Post meno

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Hello ladies, I feel like I'm just about over the worst now hooefully, two years post oophorectomy / hysterectomy. The first eighteen months were horrendous and I truly mean that, but the last few months things have settled down a bit, still have symptoms but not as vicious - my question is to anyone in a similar situation is have you / anyone noticed changes in digesting food, kind of hard to explain but the best way is that after eating food seems to stay around high up in stomach for a lot longer than it used to prior to menopause, I feel bloated for a while then it slowly goes down and I feel ' normal ' again. In the mornings when I get up tummy fine and flatish, by the end of the day feels huge. Feels like it's all slowed down and everything's working harder than it used to. Hope you can see where I'm coming from ! No HRT and no bowel changes. Thanks everyone.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi my mum had a hysterectomy and had stomach problems still apparently it alters how the digestive system and bowel acts slows it down . If that's any help
    • Posted

      Thanks - I guessed I wasn't the only one, I sympathise with your mum.
  • Posted

    was just talking about how it feels like my food sits on the top of my bellie i woke up feeling like i had heartburn or something but i did not eat anything except nuts before bed then wierd feeling of fluttering like it was a baby kicking NOT lol but yes since menopause bellie problems yes indeed 
    • Posted

      Yes it's a horrible feeling - feels like stomach is ' packed ' for ages with whatever I eat, then slowly over hours and hours it goes down - almost too worried to eat as you know what's going to happen . How I wish I was young and carefree again and could eat what I like and think nothing of it ! Everything has to be thought through these days.

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