Possible Sarcoma / Ganglion, NHS have cancelled app. due to corona

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hello, I have a lump on the back side of my hand/wrist. The lump is about the size of a pea, regular in shape, appeared suddenly about 1 - 2 years ago unsure if still growing in size. It was non-painful, but then began to ache if I used the hand to support my body weight, it has recently started to hurt and ache on and off for the past week or so. I decided to see my GP about it about 6 weeks ago who found that it is a hard, bony? mass which has little/no movement and queried Ganglion Cyst or Sarcoma and sent me for an X-Ray and reffered me to a specialist Orthopedic Consultant. The Consultant sat down with me and told me that he is unsure from the XRay and decided to send me for a MRI scan of the area, he told me it is likely to be a ganglion but there is about 1/100 chance it could be something more sinister but the MRI will confirm and he wouldn't have to see me again if it is a ganglion. 1 week passes and I receive a follow up letter stating that from the MRI results he now recommends that I get a CT scan as well as an Ultrasound and need to see him again to discuss management options. I recieved this letter 2 weeks ago and didn't actually receive any appointments for these additional scans. I decided to contact the consultant but it turns out that they are now out of office for 3 months, as a result of coronavirus, including his secretary. I then contacted the hospital, Orthopedic department, Radiology department as well as appointment booking team but kept being given the same answer, that there is nothing they can do for me for 3 months.

I am very worried to leave this condition without further investigation for 3 months, incase it turns out to be something like sarcoma... does anybody have any suggestions or reassurance for me?

Many thanks

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    I am really sorry that this has happened to you. It seems that coronavirus is all the NHS is doing right now unless it is an absolute emergency. I know I got a letter for referral for gastro department to find no appointments what so ever. i am not sure if the private sector is open or not as I haven't looked into that - but this is an awful time if you have something not coronavirus related and have no clue when you will be seen! if our health service had not been so run down perhaps we would have been better equipped for this outbreak. As it is some people will not be given treatment when they urgently need it making their situation much worse than it was.

    My only suggestion is seeing your GP - they might be able to tell you to that it is more likely to be something less sinister and therefore less worrying for you.

  • Posted

    That is really good news, it means there is nothing serious. If it was something serious like cancer, they would desperately want to see you again.

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