go down that road again.
As for hormones. .. I have the Mirina Coil fitted so that will see me thru "the change" as is a hormone coil.
Thank you again, and I will take on board what you have said xxxx
aveline Littlelizzie197
How can I say this...? You don't deserve to be depressed, but it's totally understandable!!! Is there an epilepsy forum on here? I'll bet you can even find some support there, too! But, try to get a referral to someone professional who can work with you as you come out of this again...just because you had help once doesn't mean it's all done. You have new situations you're facing and life is just like that...next stage, the girls will be grown and moved out and you may stlll be working or retired and that will come with it's own challenges and adjustments, too...
GL with the doctor!!!
Littlelizzie197 aveline
I am on the epilepsy forum on here so I'll give them a shout too see what they say.
(I've just come back from the docs. .. my appointment is tomorrow! Der! Sounds about right... and my mum rang as I came out of the surgery, she asked how I was and I burst into tears! This is not normal lol)
My friend who I work with and myself are working a system where as I can write things in a book, as I'm learning it, so I can refer to it, but is is difficult doing that in a fast moving clinic lol but we'll do it.
There are so many things to do. My boss is just going to have to be a bit more patient.
The other thing is when patients are waiting, that adds pressure, then I start to flap and it all goes boobs up!
Working with kids is soooooo much easier!
(Not enough hours, that's why I left)
Thanks again. .. I'll keep you posted. Xx