Possible misdiagnosis
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Hey guys
I've recently found this forum and all I can say is that I'm delighted to have found people suffering from the same condition I have, however I'm due to get the heller myotomy soon and I am quite scared that I could have possibly been misdiagnosed. Firstly I have had this condition for around 4 years, however I found I suffer minimal symptoms, I can eat any food I wish, I do not bring up foods in my sleep and I also don't suffer any chest pain. The only symptom I suffer is when I eat, I find that food travels down very slowly down the esophagus and occasionally I decide to bring up the food to relieve pressure . I live in a small country (only a population of 1 million )so doctors etc arnt familiar with my condition. I had the manotomy completed last year and during the test I had problems with breathing ( due to another issue ) and therefore I had to repeat it. After this I was informed that I had achalasia and that was it, no other information. I did not do a barium swallow or any other tests. I also read online about a condition caused by cleft lips (which I have) that presents similar conditions that I am currently suffering from. Could it have been possible that I've been misdiagnosed with achalasia? Sorry for waffling but I'm only 17 and I'm worried about getting this life changing surgery if I do not need it, unfortunately explaining this to my parents hasn't helped as they know little about this condition and say that surgery is the best. Any information on to what I could do would be extremely helpful.
Many thanks
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donna15310 matthew69390
Matthew, the 'Manometry' test entails a tube with sensors in it, being put down yourm nose and into the stomach. The sensors measure movements, pressure, etc. of the esophagus [or none].
If you had the Manometry test, and were told you have Achalasia, then you likely do have this. The manometry is the definitive test for Achalasia. I had the test last June, which gave me a 100% diagnosis - Achalasia type 1 [paralyzed esophagus]. You could ask for a barium Surgery or other treatments are not 'cures' nor 'fixes' for this rare disorder, but the means to give us a better quality of eating. Talk to your doctor or specialist. Go onto the Mayo Clinic site and read their information, also I'm sure that 'Alan' [from OPA the Esophageal Patients Assoc.] will direct you to a guidebook that can be printed, which gives excellent information. This is a very 'rare' disorder, so you won't find a 'book' on this disorder. Good luck, Mathew.
maya2452 matthew69390
Sorry for your condition. I think surgery is a last resort, especially if your eating problem is not as bad as some of us on this forum. You could have an endoscopy where they would dilate your esophagus to help the food go down more easily and see if that helps you. They put you to sleep for the procedure but it is not invasive like a surgery. Also, look into your situation with the cleft palette and get a second opinion if you can. Good luck.
larry16330 matthew69390
I don't want to diagnose you but I'd have to say the Heller myotomy is a procedure that makes the sphincter muscle to the stomach stay open. It doesn't sound like that's a problem for you. Having said that there is a new procedure called P.O.E.M. That is less evasive but it does the same thing. If your eating and food is going down into your stomach and doesn't come up I think I would do some more investigation on your situation. Sounds like your problem is more with the esophagus than the sphincter muscle. Good luck
Dr_Reg matthew69390
Cowgirluc matthew69390