Post Infectious IBS, how does anyone live with this?

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26 y/o Male-

I think I got food poisoning in June, felt perfect until a little after lunch then had pain in upper middle abdomen, lower abdomen when i walked, couldn't even walk for a while, extreme nausea. I didn't start vomiting until 2 days later, then I vomited for weeks, tests never found an infection, but found raised C-Protein, had a slew of other tests, everything came back negative.

I have now had nausea, upper abdomen discomfort, and general feeling like s**t for 7 months, constantly, every day, rarely a fever, some phlem. Recently I took a SIBO test which also came back negative, leading to a diagnosis of post infectious IBS. I feel constipated almost all the time, I feel full immediately, vomited last night after a bit of dinner, and go from feeling full - to feeling like im so hungry I need to throw up.

How do people live with this? No medication works, luckily I have been able to work from home during this, but with no signs really of returning to work anytime soon, im sure i will get fired at some point, IBS is not something you can get disability for and I feel like s**t almost all day every day. I really don't get how/why people would want to live like this, constant agony, no end in sight, no treatment.

How long does this last? How do people work? I feel like im going crazy, I don't want to live like this anymore

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    hi, so sorry youre going through this. im going through a similar thing after taking some antibiotics about 1.5 years ago and i havent been the same since. ive learnt to just live with this "new normal" as it is all you really can do. try to still find enjoyment in the little things in life and make sure you build a strong support network around you. whilst you may not find something to help you right now, modern medicine is constantly evolving and improving, so its not a life sentence. there might be something that helps you soon. some things you might want to try that could help:

    • removing processed food from your diet or even following the low fodmap diet
    • try yoga (it has been clinically proven to gently massage your intestines)
    • try juicing 16 oz of fresh celery on an empty stomach (see medical medium on instagram)
    • eating and chewing your food slowly (this helps me)
    • seeing a psychologist to help with the emotional toll of a chronic illness
    • try iberogast

    and lastly dont give up. you may feel it but you certainly arent alone there are thousands of stories just like you.


    • Posted

      i have given the same advice several times and not one person has ever tried it. i had same thing but took the flora 50 billion critical care probiotic that you have to keep refrigerated at all times. mine was diarreha to he point that i finally got that i wouldnt go out in public. i was told it was IBS... took a box of cholestryamine and the probiotics and gone in two really should try this. cholestryamine, you need a perscription....had runny stools for over a year. i might add this started 2 years after my gallbladder was removed. my gastro couldnt believe it cleared up.

  • Posted

    IBS is lifelong and the best you can do is to manage the symptoms because there is no cure. Try a food diary or the Low Fodmap diet to see if you have any food triggers. Ask your doctor for a different antispasmodic; you may have to try several. Painkillers can also help. Try lots of fruit for constipation or a laxative and Imodium for diarrhoea.Try light exercise or a hobby to take your mind off your symptoms. I have stress related IBS but my symptoms are in remission.

  • Posted

    try a FLORA 50 billion critical care probiotic, that you keep in the fridge. i was told i had IBS but i had runs very time all time. took this and in 2 weeks gone still take it and it wont hurt you, if it doesnt work for you. good luck!

  • Posted

    A good food menu from a certified dietition or nutritionist will help. It's all in the food you eat.

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