Post Fibroid Embolisation

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If my experience can help I would like to share this to other sufferers of fibroid. 

Having decided not to try for a family after having had 4  failed IVF's, I just like my life back without pain, bleeding & generally miserable every month.

I have ticked all the boxes that my gynae suggested pills, Zoladex, hysteroscopy-failed mirena or not even had it despite undergoing most uncomfortable impromptu procedure.

I cannot fault any of the staff who dealt and performed my procedure, they were excellent.

However, soon after the procedure my pain was not managed properly & I was in agony. I suggest that premedication of Voltarol, paracetamol @ anti emetics should be in place. Then as soon as the procedure is completed a bolus of 10 mg Morphine from the PCA should be initiated.

Diet wise eat less & high fibre to avoid abdominal discomfort.

Rest is vital. 

The first week was I called 'a week of pain'.. The cramping was severe and round the clock pain killers, had to take 'oromorp' prescription.

Second week, things are getting better but constantly tired. 

Third week, cramping started & slightly bleeding still very uncomfortable, guess this is my normal cycle time & already showing signs of fibroid shredding.

I'm still in this week of recovery and hoping that with what I have gone through the result is good in three months time.

UFE is less invasive but should be treated as having had major procedure because whilst there is no open wound, things are all happening inside you and only you can feel the pain!

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    Hi I am 3 weeks plus 4days post op ( 29/6/2016) when i had my procedure it was painful the first 4 days , i found most of the pain is due to not going for a poo but after going to the loo pain subsided. But only thing I am worried about is the bleeding no sign of stopping any time soon any one else had the same problem ? For the first 2 half weeks it was only spots of blood now i think this a period but it been going for 10 days no sign of stopping feeling a bit light heard sometimes and bit peed off .
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      Mine was was done 23/11/15

      My first 3-4 months was very heavy like yours . But doctor advised me to take tranexamic acid tabs to stop flow . Which worked for me . Now last 2-3 periods I am not taking them because my periods are heavy but not lasting long . In 4-5 days they are finishing . So moral is effects of emboilazation are coming out after 6 months so you need to ask doctor about your heavy bleeding a that they can give you something . Otherwise you will be anamic . Forgot to mention dr also prescribed me iron tabs which I took couple of months then I stopped . Now I am taking apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses everyday .

      Hope this helps you

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      Hi thanks for reply i will make appointment for doctor, the bleeding not heavy just not stopping, it is the best thing i have done I am not getting pain just wish the bleeding would stop x
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      Hey Lynne,

      Were you bleeding consistently or a lot before the procedure? I ask because if I was like that and my doctor said after the UFE my bleeding problem wouldn't stop right away. He said it would take 2-3 cycles afterwards to see "improvement". Which could mean less blood but not no blood at all.

      I am now 3 weeks post-op and during the first 3  weeks I bleed consistently. Weird colors too but I read online that it was normal to see red, brown and even gray discharge/blood. The gray one was alarming but eventually went away.

      I just had my first cycle since the procedure and it was not as heavy as before and less cramping. So I think it's improving. Also, I see little bits of tissue (White and pinkish colored) when I pee. My doctor said its the fibroid shredding. So that's a good sign to look for as well.

      Hope you heal fast and get better soon. God bless. =)


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      Hi Mina I had mine done 18/01/16.

      I just wondered if you had any relief in the Stomach area I still go to the loo a lot and my tummy is still pregnant looking. Also I'm now getting 2 periods a month and discharge in between. Just looking for assure really although I know everyone is different . I have not even had a follow up appointment yet.

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    Hi I had my op done last Monday (28/06/16). The pain I experienced after was the worst I had felt in a long time. For a good 3-4 hours after the op I was in severe pain and on morphine right through the night during my stay in hospital. Was also sick but not surprised really. However the next day felt good/well so discharged home. Before leaving the consultant prescribed painkillers (codiene, diclofenac and paracetamol) but advised only to take if I was in severe pain. I think there was only 1 day last week where I didn't take paracetamol but at least once a day I was having to take it. Didn't have any at the weekend and this morning I am up early as the pain was pretty strong cry.

    I know not everyone is the same but I was just wondering if anyone out there who has had this done whose bladder feels differently? I feel there is a huge pressure in mine especially when wanting to have a pee. I can't really explain it except to say that feels like my bladder is going to fall out (a bit extreme I know but cannot find the words to describe the sensation).

    Other things that I want to know about are:

    Bleeding - at the moment I am passing a clear substance with only a slight tinge of red. So not worried about that. Just want to know how long after the op is a normal period meant to take place? From what I have read it seems that I should expect them to be VERY heavy initially. I have already been diagnosed as being mildly anaemic.

    Passing fibroid matter - not worried about that in general but the consultant advised me to be aware of passing fibroids which may have been on stalks as they can drop off as a whole fibroid. Has anyone had this happen to them? How do you know if this does happen/are there any signs/symptoms? I have been warned that something like this happening will require a hospital visit as it will need to be extracted.

    Bowels - I don't seem to be able to go as normally as I did before I had the op done. I didn't have my first bowel movement until last Friday (the one prior to that was Monday morning before the op). Even now it's still not great. Has anyone else had bowel trouble?

    Fatigue - I have read quite a few posts where people have said that after 2 weeks or so they started feeling very tired. I haven't done as yet but is this due to the fact that if you're bleeding heavily then you're going to feel drained anyway or should I expect to feel tired regardless?

    Physical activities - I normally go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Is it going to be ok to go next week providing I am cautious about what I do? I have been signed off work and am due to go back next week so thought I would try and get back to the gym as well.

    I realise how lucky I am as it seems some people who have posted on this forum have been through far worse problems than I am going through at the mo sad. I am just concerned about what still may be yet to come and would be grateful for any advice from those who have experienced any of the things above which I have mentioned idea.

    Thanks for reading.

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      but again, i thing resuming work after just a week or two is too early. even though its not an open surgery like myomectomy, truth is, you need at least 3 weeks to rest. becuase from experience you may still be feeling dizzy and faint. you need more time at home to conciously work on eating veg/ fruits with blood tablets as well as other healthy foods for energy
    • Posted

      Hi Ruth,

      Many thanks for your feedback. Generally I feel very well. I had a myomectomy in May 2012. An experience I wouldn't want to repeat ever again due to the terrible time I suffered/went through, hence opting for UFE. I can't complain because I know some people go through so much worse.

      Have always had a healthy diet i.e. plenty of fresh fruit, veg etc and I was on iron tabs before the op but did stop taking them due to not be able to go to the loo properly after the op (was advised iron has a habit of 'bunging you up'wink. Will no doubt start the iron again this week as I have started going to the loo again (even if not frequently). I don't feel tired and haven't felt dizzy/faint etc so I think I will be ok for work but if not I know I will make an appointment to see my GP. 

      Thanks again for your reply.

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    hi wendy,

    its different experience for different people. the pains and discomfort will be over. for the period, the bleeding may still be heavy for the first two months, but the 3rd may be lighter and shorter. in my own case the pain lasted for just a night, the night after the ops. it was terrible. it was like labour pain. again to avoid getting so badly anemic, i think you should go on good iron tabs and multivitamins for the next 3 months. i was very very anemic too, because before the ufe procedure, i used to bleed like my intestines would drop and for between 8 -10 days. my fibroids were many and very large. but thank God, its a past experience now. this is my 3rd month post op. my energy has returened. i go for my usual work and dont feel week and tired like before. my period is lighter and shorter. my blood level is back to full and normal count. i look healthier and am nolonger sick. am only dealling with some discharges presntly. am not worried about it because my doctor warned me about it. its part of the fibroids dying off. just eat healthy foods, avoid lots of suger and eat alot of fruits. it will help. also be patient with your healling process. things will get back to normal

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    Just had my UFE on 9 days ago. I had pain the day of, but after that period cramps. I stop bleeding on day 7. Only problem I have is I dont sleep at night. I had to have a laxtive. My doc is in Maryland. Went to see him today. He said I look great. My stomach has went down a lot. Im happy I had it done. I think its about how your doctor does your procedure.
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    I'm 3 weeks post UAE, and wanted to read what to expect in the weeks to come from you all, and to also share my experience. The tumors were so bad I could barely walk due to back pain. The uterus was so enlarged that it was compressing the vien in my back, stop proper blood flow to me legs. I was in really bad shape for the past 3 months. This procedure was absolutely neccassary. The procedure was absolutely awful but so worth it, kind of like child birth. It uncomfortable for months and painful for hours, then beautiful at the end. 

    Once they were done and cleaning me for recovery, I had not yet received the post procedure meds ( I don't think they intended for me to be awake before they had the chance to give me IV meds) and it went all down heal from there. The level of pain I was in was never less than a level 10 or above. With a combo of morphine, duladid, and tordal, I was still at a level 10 all night 

    I was sent home the follow morning with oxycotine and oxycodone plus ibuprofen, pain was still at a level 10. My gyno (not my radiologist) gave me a Rx of tordal (Rx level ibuprofen) after day 3, still at level 10.

    I ended up in the ER, due to excruciating isolated pain on the very lower right side and I had a fever. I thought it may have been an irritated adhesion from my c-section and because I started bleeding. I'm not sure if it was a cycle because I had my cycle the week previous to the op. But actually, it was sistemic pain from the massive size of the largest tumor, and I have 7 tumors. I was treated with 8cc's of morphrine IV, than an hour later diladid, and then sent home with a Rx of dilaudid. Needless to say, I was still at a level 10 pain. I'm now about about day 4.

    For the remaining of the time, I took what ever I had in my home plus what was prescribed by the doctors to try and get some relief. The pain was so servere, it would wake me serveral times during the night. The only good thing is that, even though the pain was not subsiding, the pain meds were making me sleep for about 85% fo the day. Only to wake for more meds. I did not have an appitie to eat, either I was in too much pain, just not hungry, or not awake to eat.

    I pretty much stayed this way for the entire 2 weeks I was off, and I took 2 additional days of the next week to rest. What I ended up finding out was 1), I had more fibriods than what we orginally knew I had, 2) I have a pain receptor issue. My body does not take to pain meds like the average person, so even though we all had an extemely high pain level, mine pain level was a bit unnormal.

    I'm in week 4, and all I can say is thank you so much to my wonderful team of nurses and doctors. I can wear shoes again, I'm walking without nerve pain in my back and spine. The tumor that would always poke my in my right bottom rib is not poking me anymore. I don't feel full like I've been eating all day when I haven't. I can drink whatever I want and I'm not running to the restroom every 30-45 mins. And I'm not fatigued. Yes it hurt like hell, but it was soooo worth it.

  • Posted

    23 November 2016

    I had abilateral Uterine Fibroid Embolisation on the 21st two days ago at 3.30pm. I was awake during the procedure and once I reeled my anxiety in and compared the procedure to the dentist mentally, it was fine and it was pain free. A tad schemish at the beginning when there is some pushing but I couldnt feel anything. I even watched some if the procedure on the screen. I only had some modeeate cramping as I was told I would towards the end of the procedure. I returned to the ward at 18.30 hours. My procedure was a little challenging as I have small veins.

    I had decided to try and manage without the PCA ( morphine pump) unless I absolutely needed it. I had cramping similar to early labour pains or strong menstrual cramps. It was manageable. I ate and drank and in the morning asked for my catheter to be removed so I could walk around and go home. I found it better to move about and rock as though in early labour. This alleviated any trapped air/wind which relieved the intensity of the cramps. It was really ok and by four pm I was home after an hours journey and I had even carried my over night bag out of the hospital as there was no available parking for my partner and he was by the front door of the hospital with the engine running (as it was visiting time.) I made good

    my escape as there is no quality rest in hospital I am drinking plenty and managing my cramps with Naproxen 500mg and Rabeprasole to protect my stomach from the Naproxen and I am absolutely fine and pain free? I have bruising and am slightly tender at the puncture sight as to be expected. I would do it again without hesitation. My only downfall was that I could of done with a stronger non opoid write up as I did not use the pump. The nurses can only give you what you are written up for and there was the presumption that I would use the pump. Consequently I got by on minimum pain relief the first night. I didn't get rid of the pain enough to sleep well. I could only have 100mg of diclofenic and paracetamol! I wish I had taken my prescription meds in. My advice is to see how you get on without the opoids and to arrange an adequate pain relief alternative. Morphine makes me sick and out of it. So not for me unless of course I cannot manage the pain. Reading the reviews on this feed made me very anxious and as we all have different experiences I therefore wanted to post my positive one. At the same time I understand that we all have different experiences. I will repost in a few days time with a further update. But so far - whoop all done and my five fibroids the largest being 7.5cm are shrivelling up as I write. I WAS the equivalent of 14.5 weeks gestation with my uterus being pushed to the left. So glad I pulled out of a hysterectomy and have had this alternative. PS I took senokot and a softener the day before and after my op. Glad I did.

  • Posted

    I had my embolization on Oct 28 2016 almost three periods ago and I highly recommend it.

    I am 47 years old. I had two fibroids 12* 11 cm and 8 * 7 . My uterus size was 24+ gestation weeks.

    Thankfully pain was managed with morphine for the first 24 hours, among a list of other medications. It was not nice but it was endurable. For the next week I was on Advil. I was given tramadol TPN but I didn't use it.

    I took 3 weeks of sick leave. I also had pneumonia and was tired all the time.


    The first period I immediately felt the difference. No more bleeding, no more watery discharge.

    By the next period my bowl movement had returned to normal and I was no longer feeling agitated, constipated and bloated all the time.

    I have lost 3 kg since the procedure. I am not on a diet. If anything I am back to eating wheat bread which was too much of a problem for me before the procedure.

    Today I had an ultra sound (three days before my third period) and the Doctor is very pleased. My larger fibroid had shrunk to 8 cm. I was told that it would take a year to completely disappear but so far I am so happy with the results.

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      Do you still have a cycle? I had a UFE in September and had my hormones checked and was told I can no longer have children. I'm now premenopause.

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      Sorry to hear that Pam. That is one of the consequences that could happen with the embolisation. Please don't think I am being patronising but try and focus on the positives. I know it's easy said than done. I am still having my periods

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      Yes I know that now and wasn't

      Told this prior to surgery. I think they thought with my age it wouldn't happen when I went back to my doc after the surgery (3 weeks) I had already had menopause systems (vaginal dryness) he told me I was just dehydrated 🙄. But a few weeks later I need have a cycle in October and nothing since then. Also my fibroids didn't even shrink at all😓

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