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Hi, I'm a 62 yo. female that had an ultrasound and US FNA of my thyroid preformed in 2007 due to an accidental discovery of an abnormal thyroid while having an ultrasound preformed on my chest. In comparison to the measurements of the right lobe of my thyroid which were 5.2 x 2.4 x 2.6 cm the findings of the ultrasound were a large complex nodule in the central right lobe of the thyroid measuring 4.1 x 2.3 x 2.2 cm. that appeared to have cystic spaces and vascular margins. The ultrasound was followed up with an ultrasound guided FNA; however, the cytology results were inconclusive. At this time I had no physical symptoms of a thyroid disorder. Now with it being 2015, over the past year and a half, I have had aggressive weight gain, edema in my lower extrematies, in the past 2 months I have had difficulty swallowing, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, joint and muscle pain throughout my body, and cannot lose any weight. In addition; however it may not be pertinent, I suffer from dust and pollen allergies, asthma, severe vitamin D deficiency and facial acne that will not go away or has blistered and will not heal. I have another thyroid ultrasound scheduled this week. I wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this. I know the nodule has grown in size since 2007; however I do not know if it is just causing hypothyroidism or is it thyroid cancer. Recent blood test results showed that my T3 and T4 levels were within range and my TSH levels were lowered. From what I have read/researched, a benign and malignant cyst/nodule would cause almost identical symptoms. What I can't seem to find out is if thyroid cancer will cause such aggressive weight gain. Any information/feedback would be invaluable.
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shellyC19 fhei892688
My name is Shelly and I am an RN- Nurse and live in the USA. I suffer with Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease. I have not had my thyroid removed but do have 3 small nodules in mine which from Ultrasound & biopsy are benign.
I am sorry you have large nodules and the worry of cancerous ones. Let me say that many of people have nodules and a high percentage are non-cancerous, despite size.
Here is what I believe is going on inside of you. First of all, weight gain, bad acne and edema (swelling) of limbs is common in Low (HYPO) Thyroid cases. Vit D and thyroid problems go hand in hand. They have found a relationship between having low vit D and thyroid issues, and I also have low vit. D. In short, many of your symptoms listed above can be linked to the nodules causing your thyroid problems.
I like to go by symptoms more than blood work. Blood work is just an indicator but symptoms tell more of the story.
As these nodules/cysts grow they interfere with the thyroid gland and cause the hormone to go low in most cases. It can also cause Hyper (too much thyroid hormone). Some people can swing back and forth as the nodules get bigger.
Signs of low thyroid (HYPO) are:
Rapid Weight gain, muscle aches, tiredness/fatigue, brain fog, acne, and dry skin, constipation, edema/swelling, depressed feelings, some people get anxiety, slow heart rate. There are more, these are common ones.
Hyper signs and symptoms are: nervousness, rapid pulse, loose bowels, anxiety, bug eyed look, rapid loss of weight.
Now if they do a biopsy where they take a sample of the tissue they can tell if it is cancerous or cyst like. Many of the nodules can grow like a cyst does and even contain fluid. Cysts and cystic spaces are common in some of us, and in some women they get large cysts on the ovaries too.
Are your RBC (red blood cells ) & sodium levels okay? Cancer usually makes the RBC's and sodium go low in the blood. Also cancer does not cause weight gain, it robs the body and you usually get very thin. You would not want to eat.
I do believe you have cyst like nodules that should be removed, as it causes you these bad symptoms. Please ask your doctor to have a biopsy and then you will know exactly what is going on.
Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Be well Shelly
rcb33194 shellyC19
Hi ShellyC19,
Your post validated what doctors have refused to. I'm 45 years old and have watched a steady decline from my athletic body to feeling 80! My symptoms over the past 5+ years are elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin, exhausted, terrible concentration, horrible edema, recent hoarseness, had a tonsillectomy 3 years ago from an erupted/abscess tonsil that followed a terrible cough (which I still have occasionally). Then one day it dawned on me that I should check in with an Endo because my son was having hypo symptoms and blood work to prove it. My mom and her mom have been on medication their whole lives for hypo.
Long story short, and believe me there's other symptoms many doctors and tests that are too numerous to detail, the Endo found a mass on my right thyroid. An ultrasound, two biopsies later, found follicular neoplasm with calcification (cancer)...and finally FINALLY they are going to remove that right side.
Doctors still refuse to acknowledge my symptoms because my blood work is "perfect." Why, oh why?!? A doctor, Dr. Jonathan George from UCSF, I watched on You Tube about the thyroid also confirmed that edema and liver are related to thyroid issues. I've osalated from hypo to hyper too like you mentioned.
Thank you for your input, it's validating. My surgery is Oct 6th. Not sure what lies ahead but I FINALLY have a reason for my illness.
shellyC19 rcb33194
Hello RCB33194:
Thanks for the kind words and that my post helped you. Symptoms speak louder than blood work. Some doctors are getting the message that the blood can be in so called "normal range" all the while the thyroid is under attack. Sadly there are still doctors that depend on the blood work more and will not budge. I know the swings between Hypo and Hyper and have been there done that as they say.
I hope the best for you on your upcoming surgery. Please keep me posted on how you do. If you ever want to chat, you can PM me on here.
GoldCanyonGirl shellyC19
I have been Googling thyroid nodules and everything to do with the different cancers of the thyroid. I have so many questions since I was just told that I have a nearly 4cm nodule and am scheduling my appt with the surgeon on Monday. You seem so knowledgible.. I was wondering if we could chat?
shellyC19 GoldCanyonGirl
amy822 shellyC19
I just sent you a message.
elisha_56070 fhei892688
I have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer they said it's the more common cancer they did an ultrasound and biopsy confirmed 5 cm since I had the biopsy I've been experiencing weight gain 10 UBS in one week I'm very active and very thin a size 0 but right now I've gained weight always swollen and I have to watch what I eat and exercise everyday and it does nothing my surgery is in 10 days I'm 34 doctors from fairer keep telling me my blood work is fine and they don't know why I have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism
shellyC19 elisha_56070
Hello Elisha:
My name is Shelly and I am a nurse in the USA. I have Hashimoto's autoimmune Thyroid disease and 3 nodules. My nodules are not cancerous.
TALL CELL cancer can be an aggressive form of Thyroid Cancer and is common in women more. They can do RAI (radioactive iodine) or surgery or both.
When you have a cancer the thyroid can be hyper or HYPO. It depends on how it is effected. You seem to have HYPO symptoms as the thyroid must not be working well and the blood can take time to adjust. Your body may send out signals to make more hormone and it can take months for the blood to catch up with your lab work.
You may grow a big lump or nodule and that can be blocking your thyroid and weight gain is a symptoms of HYPO.
The surgery is going to be done, and you will have to be in the hospital and watched for breathing problems or voice problems. The thyroid lays over the voice box. You will be given replacement thyroid hormone and calcium supplements after a period of time after the surgery. They will be testing your blood a lot after so they can see all of the levels.
Once your body adjusts to the replacement hormone your weight should come down. Of course this can take some diet and exercise too.
Please keep us informed on how you do and God Bless.
If you have any questions just ask,
Marisol1 fhei892688
Kat2800 fhei892688
I stumbled across this post when looking for info on thyroid nodules. I was told today that my annual ultrasound follow up shows the nodule I've had for a few years is large enough (barely 1cm)to biopsy .i have two smaller new nodules too - one on each side. My bloodwork has been "normal" but I display every single symptom of hypothyroidism itemizing weight gain, fatigue, etc. I'm anxious waiting for this biopsy. I want answers. Next month marks 14 years I've had issues without answers. I have the fatty bump on the back of my neck, hair loss, very dry skin, etc. I have to go look up my most recent blood results for TSH, etc but depending on what site I use as reference it may or not be normal. I feel trapped in side my ailing body and want answers!