Post Ablation AF

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Hi I have had my first Ablation at St George's hospital Tooting London. All went well but in my return home I started to have AF again. I was told that it happens as the heart needs to stabilise itself after this latest ordeal and after 3 months you can tel whether it has been successful or not. Has anybody who had Ablation had similar experience.

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    Yes but neglected to tell me to expect it and that there was a "blanking period" of 3 months when some disturbance could be expected as the scarring healed and generally settled down. I discovered this after being sent by my GP to a rapid referral cardiac clinic at Charing Cross. GP was not happy with my heart beat.

    The existence of a 3 month blanking period does not seem to be well known except among those practicing cardiac catheter ablations. GPs and Cardiologists (run of the mill variety) seemed unaware of the likelihood of some turbulence in the aftermath.

    As it happened the ablation failed quite badly, rather quickly, as I needed a cardioversion when I was away in Wales - carted away from a GPs surgery as I sought forgotten medication. Apparently 3 out of the 4 major veins had restablished faulty connections.

    Had a second ablation some 8 months after the first. Developed further problems and ended up in an ambulance yet again. Sepsis was to blame this time - likely a result of the ablation. 12 days in a cardiology ward later I returned home but with arythmias established again - not the same ones mind you - different ones. 

    Phamaceuticals kept me going for 3 months but a third ablation was on the cards. Frequent visits to A&E hastened the final third ablation. UK ambulance staff are so good saw a lot of them in this period!

    Fortunately the 3rd Ablation worked and i'm living happily ever after... well so far.

    I was unlucky to some extent. Sucess rates have been improving dramatically for ablations as skill levels improve and with new equipment. I certainly benefitted from the move from St Mary's Paddington to Hammersmith of the ablation unit.

    Catheter Lab in St Mary's was like something out of Mervyn Peakes Gormenghast!

    So patience - the heart may well settle but make sure you do have an appointment lined up for the 3 month mark with a 24/48 hr Holter Monitor in advance if youre still having problems.


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    My first ablation for atrial fibrillation in 2014 failed quite soon after. I had the second one this year in March and went through the blanking period well.

    I had a 24hour holter three weeks ago and my cardiologist is confident enough to take me off of Bisoprolol and then the middle of November I finish with Flecainide.

    I do have the occasional flutter, yesterday for example, my heart rate increased to 117bpm for a couple of hours.

    I don't know what the future holds but I'm keeping my fingers crossed because it has been a very bumpy ride so far.

  • Posted

    Hi Big Man,

    I had an ablation for WPW Syndrome about 3 years ago. My WPW condition would trigger severe palpitation when I consume food containing msg. I think the condition (WPW) has returned as I am again experiencing palpation after Chinese dinner. Will take a test when I visit my cardiologist in December. Yes, I was informed that there is no guarantee that the condition will not return.

    Best you wait and see as advised.

    Best regards,


  • Posted

    Yup, I too had AF on my homeward journey following my first ablation. That turnedout to be my longest episide of 26 hrs. I had a second treatment 6 months later which we were optimistic fully resolved matters, but it seems my nerves are good healers, and Im now awaiting a date for a third go! Deeply frustrating!
  • Posted

    I was ablated in April and went into AF for a couple of hours (which self corrected) about two weeks after the procedure. Cardiologist wasn concerned about it at all as it was well within the 3month 'blanking period'.


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